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1、班级:_ 姓名:_期末综合测试卷期末综合测试卷I.读一读,判断每组划线部分的读音是否相同,相同画读一读,判断每组划线部分的读音是否相同,相同画,不同画,不同画。 (每题(每题 2 分,共分,共 10 分)分) ( )1. argue farm ( )2. sad baby ( )3. those think ( )4. wear pair ( )5. past apple II.读一读,根据首字母提示填入恰当的词,补全句子。读一读,根据首字母提示填入恰当的词,补全句子。 (每题(每题 2 分,共分,共 10 分)分)1. Tom argued with his mother. His moth

2、er feels very a_.2. They are having a party. The girls are dancing h_.3. There are some green p_ in my room. They are very beautiful.4. In the past, he ran very fast. But hes s_ now.5. Amy m_ John in the park last Sunday. III. 选择正确词语的适当形式填空(每题选择正确词语的适当形式填空(每题 2 分,共分,共 10 分)分)1. -_ people are there i

3、n your family? - There are four.2. Lingling is_ basketball. She can play basketball very well.3. Dogs are very useful. They can help_. 4. - _ do you get up? - At half past six.5. There is a book _. Who lost it?IV. 单项选择填空。单项选择填空。 (每题(每题 2 分,共分,共 30 分)分) ( )1.-_ cheese did you buy? - Two kilos.A. How

4、many B.How much C. How old ( )2.They walked on the Great Wall_ one hour.A. for B.with C. in ( )3._ twenty children in the class.A. There is B.There are C. There bewhat time, how many, a lot, good at, on the floor( )4.-_ did you go there? - By bus.A. How B.When C. Where ( )5.Look at those_. They are

5、very beautiful.A. photo B. a photo C. photos ( )6.The bell _ at eight oclock every day.A. ring B.rings C. rang ( )7. My grandma bought a new book_ me.A. with B.for C. of ( )8.We didnt buy _ bananas. We bought twelve apples.A. some B.any C. a ( )9.In the past, I_ very fast.A. run B.running C. ran ( )

6、10.Where did you go _ the weekend?A. on B.at C. in ( )11.- _ did you go? - I went to the British Museum.A. When B.How C. Where ( )12.- Did you _ Linglings T-shirt? - No, I didnt.A. wash B.washed C. washing ( )13.There are so _ pupils in your class. A. lots of B.many C. much ( )14.They came _from Chi

7、na this weekend.A. with B.back C. for ( )15.-Can you_ fast? - Sorry, I cant.A. run B.ran C. runningV.根据问句选择合适的答语,并将序号填入题前括号中。根据问句选择合适的答语,并将序号填入题前括号中。 (每题(每题 2 分,共分,共 10 分)分)VI.按要求完成下列句子。按要求完成下列句子。 (每题(每题 2 分,共分,共 10 分)分)1.a / Daming / photo / took / father / of / his (.) (连词成句)_2. We bought some app

8、les. (变成否定句)_3.She can run fast. (变成一般疑问句)_( )1. How did you go there? ( )2. Are you good at football? ( )3.How much chocolate do you want? ( )4.What did you buy? ( )5. Can she jump high?A. Yes, she can. B. Some chocolate. C. Half a kilo. D. By bus. E. No, Im not.4.Mum bought a pair of shorts for me

9、.(另写一句,意思不变)_5. How many pupils are there in your class?(根据实际情况回答)_VII.阅读理解阅读理解.(每题(每题 2 分,共分,共 10 分)分) 阅读短文,判断正() 、错() One day, a monkey went for a bike ride near the river. He found a crocodile(鳄鱼) under a tree. The crocodile ran to him. He was afraid and ran away. But he fell in the river. “I can

10、t swim.” he shouted. The rabbit saw him and he jumped into the river. The rabbit swam to the monkey, but he was too small. Luckily(幸运地), an elephant came. He was very strong. He took the rabbit and the monkey out of the water. Then they became good friends. They went to the elephants home happily. (

11、 )1. The monkey saw the crocodile and ran away. ( )2. The monkey jumped into the river and he wanted to swim. ( )3.The rabbit was big and strong. ( )4.The elephant helped the monkey and the rabbit. ( )5.They went to the rabbits home happily.VIII.小练笔(本题共小练笔(本题共 10 分)分)Write a letter to your grandpa and tell him about your day.Dear Grandpa,I get up at _Love,_


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