导学案 unit 5

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《导学案 unit 5》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《导学案 unit 5(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 ContentUnit five Canada“The True North”Vocabulary and warming up 1 课时课时Reading : Canada“The True North” 1 课时课时Important language points aboutthe passage of A Trip On “The True North” 1 课时课时Learning about grammar 1 课时课时Reading and writing: “The True North” From Toronto to Montreal 1 课时课时Listening an

2、d speaking 1 课时课时Summary of this unit 1 课时课时高一英语导学案高一英语导学案 unitunit 5 5Teaching period P1 Topic:Vocabulary and warming up Vocabulary and warming up Teaching aims: 1. Learn and master the new words 2. Train the students listening ability. 3. Develop the students speaking ability by descrbing, talking

3、 and discussion. Teaching important points: 1. Train the students listening ability. 2. Master the new phrases, sentence patterns . Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-in Key words and expressions 词汇详解词汇详解 1)rather than 意思为意思为“与其,不愿,不要,不是与其,不愿,不要,不是”,常用在常用在 prefer to do rather than do 句子中。句子中。 典型例句典型例句

4、: I will have sweet water rather than pure water. 我想喝甜水,不想喝纯净水。我想喝甜水,不想喝纯净水。 He was busy writing a letter rather than reading a newspaper. 他正忙于写信而不是读报。他正忙于写信而不是读报。 相关链接相关链接: would rather 宁愿,宁可宁愿,宁可;not.but rather 不是不是而是而是 例如:例如: Wed rather you didnt do it. 我宁愿你不做这事情。我宁愿你不做这事情。 or rather 更确切地说更确切地说 I

5、 met him very late on Friday night, or rather, early on Saturday morning. 我在星期五深夜见到他,更确切地说是在星期六凌晨。我在星期五深夜见到他,更确切地说是在星期六凌晨。I would rather _ than ask him for his money .So I would rather he _ here as soon as possible.A.die;leaving B.died;leaving C.die;leave D.die;left2) eastward 与与 eastwards 意义相同,副词,意

6、思为意义相同,副词,意思为“向东向东”。其他几个表示方向。其他几个表示方向的词语用法与其一致。的词语用法与其一致。典型例句典型例句: A couple traveled eastward. 一对夫妇朝东部旅行。一对夫妇朝东部旅行。They are encouraged to walk eastward until the end of the land.他们被鼓励向东走直到大陆的尽头。他们被鼓励向东走直到大陆的尽头。eastward 也可以作形容词,意思为也可以作形容词,意思为“朝东的,向东的朝东的,向东的”。3) remain v.保持保持;继续存在,仍旧是继续存在,仍旧是;用作系动词,后接

7、形容词、名词、分词和用作系动词,后接形容词、名词、分词和介词短语。介词短语。当当 remain 作作“剩下、留下剩下、留下”讲时可与不定式连用,讲时可与不定式连用,remaining“剩下的,剩余的剩下的,剩余的”,作定语。作定语。典型例句典型例句:That old man remained full of energy. 那位老人还是那么精力充沛。那位老人还是那么精力充沛。She remained sitting when they came in. 他们进来时,她仍然坐着(没有站起他们进来时,她仍然坐着(没有站起来)。来)。A lot of work remains to be done

8、in the office. 办公室里需要做的工作很多。办公室里需要做的工作很多。The old man didnt know how to deal with the remaining vegetables.这位老人不知道怎么来处理剩余的蔬菜。这位老人不知道怎么来处理剩余的蔬菜。remain 与与 stay 辨析辨析:remain 与与 stay 二者都有二者都有“停留,逗留,仍然是,依然是停留,逗留,仍然是,依然是”的意思,表示保持某的意思,表示保持某种状态时可以互换种状态时可以互换;remain 严格说来指东西被取走后或者被破坏后残留下来的严格说来指东西被取走后或者被破坏后残留下来的东

9、西,或者别人离开之后留下的人,或者待在原地,通常不用进行时态东西,或者别人离开之后留下的人,或者待在原地,通常不用进行时态; stay指在某地作短暂停留或者保持某种状态,可以指来访或者做客时暂住。指在某地作短暂停留或者保持某种状态,可以指来访或者做客时暂住。(1)Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple,but it remains _ whether they will enjoy it.A.to see B.to be seen C.seeing D.seen(2)The lady said she would bu

10、y a gift for her daughter with the _. A.20 dollars remained B.20 dollars to remainC.remain 20 dollars D.remaining 20 dollars(3)With the help of the first aid,a large number of people _ alive after the terrible earthquake.A.was remained B.remainedC.survived D.was remaining4)settle v.定居定居;安顿安顿;解决解决典型例

11、句典型例句:After the war broke out they settled in Europe.战争爆发后,他们在欧洲定居。战争爆发后,他们在欧洲定居。常用短语有常用短语有:settle in a place 定居某处定居某处;settle the bill 结账结账;settle the dispute 解解决争端决争端完成句子完成句子(1)The famous scientist with his whole family _ _ _ (定居在国定居在国) .(2)Nowadays China is playing a more and more important role i

12、n _ _ _ _ (解决国际争端解决国际争端) successfully .5) have a gift for sth. 有有的天分,有的天分,有天赋天赋The man in black _ _ _ _drawing.穿黑衣的人有画画天赋。穿黑衣的人有画画天赋。相关链接相关链接:另外,另外,gifted 表示表示“有天赋的,有天资的有天赋的,有天资的”。如。如“多才多艺的人多才多艺的人”用用 a gifted man 和和 a man of many gifts 表示。表示。改错改错(1)Miss Black studies in Beijing University and she ha

13、s a gift of music.(2)At seven oclock this afternoon,we are going to the bus station to see an gifting woman off.(3) Tom,can you tell me something about the teacher under the tree?He is clever and a man of many gift.6) within adv.不超过不超过;在在里面里面典型例句典型例句:The 10% price rise is well within(=is lower than)

14、 the limits set by the government.10%的物价上涨远未超过政府限定的范围。的物价上涨远未超过政府限定的范围。within 与与 in 表达时间。表达时间。within 指期限之内,而指期限之内,而 in 指期限之外。例如指期限之外。例如:He will buy goods _ten days. 他将在十天之内买货物。他将在十天之内买货物。Mr Wang will buy goods _ ten days. 医生将在十天后买货物。医生将在十天后买货物。翻译翻译The children must remain within the school grounds d

15、uring the P.E classes._高一英语导学案高一英语导学案 unit 5Teaching period p2Topic: Reading : Canada“The True North”1. Target languagerather than, baggage, scenery, eastward, chat, surround, harbor, measure, aboard, have a gift for, within, manage to do, catch sight of, eagle, acre, urban2. Ability goal Learn how to describe the places that Li Daiyu and Liu Qian visit in Canada. Understand the noun clause used as appositiv


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