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1、Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball ?一、一般现在时态一、一般现在时态 1、肯定句的结构主语+谓语动词(be/实义动词)+宾语 I am thirteen/ I like bananas. 2、be (am is are) “是” ,又叫系动词。do 类动词,又叫实义动词,如:have (有) 3、当主语是第三人称单数形式时,do 类动词用三单形式。“原形动词 + s / es”构成“第三人称单数形式”,与单数名词变复数名词方法一样。 (1) 、一般情况,动词后直接加 s;例如:calls 打电话 needs 需要 (2) 、以字母 s x ch sh o 结尾的

2、动词,加 es;例如: does 做 watches 观看 (3) 、以“辅音字母 + y”结尾的名词,变 y 为 i,加 es;例如:study studies ( 思考:play have 的第三人称单数形式是 ) 4 、一般现在时态的肯定句中主语与谓语动词的搭配 第一人称单数主语:I + am 或 V 原形he she itthis that 第三人称单数主语 单数名词:Linda/my friend + is 或 V 单三形式不可数名词We you they 复数主语 these those + are 或 V 原形复数名词用所给词的正确形式填空用所给词的正确形式填空 1、I _ (

3、have ) a soccer ball . 2、She _ ( have ) two _ ( ping pongball ) . 3、He _ ( not have ) a basketball . 4、Tom _ ( eat ) bread every day . 5、My daughter _ (not like ) apples . 6、Mary and Kate _ (have) many books. 7、The _ ( boy ) often watch TV after school. 8、We_ (have) a good time. 一般现在时态肯定句变否定句和一般疑问句的

4、方法肯定句动词类型 变否定句(助缩动原) 变一般疑问句(助主动原)bebe+ not :is not isntare not arentbe 提到主语前V原dont+ V 原Do 加在主语前V单三doesnt + V原Does加在主语前,且V单三 V原Iyou myyour amaresomeany andor1、肯定句: I have a volleyball 我有个排球。 否定句: I dont have a volleyball 我没有个排球 。一般疑问句: Do you have a volleyball? 你有个排球吗? 简略回答: Yes , I do . 是的,我有。 No ,

5、I dont .不,我没有。 2、肯定句:Han Mei likes English . 韩梅喜欢英语。 否定句:Han Mei doesnt like English .韩美不喜欢英语。 一般疑问句:Does Han Mei like English? 韩梅喜欢英语嘛? 简略回答: Yes , she does .是的,她喜欢。 No , she doesnt . 不,她不喜欢。本块练习题:本块练习题:把下列肯定句变成否定句、一般疑问句,并作简略回答。1、They like computers. 否否:They _ _ computers . 疑:_they_ computers ? 肯定回

6、答:_,_ _. 否定回答:_,_ _. 2、He has a sports club . 否否:He _ _ a sports club . 疑:_he_ a sports club ? 肯定回答:_,_ _. 否定回答:_,_ _. 3、We watch TV . 否否:We _ _ TV. 疑:_ _ _ TV? 肯定回答:_,_ _. 否定回答:_,_ _. 4、Tom plays computers . 否否:Tom _ _computer games . 疑:_ Tom _ computer games ? 肯定回答:_,_ _. 否定回答:_,_ _.单词、词组单词、词组1、 p

7、lay “玩,耍” ,在句中要灵活翻译。pingpong 打乒乓球tennis 打网球soccor 踢英式足球 球类名词前面不用play volleyball 打排球 冠词 the a an basketball 打篮球sports 参加体育运动 2、Lets = Let us . “让我们” 。 Lets play tennis .让我们打网球吧。 Let+宾语(us/me/him/her/them)+ V原 。用于提出一个建议, “让做吧” 。Let Linda _(help) you. Let _(they) play games. 3、That sounds good .“这个听起来好

8、。 ” 该句型常用来肯定对方提出的建议。Good 可以用 great、interesting、fun 等形容词替代。 4、Its boring / relaxing . 它是无聊的 / 轻松的。 5、sports “ 运动” ,它常用复数形式。sports star 运动明星 play sports 参加体育运动 6、太棒了!(Thats)great. 7、看电视 watch TV 在电视上 on TV 8、介词及词组总结:在学校 at school;和谁一起 with our classmates;在 什么之后 after school;去相同的学校 go to the same schoo

9、l;对于来说 Its easy for me.我们迟到了 We are late.电脑游戏 computer games9、写作提示当说我有几个 X 球时必须是复数。I have three _ (volleyball)随堂练习随堂练习一.用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.She _ (have) a soccer ball,but she _ (not have) a basketball. 2.Lets _ (have) lunch. 3.That _(sound) boring. 4.We are classmates.Let _(we) be good friends. 5. Lets w

10、atch _(they) on TV. 6.I have three _ (basketball) 7.Let him _(get) the jacket for you. 8.They _(not) have a volleyball. 2、句型转换 1.I have an orange.(改为一般疑问句) _ 2.He has a sister.(改为一般疑问句以及改为否定句) 疑:_ 否: _ 3.Does he have a tennis racket?(分别作出肯定及否定回答) 肯定:_,_ _ 否定:_,_ _ 4.He has a basketball.(改为一般疑问句) _ _

11、 _ a basketball? 3、单项选择 1.After class,I play ping-pong _ my classmates. A.to B.for C.in D.with 2.I like soccer.It is easy _ me. A.at B.of C.with D.for 3._ your brother _ a bat? A.Do;have B.Does;have C.Does;has 4.A:Lets play baseball! B:That _ great ! A.sound B.look C.are D.sounds 5.A:_. B:That sound

12、s good. A.Have a good day B.Come on,we are late C.Lets play basketball D.Thank you for your help. 6.Jim _ a friend here.A.doesnt has B.doesnt have C.isnt have D.dont have 7.I _ two baseballs and my friend _ five baseballs. A.have;have B.has;has C.has;have D.have;has 8.I like playing _ ping-pong. A./

13、 B.the C.a D.an 9.Does she have _ TV? Yes,she ofen watches _TV A.a;a B.the;the C./;the D.a;/ 10.I only watch TFBOYS _ TV? A.on B.in C.under D.atUnit 6 Do you like bananas ?一、常考不可数口诀:面包牛奶加米饭、鸡肉沙拉冰淇淋、还有水果和食物。一、常考不可数口诀:面包牛奶加米饭、鸡肉沙拉冰淇淋、还有水果和食物。 二、二、like 喜欢喜欢 (1) 、like 后接可数名词,所接的可数名词一定要变成复数形式。 注意!Like tomatoes 喜欢西红柿 like strawberries 喜欢草莓 (2) 、like 后接动词时,所接的动词后面要加 ing。喜欢吃蔬菜like eating vegetables 三、三、eat 与与 have 都有都有 “ 吃吃” 的意思。的意思。breakfast 吃早饭 have lunch 吃午饭 一日三餐名词前不用冠词 the a an dinner 吃晚饭 4、重点词组重点词组1.考虑 think about 2.怎么样 how about =what about 3.你是


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