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1、 毕业设计(论 文)基于 DDS 技术的信号发生器设计系 别自动化工程系专 业自动化班 级50605姓 名吴温龙指导教师任良超2010 年 6 月 18 日 东北大学秦皇岛分校毕业设计(论文) 第 I 页摘 要频率合成技术广泛应用于通信、航空航天、仪器仪表等领域,目前,常用的频率合成技术有直接频率合成、锁相频率合成和直接数字频率合成(DDS)等。其中 DDS 是一种新的频率合成方法,是频率合成的一次革命。全数字化的 DDS 技术由于具有频率分辨率高、频率切换速度快、相位噪声低和频率稳定度高等优点而成为现代频率合成技术中的佼佼者。随着数字集成电路、微电子技术和 EDA 技术的深入研究,DDS 技

2、术得到了飞速的发展。DDS 是把一系列数字量化形式的信号通过 D/A 转换形成模拟量形式的信号的合成技术。主要是利用高速存储器作查寻表,然后通过高速 D/A 转换产生已经用数字形式存入的正弦波(或其它任意波形)。一个典型的 DDS 系统应包括以下三个部分:相位累加器可以时钟的控制下完成相位的累加:相位一幅度码转换电路一般由 ROM 实现;D/A 转换电路,将数字形式的幅度码转换成模拟信号。现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)设计灵活、速度快,在数字专用集成电路的设计中得到了广泛的应用。本论文主要讨论了如何利用 FPGA 来实现一个 DDS 系统,该 DDS 系统的硬件结构是以 FPGA 为核心实现的,

3、使用 Altera公司的 Cyclone 系列 FPGA。文章首先介绍了频率合成器的发展,阐述了基于 FPGA 实现 DDS 技术的意义;然后介绍了 DDS 的基本理论;接着介绍了 FPGA 的基础知识如结构特点、开发流程、使用工具等;随后介绍了利用 FPGA 实现直接数字频率合成(DDS)的原理、电路结构、优化方法等。重点介绍 DDS 技术在 FPGA 中的实现方法,给出了部分 VHDL 源程序,还有有关于单片机的各外围电路的硬件构成及滤波的原理及应用电路等。本次毕业设计采用单片机和 FPGA 设计了任意波形发生器,能够产生三角波、正弦波、方波,完成了软件和硬件的设计,以及实物的制作。关键词

4、:直接数字频率合成,现场可编程门阵列,单片机,滤波东北大学秦皇岛分校毕业设计(论文) 第 II 页Signal Generator Design Based DDS TechnologyAuthor:Wu WenlongTutor:Ren LiangchaoAbstractFrequency synthesis technique is widely used in communications, aerospace, instrumentation and other fields, now commonly used in frequency synthesis technology ha

5、s a direct frequency synthesis, PLL frequency synthesizer and direct digital synthesis (DDS) and so on. DDS which is a new frequency synthesis method is a revolutionary synthesizer. Fully digital DDS technology as a high frequency resolution, frequency switching speed, low phase noise and frequency

6、stability of the advantages and become a modern high frequency synthesis technology leader. As digital integrated circuits, microelectronics and EDA technology, in-depth research, DDS technology has developed rapidly. DDS is to quantify the form of a series of digital signal through D / A converter

7、analog form of signal the formation of synthesis technology. Mainly used for high-speed memory lookup table, and then through the high-speed D / A Converter generated in digital form have been deposited with the sine wave (or other arbitrary waveforms). A typical DDS system should include the follow

8、ing three parts: the phase accumulator can be under the control of clock phase of accumulation: the phase of a range of code switching circuit generally realized by the ROM; D / A converter circuit, the digital code into the form of rate analog signals. Field programmable gate array (FPGA) design fl

9、exibility, speed, in digital ASIC design has been widely used. This paper focuses on how to use FPGA to implement a DDS system, the hardware structure of the DDS core is based on FPGA implementation, use Alteras Cyclone series FPGA The article first describes the development of frequency synthesizer

10、s, which are based on FPGA technology to achieve the significance of DDS; then introduced the basic theory of DDS; then introduces the basics of FPGA, such as structural characteristics, development processes, tools, etc.; then introduced the use of FPGA realization of direct digital frequency synth

11、esis (DDS) in principle, circuit structure, optimization methods. DDS technology focuses on the implementation method in the FPGA, VHDL source code is given some, there are various peripherals on the MCU hardware configuration of the circuit and filter theory and application circuit. The graduation

12、project was designed with MCU and FPGA arbitrary waveform generator, can generate triangle wave, sine wave, square wave, completed the design of hardware and software, as well as in-kind production.Key words:Direct Digital Frequency Synthesis,FPGA,MCU,Filter东北大学秦皇岛分校毕业设计(论文) 第 III 页目 录1 1 绪论绪论 .1 1.

13、1 频率合成技术的发展.1 1.1.1 直接模拟频率合成.1 1.1.2 锁相环频率合成.2 1.1.3 直接数字频率合成.2 1.2 频率合成器的性能指标.4 1.3 本文的主要内容.5 1.4 本课题的研究意义.5 2 2 DDSDDS 技术的原理技术的原理.7 7 2.1 DDS 的工作原理.7 2.2 DDS 的基本结构.8 2.3 本章小结.10 3 3 CPLD/FPGACPLD/FPGA 的发展及其应用的发展及其应用.1111 3.2 VHDL 硬件描述语言介绍.12 3.3 CPLD/FPGA 设计流程及工具.13 3.3.1 CPLD/FPGA 设计流程.14 3.3.2 CPLD/FPGA 的开发工具 QuartusII 简介.16 3.4 Cyclone II 的各种性能指标 .17 3.5 FPGA 的配置方式.



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