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1、2009 届初三英语同步试卷 时文阅读 2009.4.22初三英语时文阅读(初三英语时文阅读(2009.4.22) (材料一) “美国第一家庭”迎来“白宫第一狗”!早在竞选总统的时候,奥巴马就承诺送给两 个女儿一条宠物狗,无论成败。 Meet the First Pet: Bo, the Portuguese Water Dog! Last Tuesday, the U.S. first family officially welcomed their first petBo, a 6-month-old Portuguese water dog*. The selection was one

2、 of the White Houses most tightly kept secrets. Theyll love the dog!President Barack Obamas daughters, 10-year-old Malia and 7-year-old Sasha, never had pets before. The black and white puppy is a gift from Sen. Edward Kennedy (爱德华肯尼迪参议员), who owns three Portuguese water dogs himself.“We couldnt be

3、happier to see the joy that Bo is bringing to Malia and Sasha,” Kennedy said in a statement. “We love our Portuguese water dogs and know that the girlsand their parents will love theirs, too.” Why Bo?Malia and Sasha have named the dog Bo, after a cousins cat and in honor of Michelle Obamas grandfath

4、er, who was nicknamed Diddley. The name for the dog was an apparent (明显 的) reference (参考) to the singer “Bo” Diddley.White House aides (助手) told the AP (美联社) that the office of the first lady arranged an exclusive (排他的,独家的) deal (交易) on the dog story with the Washington Post (华盛顿邮 报). Thats top secr

5、et!Before the official announcement, many websites were abuzz with* rumors (谣言,流言) of the first familys selection; one website even claimed it had pictures of the first pet. Hearing the rumors, Obama joked to reporters: “Oh, man, now, thats top secret.”“That was a campaign promise,” Obama said in a

6、talk show last month. The president made a lot of promises during his election campaign, but none more important than (没有比更重要 的) this one to his young daughters; he vowed to buy them a dog, win or lose.Now, he has fulfilled the promise. *water dog: 会游水的狗, (俚语) 老练的水手 be abuzz with 热烈(讨论) (材料二)假期在即,手头

7、却有数不清的作业?试试“留在家里的假期”吧!最美的风景就 在身边! Getting Away by Staying Home What will you be doing for the Labor Day holiday? For many, the extra days off provide an ideal opportunity to go and see new places. This is a great way to spend your vacation. However, more and more people are starting to take a “stayc

8、ation.” That is, instead of traveling, many people are opting (选择) to stay at home and enjoy local recreational activities.Conveniently termed in 2003 as “staycation,” this modern word is shorthand (简略表达) for “stay-at-home vacation.” Opting for a staycation during your break is a great way to save m

9、oney because there are no lodging costs (住宿费用) and minimal travel expenses. In addition, it is a great way to take the time to connect with your community and support local businesses. By taking the time to explore and admire the beauty and fun in your immediate (附近的) environment, you can discover c

10、ool places that you never knew before. As a result, your experience as a “staycationer” will cause you to have a greater appreciation (了解,欣赏) for your local area.2009 届初三英语同步试卷 时文阅读 2009.4.22Another attractive reason for going with a staycation during your break owes to (归功于) the lack of stress. As

11、a busy student, it is important to have some time to rest, clear your mind, and “breathe” a little. Traveling, however, is full of packing (整理行装), long-distance travel, waiting in long lines, and tiresome navigation through unfamiliar territory (地域). As a result, traveling “vacations” become another

12、 energy-drainer (耗费精力的), piling on (累积) stress during a time when you should be free from it.So, as you contemplate (计划) what you would like to do for the Labor Day holiday, consider a staycation to relax, save money, and refresh yourself! Make sure that you are not tempted to* work at home due to (

13、由于) easy access to e-mail and related materials. Remind yourself that this is YOUR personal time and make the best of (充分利用) it by exploring Shanghai, meeting up with friends, and taking your mind off (忘却) your busy schedule. * be tempted to do sth. 某人被诱惑做某事(被动) (材料三)被功课压得喘不过气,因为父母吵架感到害怕,或是和好朋友吵架了这些

14、 问题应该去和谁聊聊呢? Talk to Your School CounselorIf you study in America or other western countries, a school counselor (顾问,辅导员) plays a very important role in your life. Counselors help you cope*School counselors know how to listen and help. Theyll take your problem seriously and work with you to find a g

15、ood solution. A counselor can help you deal with sadness when someone has died, as well as advise you on taking the right classes to get into your dream college. Whatever problem you have, your counselor has seen it before and has lots of good advice on how to help you work through it. Student-Couns

16、elor MeetingsCounselors meet with students individually or in small groups. The most common setting is a private meeting just between the student and the counselor. Most school counselors have their own offices where you can sit and talk.School counselors probably ask you to visit him or her even if you dont have a problem. This helps you feel comfortable with the counselor in case you ever need to meet in a time of crisis. It


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