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1、1 Unit 1 Dream homes Study skills I. Teaching aims and learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. understand the stress in a word; 2. pronounce words with more than one syllable correctly. II. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty To pronounce words wi

2、th more than one syllable correctly. III. Teaching procedures Step 1 Lead-in 1. Fill in the blanks. T: Please look at this picture. What can you see in it? Fill in the blanks with correct words. T: Here is another one for you. Choose the right words and complete the passage. T: I d like to invite tw

3、o students to read the passage. Whose pronunciation is better? Why? T: Their different pronunciations come from different word stress. This is what we are going to talk about today. 【设计意图:在语境中呈现单词,通过让不同的学生朗读来体现重音差异带来的语音差异,导入本课话题。 】2. Review syllable. T: We learned syllables last term and we know eac

4、h word has one, two, three or more syllables. T: How many syllables are there in each word? 【设计意图:帮助学生回忆音节的知识,为之后重音的学习做好铺垫。】Step 2 PresentationT: We can see all these words have more than one syllable. When we pronounce words with more than one syllable, we stress one of the syllables. The stressed

5、syllable sounds stronger. The stress can be on the first, middle or last syllable of a word. T: The stressed syllable has some features. It is longer. For example, com p-u-ter. And it is also louder. It has a change in pitch from the syllables coming before and afterwards. It is said more clearly. I

6、t uses larger facial movements. Look in the mirror when you say the word. Look at your jaw and lips in particular. 【设计意图: 呈现新知识, 告知学生什么是单词的重音,并举例说明重读音节的一些特点。】Step 3 Practice1. Complete Part A. T: Here are three groups of words for you. Listen and tell which syllable the stress falls on. T: Group one

7、, the stressed syllable falls on the first one. Group two, the stressed syllable falls on the second. 2 Group three, the stressed syllable falls on the last syllable. T: Now let s listen and practise saying these words. 【设计意图:播放录音,让学生判断这些单词的重读落在第几个音节上。】2. Complete Part B. T: Read the words and try t

8、o find out the right stress of each word. T: Listen and underline the stressed syllable of each word. 【设计意图: 再次利用教材上的练习,让学生在听之前先判断单词的重音,然后听录音检验自己的判断是否正确。 】3. Find your family. T: Now each of you has a card in your hand. On the card, there is a word. Please read and find out the right stress. When I

9、say “ Who stresses the first syllable?”, those with the stress on the first syllable stand out and say together “We stress the first syllable.” Let s see if you can find your family correctly. T: Who stresses the first syllable? S: We stress the first syllable. T: Who stresses the second syllable? S

10、: We stress the second syllable. T: Who stresses the last syllable? S: We stress the last syllable. 【设计意图: 通过游戏让全体学生动起来,在活动中巩固和掌握单词的重读,收获成功的喜悦。 】T: Boys and girls, word stress is very important when we speak English. If you are not quite sure about the right stress of a word, dont worry. You can look it up in a dictionary. 【设计意图:提醒学生学会利用词典。】IV. Homework 1. Find some new words and try to read them. 2. Preview the next lesson. 【教学反思】



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