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1、 1中考重点句型句式讲解及应用(三)一、知识梳理 1. let/make sb. (not)do sth. 让某人做/不做某事如:Dont let this fool you.3G will make you fly on the information highway.2. notuntil 直到才如:On the last day of the climb, they didnt start until 9 p.m.Knowledge is fantastic but it is not life changing until used.3.like doing/to do 喜欢做如:Sh

2、e likes dancing and singing and spends a lot of time on them.He liked to watch the colors of the trees shine through the sunlight.4. Its two meters (years) long (old). 它两米长如:Father giraffes can grow to nearly 5.5 meters tall.One step can be about 5 meters long.5. Would you like to/ Id like to 你愿意/我想

3、做如:Would you like to help make the area you live in better, cleaner, safer and friendlier?I would like to tell you how to improve your study. 6.stop to do/doing 停下来去做某事/停止正在做的事如:He puts us first and never stops to think of himself. After a while I stopped trying to find out the senders name.7. notat

4、 all 根本不如:But soon they found he couldnt treat them at all. 8. see/hear sb. do(doing) sth. 看见/听见某人做了/正在做某事如:He saw a traveler lying in front of his hospital.Robby said that it had always been his mothers dream to hear him play the piano9.what about/how about? 怎么样?如:What about anger problems? What ab

5、out you?10. tooto 太而不能如:It shouldnt be too hard to do that with programs like Google Maps.I was too afraid to say anything.11. Would/Could you please? 你愿不愿意做呢?2如:Would you please tell me something about the town?Could you please tell me where I can find Ann, please?12. used to 过去常常如:I used to stay a

6、t the library to read, sign out whatever books or magazines I needed.My mother used to ask me what the most important part of the body is.13.the + 比较级the + 比较级 越越如:Research has shown that the bigger the brain, the cleverer the animal. The more products they sell, the less money they make.14. whats w

7、rong/the matter with 出什么问题了?如:Whats wrong with that little dog?15. Something is wrong with/There is something wrong with 出了毛病如:Something was wrong with his ear.16. someothers/onethe other 一些另一些/一个另一个如:Some students become worried because they have to study hard, others have trouble getting on well w

8、ith people like their parents and classmates.17. bring/take sth. With sb. 随身携带如:It was almost unpleasant to bring sweets or a bottle of wine with you.18. Why not/why dont you 为什么不?如:Why dont you have a try?Why not ask your parents to ride with you to school for a few days so that they wont be so wor

9、ried典题探究1她对音乐太感兴趣了,让她停止练琴是不可能的。 She is the piano.2这本书太厚了,他不能按时看完。 This book .3刘先生过去总抽烟。直到病得严重了,他才戒烟。 Mr Liu used to smoke a lot. _ _ he was seriously ill.4雨停了你再走。the rain stops.5这里的景色太美了,我们停下来拍了很多照片。The sights here .3A 档(巩固专练)1.迈克,汽车来了。咱们上车吧。Mike, the bus is coming. get on the bus. 2.汤姆正忙着给他的父母写信。To

10、m to his parents. 3.他知识越渊博,就对学习越感兴趣。, in learning. 4.她已坚持为李奶奶打扫房间两年了。She the room for Grandma Li for two years.5.今天阴天,明天怎么样?Its cloudy today. tomorrow.6.我的自行车坏了,我将坐车上学。_ _ my bike, so I will go to school by bus.7.快点!我们开会要迟到了! Hurry up! Well _ _ the meeting.8.对不起,我晚了。Im sorry _ _.9.他因为跳舞好而著名. He _ da

11、ncing well.10. 十点钟了,该休息一下了。Its 10 oclock. _ have a rest B 档(提升精练)1.让我们做早操吧。morning exercises. 2.我的父母每天累得不想吃饭,不想说话,但是他们仍然坚持辅导我的功课。Every day my parents my homework.3.我怕吵醒爸爸,把电视音量调低了。waking my father up, so I turned down the TV.4.现在我和爸爸一样高了。Im my dad now.5.玛丽不仅自己喜欢下棋,还花很多时间教别人如何下棋。4Mary how to play che

12、ss.6.我们非常高兴您将参加“地球一小时”活动。that you will take part in the “Earth Hour” event.7.送到青海玉树的不仅有衣服还有帐篷。_have been given to the people in Yushu, Qinghai.8.我一到那里,就给你们打电话。Ill call you _ _ I get there.9.为了过低碳生活,我将继续骑车上下班。In order to live a low-carbon life, I will _ _ bikes to and from work.10. 你为什么不试穿一下那条红裙子?多好看啊!that red dress? How nice it looks.C 档(跨越导练)1. 春天到了,一些同学想去爬山,另一些同学想去远足。 2. 今天天气很好,你出门没必要带伞了。 。 3. 我们在空中升的越高,就会变得越冷。 4. 今天我迟到了是因为我的手表不走了。 5. 我们永远不会因为太年轻而无法开始我们的事业。 6. 她曾经花很多时间玩计算机游戏 7. 明天是周日,去远足怎么样?



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