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1、英国英国British history of invasions:43AD Roman Empire;Anglo-Saxons;late 8th century Vikings;11th century NormansScotland: not conquered by the Romans; invaded by Anglo-Saxons, Vikings. language:Gaelic(old Celtic language)1/3 Scottish live in lowland zone between two highland areas.Wales: conquered by t

2、he Romans,Normans;language,Welsh.The Norman conquest of England was the invasion and subsequent occupation of England by an army ofNormans and French led by Duke William II of Normandy. William, who defeated King Harold II of England on 14 October 1066, at the Battle of Hastings, was crowned king at

3、 London on Christmas Day, 1066. The consequences of the Norman Conquest1) the beginning of the centurieslong struggle between the English king and the pope. 2) a strong central government which brought a new unified discipline and control of England 3) the conquerors intermarried with the ruling Sax

4、on families 4) They made French the official language 5) They firmly established the feudal system 6) Contacts between England and France were greatly increased The industrial Revolution refers to the mechanisation of industry and the consequent changes in social and economic organization in Britain

5、 in the late 18th and early 19th centuries Britain was the first country to industrialize: (1) Favorable geographical location. (2) Political stability. (3) Good foundation in economy. (4) It was a country in which the main towns were never too far from seaports, or from rivers, which could distribu

6、te their products.(5) Britain had many rivers, useful for transport but also for water and steam power. Britain also had useful mineral resources.(6) British engineers had sound training as craftsmen.(7) The inventors were respected. They solved practical problems.(8) “Protestant work ethic” helped.

7、 (9) England, Scotland, and Wales formed a customs union after 1707 and this included Ireland after 1807.(10) The enclosures and other improvements in agriculture made contributions. British weather: marine climate Primary industries:agriculture,fishing,mining.Secondary industries:manufacture indust

8、ry.Tertiary:banking,insurance,tourism,etc. Agriculture:wheat,barley,cattle,sheep(the most numerous livestock) The best agriculture land is in the southeast of England Thatcherism referred to the policies put forward by Margaret Thatcher, the first woman prime minister in England in 1979. The main co

9、ntents of her policies: the return to private ownership of state-owned industries, the use of monetarist policies to control inflation, the weakening of trade unions, the strengthening of the role of market forces in the economy, and an emphasis on law and order. To some extent her program was succe

10、ssful and she led to one of the most remarkable periods in the British economy. Red Brick Universities: new universities constructed out of the everyday cheap material used throughout England: red brick. Since Oxford and Cambridge had elegant stone buildings, the differences between the old and new

11、were obvious. They have no religious affiliations and often have professional specializations, such as in law, architecture, and civil engineering. They are the true heirs of the Dissenting Academies.The 11+ examination: At the end of WWII, all eleven-year-old school children were required to take a

12、n intensive nation-wide examination to determine which children would be prepared for university entrance. Children achieving high scores were sent to Grammar Schools, which prepared them for higher education. Low-scoring children were sent to “Secondary Modern” schools, which prepared them for work

13、ing-class careers. Most British parent send their children to state schools(funded by local and central government) Private schools,independent schools,public schools 均为私立学校 funded by private sector,tuition rates Class inequality can be erased or continued according to educational policy Schools one

14、 attends identify his social class Education policy: 1870, passed a law,called for government-funded education;by 1880,attendance at school for children between 5 and 10 was compulsory;by the end of WWI, school leaving age raised to 14;the 1944 Education Act made entry to secondary schools and unive

15、rsities according to studentsabilities;in the 1960s,comprehensive schools were introduced all over the country;in 1989,government introduced a National Curriculum After 5 years of secondary education,students take GCSE exams(General Certificate of Secondary);students attend universities take A-level

16、 exams(General Certificate of Education- Advanced);students have vocational training take GNVQs(General National Vocational Qualifications) British universities are public bodies funded by central government Privately funded university,the University of Buckingham The UK has one of the worlds oldest established newspaper industies. The worlds oldest national newspaper:The Observer first appeared in 1791 The British oldest daily newspaper:The Times



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