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1、1小英新老师测试卷(小英新老师测试卷(A)(考试总分:(考试总分:100 分)分)姓名:姓名:_成绩:成绩:_一语音。从 A、B、C、D 中找出一个划线部分读音与所给单词划线部分读音 相同的单词。 (5 分,每小题 1 分) ( )1. great A. weather B. break C. leaf D. reach ( )2. fingers A.books B.desks C. persons D.foots ( )3. says A. wait B. rain C. fail D. said ( )4. pool A. full B. foot C. through D. push

2、( )5.stayed A. called B. stopped C. wanted D. jumped二补全句子。用所给单词的适当形式填空,每条横线限填一个单词。 (5 分, 每小题 1 分)6. Beijing is (big) than Shanghai from Guangzhou.7. Whats the English for the (twelve) month of the year?8.The teacher asked me “Why did you do your homework much _(bad) than before?” 9. Well have a picn

3、ic if it (be) fine this Sunday. 10.Its raining (heavy), so we cant go out.三选出每组中与其他三个不同属一类的单词,并把它的编号写在括号内: (5 分,每小题 1 分) ( )11. A doll B bear C panda D kangaroo ( )12. A bus-driver B cook C father-in-law D manager ( )13. A hamburger B hot dog C noodles D goal( )14. A ear B eye C finger Dmonth ( )15.

4、 Aangrily B friendly Cquickly Dhappily四单项选择。 (15 分,每小题 1 分) ( )16. You dont look well. What happened you? A. at B. of C. to D. with ( )17. Look at the two walls. They are 4.5 metres tall. A. every B. both C. one D. all ( )18. Janet and Ben have both got good bikes, but is newer than . A. her, him B.

5、 her, his C. hers, his D. hers, him ( )19. My grandma is one of the in the world. A. kind person B. kind people C. kindest person D. kindest people2( )20. Yesterday at eleven oclock, when the boys basketball, a dog into the playground. It took the ball away. A. were playing, was running B. are playi

6、ng, runs C. played, ran D. were playing, ran ( )21. The hot weather made us our coat. A. to take off B. take off C. takes off D. taking off ( )22. They carefully, but they could nothing. A. listened to, her B. heard, listen C. heard, listened to D. listened, hear ( )23. Ill bring my camera to school

7、 this afternoon. !A. So am I B. So do I C. So will I D. So will you ( )24. Your mother worked in a big department store, ? A. did she B. didnt she C. does she D. isnt she ( )25. There were only apples and milk in the fridge. Mother wanted to buy some more. A. few, little B. little, few C. a little,

8、a few D. a few, a little ( )26. You dont like this school, do you? . .A. Yes, I dont B. No, I like it C. Yes, I do D. No, I do ( )27. Im sure we can catch up _ the others Ato Bfor Cfrom Dwith ( )28. Im bad _ music Ain Bon Cat Dfor ( )29 .He was born _ June 12, 1970 Ain Bon Cat Dfor ( )30. Do you hav

9、e _ to ask Miss Jones? Aanything Bevery thing Cnothing Dthe things五根据要求写单词:(15 分,每个空格 1 分)写出它们的比较级和最高级形式: 31. hot _ _ 32. friendly _ _ 33. important _ _ 写出它们的过去式和-ing 形式: 34. sit _ _ 35. hear _ _ 36. write _ _ 37. put _ _六按要求改写句子:(10 分,每小题 2 分) 38. He didnt study at this school, _? (反意疑问句)339. _ the

10、 children play a game at three yesterday afternoon ? (一般疑问句) 40. The sheep _ as heavy as that little cow(否定句) 41. Where _ Roy live two ago?(特殊疑问句) 42. How many students _ there an hour ago? (特殊疑问句) 七完形填空。 (10 分,每小题 1 分) Long, long ago, the animals of the forest (森林) came together to see 43 was the m

11、ost beautiful. All the animals were happy. However the snake was very sad 44 she knew she was not beautiful. The cock was very kind 45 her. He lent the snake his crown (鸡冠). The snake 46 the cock she would 47 him back the crown early the next morning. The snake put the beautiful crown on her head an

12、d glided (滑行) along proudly (骄傲地), like a queen. The animals said she was the most beautiful. When he came happily to a large pool of water, the snake didnt see the pool. She fell 48 the pool and 49 the crown. She tried her 50 to look for it, but she couldnt find it. She was afraid 51 the cock. The next morning the cock got up very early and 52 the snake, but the snake didnt come. To this day, the cock still gets up early every morning and crows (啼) “cocka doodle doodle!” He is saying, “Where are you?” ( )43. A. what B. who C. where D. that ( )44. A. so B. because C. but D. or (



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