高中英语难点讲解 特殊反意疑问句之特殊解法【强烈推荐】

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高中英语难点讲解 特殊反意疑问句之特殊解法【强烈推荐】_第1页
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高中英语难点讲解 特殊反意疑问句之特殊解法【强烈推荐】_第2页
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《高中英语难点讲解 特殊反意疑问句之特殊解法【强烈推荐】》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语难点讲解 特殊反意疑问句之特殊解法【强烈推荐】(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 本资料由阳光家教网整理本资料由阳光家教网整理 难点难点 7 特殊反意疑问句之特殊解法特殊反意疑问句之特殊解法反意疑问句分以下两种情况:前部分陈述如果用肯定形式,后部分则用否定形式;如 果前部分用否定形式,后部分则用肯定形式。难点磁场1.()He had little idea that it was getting so late,_?A.didnt he B.wasnt it C.did he D.was it2.()Mrs.Black doesnt believe her son is able to design a digital camera, ?A.is he B.isnt he

2、 C.doesnt she D.does she3.()You mustnt speak to your mother like that,_you?A.should B.may C.must D.dare案例探究1.M:_you got in touch with Mr.Smith?W:Through a friend of mine.A:It was how that B:How was itC:How was it that D:Was it how that命题意图:考查强调句型转换为特殊疑问句,属于四星级题目。知识依托:“It is/was +强调部分+that+其余部分”强调句型结

3、构。错解分析:很多同学没有搞清楚题意,看不懂。其实首先句子应是一个强调句,然后 对句子进行提问。解题方法与技巧:先把句子还原为肯定句:It was t hrough a friend of mine that I got in touch with Mr Smith。然后对划线部分提问,即是:How was it that you got in touch with Mr Smith?答案:C2.I dont think Mary and Sue_before,_?A.have met;havent they B.have seen;have IC.have met;have they D.h

4、ave seen;dont they命题意图:本题主要考查学生对反意疑问句的掌握,属于五星级题目。知识依托:否定转移的句子对从句进行反问。错解分析:A 项迷惑性较大,因为不能明确从句其实为否定句。解题方法与技巧:这是一个否定转移的句子,从句是否定句,故根据第二空,即可选 出 C。答案:C锦囊妙计历年高考题中,这一题型对反意疑问句考查较多,在此再论述做反意疑问句的方法策 略。如果前一部分为肯定形式,后一部分 通常用否定形式;特别要注意,这时英语回答和 汉语回答是不一致的。如果陈述部分包含有“no, never, hardly, little, few, scarcely,seldom” 等词,这

5、部分就算否定。如果陈述部分的否定词仅带有否定前缀,那么,该陈述部分作肯 定句处理,反意疑问部分用否定形式。歼灭难点训练1.()Parl isn t a very good student. It s the third time he s been late,_?A.is it B.hasn t he本资料由阳光家教网整理本资料由阳光家教网整理 C.has he D.isn t it2.()Susan s found her pass,_?A.isn t she B.hasn t sheC.is she D.has she 3.() The news that they failed thei

6、r driving test discouraged him_?A.did they B.didn t theyC.did it D.didn t it4.()You had one of your teeth pulled out yesterday,_?A.had you B.hadn t youC.did you D.didn t you5.()Alice, you feed the bird today,_?But l fed it yesterday.A.do you B.will youC.didnt you D.don t you6.()Dont smoke in the meeting room,_?A.do you B.will youC.can you D.could you (NMET1991) 7.()She hardly ever speaks to you in English, _?A.does she B.doesnt sheC.can she D.cant she 8.()Its a fine day. Lets go fishing,_?A.wont we B.will weC.dont we D.shall we (NMET1990)



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