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1、1.Id like to place an order for some tea with you.我想从贵公司订购一些茶叶2. Im very much interested in this new product。我对这一新产品很感兴趣。3. Id like to order ten sets of machine tools。我打算订购十台机床。4.I wonder if you supply toys.不知贵公司是否供应玩具。 5. Can I have a list of your products? 能否给我一份贵公司的产品目录。6.We are ready to supply g

2、reen tea and black tea。我们即将供应绿茶和红茶。7.I think you may be interested in our new product。我想贵公司可能会对我们的新产品感兴趣。8.We manufacture various types of machine tools。我们生产各种型号的机床。9.I dont know which toy youd like to order。不知贵公司想订哪种玩具。10.This is our latest catalogue。这是我们的最新商品目录。11.Please quote 40 tons of steels FO

3、B Shanghai。请报四十吨钢材到上海(离岸价)12.Please quote ten cases of green tea CIF New York,including 5% commission。请报十箱绿茶到纽约(到岸价) ,包括 5%的佣金。13.The market for this commodity is on a rising trend。该商品行情看涨。14.Please place your order as soon as possible。请尽快订购。15.We can supply 10 tons of steel。Please order immediately

4、。我们可供一百吨钢材。请速来订购。16. Well effect delivery within two weeks after receipt of your order。收到贵公司的订单后,我们将在两周内交货。17.This is a list of our products。 If interested,please fax。这是我们的商品目录,有意请传真。 18.This commodity has a ready market。We expect an order from you。该商品好销。我们期望贵公司来订购。19.Dialogue1:A:I have an inquiry f

5、or steel tubes.我想问一下钢管的情况。B: Steel tubes are no longer available for this year。But if your order place now。We can deliver the tubes in the first quarter of next year。今年钢管已无货可供,但是如果贵公司现在下订单,我们可以在明年第一季度交付钢管。A:I see。Ill pass this information on to my manager and let you know the results next year。 我知道了

6、,我会把这一情况告诉我的经理,下周告诉你结果。B: Thank you ,Mr. Smith。谢谢你,史密斯先生。20.Dialogue2:A: Here is our latest catalogue。The catalogue lists all the commodities we export。 这是我们公司的商品目录。目录上列出了我们所有的出口商品。B: Thank you ,Mr. Chen. Please offer your lowest prices for these commodities。谢谢你,陈先生。请报一下这些商品的最低报价。A: All right. Here is our price list.行,这是我们的价格表。B:How soon can you deliver?贵公司多久交货?A: We usually effect delivery within two weeks after receipt of your order.我们通常在收到贵公司订单后两周内交货。B: Very good. Ill consider it.太好了,我会考虑的。2.3.


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