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1、温馨提示温馨提示: :小朋友们小朋友们, ,今天我们将共同完成本次期中考今天我们将共同完成本次期中考 试的试试的试 题题, ,相信大家一定能够认真听、努力做、开动脑相信大家一定能够认真听、努力做、开动脑 筋,交出一份工整满意的答卷。加油啊筋,交出一份工整满意的答卷。加油啊! ! 听力部分(听力部分(30 点)点)一、一、 听音选词语。听音选词语。(10 点点)( ) 1. AagainBalso C April( ) 2. A ateB printC invent( ) 3. A cleanB climb C call( ) 4. A bicycleB boughtC brought( ) 5

2、. A mountainB MexicoC matter二、二、 听问句选答句听问句选答句(10 点点)( ) 1. A. She lives in London. B. She lived in London. ( ) 2. A.Yes, I was. B.Yes,I wasnt.( ) 3. A. Hes reading a letter. B. He reads a letter.( ) 4. A. Theyre boats. B. Its a boat.( ) 5. A. Yes, I do. B . Yes, I can.三、 听音,填空:(10 点)stayed raining S

3、undays was ride bike yesterday didnt 一一二二三三四四五五六六七七八八总分总分学校学校班级班级姓名姓名铁东区小学英语四年级铁东区小学英语四年级 B7 期中试题期中试题(60 分钟)分钟)football usually On_, I _ play _ in the park. But I _play football _. And I usually ride my _. But I didnt _it yesterday. It _ _! I _at home.笔试部分(笔试部分(70 点)点)四、四、 选择适当的字母:(10 点)( )1 imp_tan

4、t A oo B ar C or ( )2 fini_ A sh B th C gh ( )3 d_ty A ia B ea C ir ( )4 we_t An Bl C t( )5 _pril A a B A C E ( )6 Ameri_ A can B ean C oin ( )7 yest_day A ir B er C or ( )8 bi _ le Acic Bcyc C ycy( )9 m_tain A aun B oun C eun( )10 pap_ A er B re C ar五 按要求写出下列单词的对应形式:(20 点)1 go 过去式_ 2 see 过去式_3 walk

5、 单数第三人称形式_ 4 eat 过去式_5 dance 现在分词_ 6 buy 过去式_7 photo 复数_ 8 invent 过去式_9 play 过去式_ 10 clean 反义词_六、连词成句六、连词成句1didnt at half six get up past.2. I my yesterday cleaned 3. paper invented Chinese people4. the Great Wall went We5.1839 bicycle this He in八、八、 阅读判断阅读判断,与短文相符写与短文相符写 T,不相符的写,不相符的写 F (10 点点)Dear

6、 Amy,Yesterday,we went on a school trip.We went ice-skating.I wore clothes-trousers and a sweater.The ice was very cold.First,I fell over.But it didnt hurt.Then I learnt to skate.It was easy!And I didnt fall over again!It was really fun.From,Lucy( )1.The letter is from Amy.( )2.They didnt go on a sc

7、hool trip yesterday.( )3.Lucy thought skate was hard.( )4.Lucy wore a T-shirt. 作文:给你的朋友写一封信,介绍你自己,50 个单词左右。 (10 点)_ ,_第一部分 听力材料听音,选择你听到的单词:(10 点)1 also 2 clean 3 print 4 bought 5 mountain 听问句,选答句:(10 点)1 Where does she live ?2 Was he an American ?3 Whats he doing?4 What are they?5 Can you catch the ball? 听音,填空:(10 点)stayed raining Sundays was ride bike yesterday didnt football usually On Sundays, I usually play football in the park. But I didnt play football yesterday. And I usually ride my bike. But I didnt ride it yesterday. It was raining ! I stayed at home.


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