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1、软件测试术语表软件测试术语表 来源:来源: www.testingstandards.co.uk/living_glossary.htm 作者:群译作者:群译 acceptance testing: Formal testing conducted to enable a user, customer, or other authorized entity to determine whether to accept a system or component. 接收测试:用来使一个用户、客户或者其它的权威机构决定是否接收一个系统或者组件的测试。 actual outcome: The beh

2、aviour actually produced when the object is tested under specified conditions. 实际输出:被测对象在特定条件下实际产生的行为。 ad hoc testing: Testing carried out using no recognised test case design technique. 探索式测试:不使用可识别的测试用例设计技术所进行的测试。 alpha testing: Simulated or actual operational testing at an in-house site not other

3、wise involved with the software developers. 测试:在软件开发人员缺席的情况下内部做的模拟的或者实际的操作性测试。 arc testing: A test case design technique for a component in which test cases are designed to execute branch outcomes. 分支测试:一种针对组件的测试用例设计技术,通过分支覆盖来进行测试用例设计。 Backus-Naur form: A meta language used to formally describe the

4、syntax of a language. Backus-Naur 形式:一种用来从形式上描述一种语言的语法的元语言。 basic block: A sequence of one or more consecutive, executable statements containing no branches. 基本块:一个由不包含任何分支的一个或者多个连续的、可执行的指令组成的序列。 basis test set: A set of test cases derived from the code logic which ensure that % branch coverage is a

5、chieved. 基本测试集:基于代码的逻辑结构且保证一定的分支覆盖率的测试用例的集合。 bebugging: The process of intentionally adding known faults to those already in a computer program for the purpose of monitoring the rate of detection and removal, and estimating the number of faults remaining in the program. 错误撒播:通过在计算机程序中人为的引入已知的错误来监测发现

6、和消除错误的比率、估计程序中剩余的错误数的方法。 behavior: The combination of input values and preconditions and the required response for a function of a system. The full specification of a function would normally comprise one or more behaviors. 行为:系统中一个功能的输入值、前提条件和必要的响应的集合。一个功能的完整说明需要包含一个或多个行为。 beta testing: Operational

7、testing at a site not otherwise involved with the software developers. 测试:在软件开发人员缺席的情况下做的操作性测试。 big-bang testing: Integration testing where no incremental testing takes place prior to all the systems components being combined to form the system. 非渐增式测试:在单独测试所有构成系统的组件之前不进行任何额外测试的集成测试。 black box testi

8、ng: Test case selection that is based on an analysis of the specification of the component without reference to its internal workings. 黑盒测试:不涉及组件的内部工作情况而只根据组件规格说明来选择测试用例的测试方法。 bottom-up testing: An approach to integration testing where the lowest level components are tested first, then used to facil

9、itate the testing of higher level components. The process is repeated until the component at the top of the hierarchy is tested. 自底向上的测试:集成测试时先测试最低层的组件,然后用最低层的组件来帮助测试更高层组件的一种方法。这个过程一直重复进行直到最高层的组件被测试到。 boundary value: An input value or output value which is on the boundary between equivalence classes

10、, or an incremental distance either side of the boundary. 边界值:位于两个等价类之间的输入或输出值,或者边界附近的值。 boundary value analysis: A test case design technique for a component in which test cases are designed which include representatives of boundary values. 边界值分析:为被测组件设计包含典型边界值的测试用例的一种测试用例设计方法。 boundary value coverage: The percentage of boundary values of the components equivalence classes which have been exercised by a test case suite. 边界值覆盖:被一组测试用例覆盖到的被测组件等价类的边界值占所有边界值的百分比。


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