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1、河北科技师范学院欧美学院河北科技师范学院欧美学院 2013201320142014 学年第学年第 2 2 学期授课计划学期授课计划课课 程程 名名 称称 英国文学史英国文学史 授课专业班级授课专业班级 11 级英专级英专 1101,1102 计划时数计划时数 30 其中:课堂授课其中:课堂授课 实验(上机)实验(上机) 教材名称教材名称 英国文学史英国文学史及选读及选读 作者作者 吴伟仁吴伟仁 版本版本 重排版重排版 任课教师任课教师 吕淑巧 填写时间填写时间 2014 年年 年年 3 月月 12 日日教研室主任教研室主任(签字签字):年年 月月 日日英国文学史英国文学史授课计划表授课计划表需

2、用时间周 次顺序内 容 摘 要理论教学实验 上机留批作业安排/ 阅读文献11-2Part one The Middle Ages Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 2Selected readings (excerpt)13-4Part one The Middle Ages Chaucer and the English Ballads 2Selected readings (excerpt)15-6Part two The Renaissance 2Selected readings (excerpt)17-8Shakespeare a

3、nd his works 2Selected readings (excerpt)29-10Francis Bacon and his works 2Selected readings (excerpt)211-12Part three The period of Revolution and Restoration John Donne and his poems 2Selected readings (excerpt)213-14John Milton and Paradise Lost 2Selected readings (excerpt)215-16Part four The Age

4、 of Enlightenment Defoe and Swift 2Selected readings (excerpt)317-18William Blake and Robert Burns2Selected readings (excerpt)319-20Part five The Romantic Period Wordsworth and Byron2Selected readings (excerpt)321-22Shelly and Keats2Selected readings (excerpt)323-24Part six The women writers in 18th

5、 cJane Austin, Charlotte Bronte and Emily Bronte 2Selected readings (excerpt)425-26Part Seven critical Realism Charles Dickens, Thackery and Thomas Hardy 2Selected readings (excerpt)427-28Part eight Novelists in 20thc Lawrence, Woolf and James Joyce 2Selected readings (excerpt)429-30结课考试2说明:1.除留批作业安

6、排栏可选择填写外,其他各栏必须填写;如表格行数不够可自行添 加。2.“周次”栏为欧美学院教学周次, “顺序”为上课次数的顺序。 3.“需用时间”栏按一次课计(一般一次课为 2 学时,公选课一次课为 3 学时) 。 4.“留批作业安排”栏:在计划留批作业的周次或顺序栏内填写“作业” ,留批作业 一般课程不少于 4 次;C 类课程不少于 8 次。(注:授课计划须在开课前报纸质版、电子版各一份。(注:授课计划须在开课前报纸质版、电子版各一份。 )教案编号: 1章节名称Part 1 The Middle Ages 本次课授课时数2教学目的及要求1. Make students know the ori

7、gin of English literature ; 2. Enable students to know some literary genre such as epic and romance ; 教学重点与难点重点:Chaucer 难点:The understanding of The Canterbury Tales 教学内容课堂设计1. The Background and characteristics of Anglo-Saxon period 2. Epic and Beowulf 3. The Background and characteristics of Anglo-

8、Norman period 4.Romance and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 5.Introduction to King Arthur and the round table knights Group workMultimedia教学内容课堂设计作 业 及 参考文献Excerpt of The Canterbury Tales Ask students to see the movies as Beowulf , The Sword in the Stone and Robin Hood教案编号: 2章节名称Part 1 The Middle Ag

9、es本次课授课时数2教学目的及要求1. Make students know the origin of English literature ; 2. Enable students to know some literary genre such as epic and romance ; 教学重点与难点重点:Chaucer 难点:The understanding of The Canterbury Tales 教学内容课堂设计1.Brief introduction to Chaucer2.Close reading and detailed analysis of The excer

10、pt of The Canterbury Tales 3. English Ballad and Robin HoodGroup workOral presentation Multimedia 教学内容课堂设计作 业 及 参考文献Preview part two The Renaissance教案编号: 3章节名称Part 2 The Renaissance 本次课授课时数2教学目的及要求Enable students to appreciate the charm of Shakespeares tragedy, sonnet and his other works 教学重点与难点重点:s

11、onnets and tragedies 难点:understanding of sonnets and tragedies .教学内容课堂设计1.Introduction to Shakespeare and his works 2.Tragedies 3.Close reading and detailed analysis of Hamlets soliloquy “To Be or Not to Be”Group workMultimedia Close reading 教学内容课堂设计作 业 及 参考文献Preview sonnets of Shakespeare 教案编号 4课 题

12、Part 2 The Renaissance 本次课授课时数2教学目的 及 要 求Enable students to appreciate the charm of Shakespeares tragedy, sonnet and his other works 教学重点 与难点重点:sonnets and tragedies 难点:understanding of sonnets and tragedies .教学内容课堂设计1.The genre sonnet and the characteristics of it 2.Detailed analysis of Sonnet 18,

13、29 and 108Group workMultimedia教学内容课堂设计作 业 及 参考文 献Preview Bacons essays 教案编号: 5章节名称Part 2 The Renaissance 本次课授课时数2教学目的及要求Enable students to appreciate the philosophical ideas of Bacons essays 教学重点与难点重点:essays难点:understanding of essays .教学内容课堂设计1.Francis Bacon 2.The genre Essay 3.Close reading of the

14、essay Of Studies Group workMultimediaClose reading 教学内容课堂设计作 业 及 参考文献See the movies as Hamlet and other works of Shakespeare 教案编号: 6章节名称Part 3 The period of Revolution and Restoration 本次课授课时数2教学目的及要求Enable students to understand the features of metaphysical school poems and appreciate the exquisite

15、comparison in John Donnes poems 教学重点与难点重点:John Donne and his poems难点:literary device “conceit” in Donnes poems 教学内容课堂设计1.Introduction to metaphysical school poems and John Donne 2.Detailed analysis of Donnes poems A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning On the Flea Sonnet: Death Be Not Proud Group workOral presentationMultimedia Close reading 教学内容课堂设计作 业 及 参考文献Preview John Milton and Paradise Lost 教案编号: 7章节名称Part 3 The period of Revolution and Restoration 本次课授课时数2教学目的及要求Enable students to understand the features of The period of Revolution and Restoration and the themes of Paradise Lost教


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