英语:Module 2 Unit 2教学设计(外研版七年级上)

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1、 第 - 1 - 页 共 5 页 G7 Module 2 Me ,my parents and my friendsUnit 2 These are my parents内容简析: 本模块以朋友和父母为中心,以他们擅长的体育运动和从事的职业为话题,有助于激发学生的学习动机和参与热情。本课是 Module 2 的 Unit2,属于读写部分围绕“我的父母”展开,主要目标是让学生进行一系列的读写活动,掌握目标语言。重难点:本单元的重难点是学生能在读写活动中学会用 this is 和 these are 以及 My mother is a(n) 和My father is a(n)介绍人物及职业。一、

2、语言知识目标1、学习 hotel , university , hospital , office , manager ,secretary ,等与工作有关的单词及其它与工作有关的地点词汇。2、句型: This is. These are.This is my father .These are my parents .My father is a teacher at Beijing International School .二、语言技能目标通过丰富的课堂活动和调查任务,把所学的语言与学生的实际生活结合起来,围绕本课主题“My mother is a(n)”进行英语口语的综合训练,培养学生

3、自主学习英语的能力和运用英语分析解决问题的能力以及交流合作的能力。三、情感态度通过设计有意义的教学活动,激发学生的学习兴趣,使他们学会问答他人的工作、向别人介绍自己的朋友和家人,并培养学生对父母的尊敬和爱戴之情。Teaching stepsI.Warming-up播放吉祥三宝引入学习主题“我的父母”,设计意图:用学生熟悉的歌曲引出学习的主题,一方面营造轻松的环境,另一方面也培养学生热爱父母、体贴父母的情感。II.In put:第 - 2 - 页 共 5 页 Teachers Activity:1.show some pictures to teach these words factoty ,

4、 hospital hotel ,office ,university ,doctor ,worker ,manager ,secretary ,at ,photo .2.Ask students to read through activity 1and match the words and the pictures individually, then check with a partner .Make sure they understand the words mean .3.Ask students to read through activity2 and label the

5、people in the picture .Then check in class. Make sure they understand the words mean .Students Activity:1 students look at the pictures and learn the new words .They can say like this :This is a hospital .He is a doctor at a hospital .2. Students read through activity 1and match the words and the pi

6、ctures individually, then check with a partner.3. Students read through activity2 and label the people in the pictures.Then check in class.设计意图:用图片学习新单词容易引起学生学习的兴趣,通过单词与图的匹配使学生在头脑中建立两者的联系,减少汉语的干扰。本活动为下面的练习从语言上和话题上做准备。III.Practice 展示我的全家福Teachers Activity:让学生拿出自己的全家福照片,点名学生到讲台上依次向同学们介绍自己的家人,包括家人的工作、年

7、龄、爱好等。教师对学生的练习情况进行讲评。Students Activity:拿出全家福照片,到讲台上向同学们介绍自己的家人。设计意图:用介绍家人的形式展开本课的学习,强调了介绍家人包含的信息,考察了学生对已学知识的掌握和应用。IV.Out putTeachers Activity:1.Ask students to read through activity4 and do it.2.Play the tape,ask Ss to listen to carefully. Do Activity5.3.Ask students to read the test by themselves a

8、loud.4.Ask students to write a composition according to Activity5.Pay attention to full stops and capital letters. 第 - 3 - 页 共 5 页 Students Activity:1.Read through activity4 and do it. 2.listen to carefully. Do Activity5.3.Read the test by themselves aloud4.Write a composition according to Activity5

9、.Pay attention to full stops and capital letters. 设计意图:训练学生获取细节信息的能力。然后通过写作训练学生正确运用本课所学句子并学会正确使用句号和大小写。V.FeedbackThis unit is mainly about work place,job,and sentences such as This is,These are ,My mother/father is.Ss should try to use them.达标题见后VI.Summing upSlove their questions that they maybe mee

10、t.Ss say what they learn with the help of their teacher.VII.EvaluationHave you finished each of the parts in the class? How about it ?A.very good B.Good C.Just so so D.BadUsing new wordsABCDPractising dialougeReadingTotalVIII.Homework1.Do Activity 7 in Unit22.Do Exercises 5 and 83.Write a compositio

11、n about your family using the sentences in Unit1 ang Unit2.For example:My name is/I am form/I am a student./I can/I cant/My mother is.Teaching Reflection本节课是一节读写课,我采用让学生体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式,使学生形成积极的情感态度,自主学习的能力,让自主学习和交流成为这节课的灵魂。第 - 4 - 页 共 5 页 附:达标题I.根据句意和首字母提示完成句中的单词1.These are my P ,Im their daught

12、er.2.Wang Linglings mother is a worker .She is in a f .3.Li Damings father is a doctor at the h .4.Tonys mother is an English teacher in a u .5. Tonys father is a hotel m .6.Bettys aunt is in an office ,she is a s .7.Welcome to Changle H .8.Our teachers are all in the o .9.On Sundays,the w are in th

13、e factory,too.10.They are good d in SARSII.单项选择1.My father is_ engineer .He works very hard.A. a B.anC.the D.不填2._ my patents.A.This is B.That isC.These are D.Those is3.My mother is a_ .She teaches in a school.A.doctor B.teacherC.manager D.worker4.-_does your father work?-He works in a factory.A.How

14、 B.WhatC.Where D.Who5.This book is_.A.Mary brother Jacks B.Marys brother JackssC.Mary brothersJack D.Mary brother JackIII.连词组句第 - 5 - 页 共 5 页 1.my,is ,a manager,factory,father.2.an,my,in mother,is,teacher,English,a,Beijing,university,in.3.my these are parents.4.my name and is Tony Smith I English am. 另附答案I.parents /factory /hospital /university /manager /secretary /Hotel /office /workers /dovtorsII.BCBCBIII.1.My father is a factory manager. 2.My mother is an English teacher in a university in Beijing.3.These are my parents.4.My name is Tony Smith and I am English.


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