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1、语法填空1 语法填空之分项训练语法填空之分项训练 一、动词及其时态和语态 A. In 1989 there 1_ an earthquake in San Francisco. Many hundreds of people 2_ (die) in the disaster. People 3_ (search) the city for missing relatives and friends. Rescuers 4_(work) without rest for many days. There 5_a great deal of suffering and enormous destr

2、uction.B.Next summer I 1_(have) a really good holiday. Of course, I 2_ (have to) save up for it and do without some luxuries because otherwise I wont be able to afford it. I havent decided where I 3_ (go) yet. On the one hand, it 4_ nice to go somewhere warm and sunny where I could lie on the beach

3、all day, but on the other hand, I might get bored with that and it may be better to choose a more active holiday. The important thing is to have a real change form my normal routine. While Im away, I 5_ (send) you a postcard!C. It was a beautiful morning. The sun was shining and birds 1_ (sing). Abo

4、ut five thousand people 2_ (stand) in front of the Palace. At 10:00, the guards 3_ (open) the Palace gates, the Presidents car 4_ (drive) out and 5 _ (turn) left into Democracy Street. The crowds 6_ (start) to sing the national anthem. Then suddenly, just as the Presidents car 7_ (pass) the Ritz Hot

5、el, a man 8_ (run) out in front of it and 9_ (pull) a gun out.D.I 1_ (know) Adrian for a very long timewe 2_ (be) friends since our first day at school, thirty years ago. He 3_ (come) round to see me last night to ask for my advice. His company 4_ (do) very well for the last few years, and they 5_ (

6、open) several new offices. They 6_ (just ask) Adrian to move to Scotland, to run an office there. He 7_ (not decide) what to do yet. He doesnt really want to move as he 8_ (never live) outside Manchester, and he 9_ (buy) a new house there last year. But the new job would be interesting, and very wel

7、l paid. We 10 _ (talk) about it for a long time last night, but of course I couldnt tell him what to do.二、情态动词 A. My brothers baby was unusual. When she was three months old, she could say 15 words. When she was a year old, she 1_ (name) all the colors, and she 2_ (count) to 100. When she was three,

8、 she 3_ (read) simple books. She 4_ (not write), but she 5_ (tell) wonderful stories, and she 6_ (remember) every story that she heard. She 7_ (not walk) until she was nearly two, though.B.Please work in groups. You may talk in your group, but please talk quietly. You 1_ (not talk) to another group,

9、 and you 2 _ (not leave) the room. You 3 _ (use) your dictionaries. If you want to use other books, you 4 _ (take) them from the shelf; but only one person 5_ (leave) the group at a time. Each group 6_ (use) the computer for twenty minutes; I will tell you when it is your turn. If you finish before

10、the time is up, you 7_ (do) other work, but please work quickly.三、动词的非谓语形式语法填空2 A. Maria is learning English and working as an au pair in England. This is part of her letter to here elder sister Anna, who teaches English in Italy. I want 1_(write) to you in English 2_(see) if I can do it. Also, my t

11、eacher suggested that I try 3_ (speak) and 4_ (write) as much English as possible. Well, do you remember all the problems I had at the beginning? My landlady gave me so much work 5_ (do) that I seemed 6_busy all day. As soon as I had finished 7_ (change) the babys nappy I had to take the children to

12、 school then come home and start 8 _ (make) the beds, 9_ (do) the washing up and 10_ (clean) the house. Well, Anna, all that is finished now. Last week the au pair agency offered 11 _ (find) me a new family. And guess whatB. Mr. and Mrs. Grant, had a party last week. The neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Adam

13、s, complained. Here is part of a letter from a solicitor (a lawyer) and it seems that Mr. and Mrs. Grant admitted 1_ (make) a lot of noise but still refused 2 _ (turn down) the CD player. Mr. Adams said that he was prepared 3 _ (accept) the high level of noise until midnight but that he would not he

14、sitate 4 _( call) the police after that time if party continued 5_ (disturb) the entire street. Mrs. Grant laughed and promised 6_(invite) Mr. Adams to the next party if he would like 7_(come). Mr. Adams considered 8 _(say) something rude in reply but decided not to.C. I am pleased 1_ (confirm) the offer of a place on the “Management for the Future” course from April 1014. Mr. Cowans has explained the cours


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