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1、Unit 1 meeting and setting off请问,您是澳大利亚排球队领队汉森先生吗?Yes.我是中国排球协会副主席王川,很高兴认识您,欢迎到中国来。Nice to meet you,too. Thank you for coming to meet us.不客气。旅途好吗?It was pleasant all the way. By the way ,where do we pick up the luggage?这边请。取完行李之后,我们将开车送你们去友谊宾馆。宾馆位于海边,俯瞰大海。离机场开车只要 20 分钟。你们一定会喜欢的。Thats wonderful. I lov

2、e living in a house with an open view . Do we have anything planned for this evening?有,今天晚上 8 点钟在旅馆召开领队及教练的会议。这样安排可以吗?Its OK for me.那我们 7 点 50 酒店大堂见。Thatll be fine. Thank you so much.不用谢。明天晚上 7 点还将设宴为您洗尘呢!对了,在此期间,你们是否想去参观一些地方?我很乐意带你们去逛逛。Well, it depends! If anything comes out good and satisfactory,

3、Id leave a day for sightseeing. I have always wanted to see the Museum of Modern Art and Metropolitan Center for Performing Art. You see,I have a special liking for arts.没问题。观光的事由我来安排。Thanks very much.Unit 2 scheduling女士们,先生们,下午好,我叫张雨,是你们在北京的向导。Very nice to meet you, Miss Zhang. Thank you for coming

4、 all the way to meet us at the airport.不客气。欢迎大家参加长城和九华山庄一日游。现在我想花几分钟时间向大家介绍一下明天的行程安排。OK, please. Weve been looking forward to this trip for a long time.长途飞行后大家一定都累了,今天晚上好好休息一下,明天早上 8 点请在宾馆大厅里集合。We can have breakfast at about 7:30 then.对的。我们的旅游车将于 8:10 左右离开宾馆,到达长城居庸关大概需要 1 个小时。Weve long heard of the

5、Chinese saying “He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man!“是的,长城是不同朝代中国人民所创造的一个奇迹,居庸关在 2000 多年来则素以战略要地而闻名。It must be terrific to go there.没错。我们将在那里停留 3 小时左右,欣赏长城的美景,然后在 12:30 左右吃午饭。What are we going to do after lunch?我们会去九华山庄泡 2 个小时温泉。九华温泉源自 1230 米深的地下,富含多种微量元素。That sounds very nice. Ho

6、t springs are very beneficial to peoples health.是的,放松后,我们将去市中心的全聚德饭店品尝一下著名的烤鸭。Oh, thats wonderful.相信你们会玩得很愉快的。若有什么需要我帮忙的地方,请告诉我。OK. Thank you a lot!Unit 3 shopping 您好,小姐,想要买点什么?Chinese cheongsam is famous for its elegance and Ive been longing for one for a long time.我们有各种面料和式样的旗袍。您喜欢哪种?Well, I dont

7、know much about Chinese cheongsam actually,so will you please introduce some of them to me?当然可以,旗袍从满族古时的一种服装演变而来。它可长可短,可以是长袖的、中袖的、短袖的,甚至是无袖的,以适合不同的场合、天气及个人喜好。Why do Chinese women like to wear the cheongsam then?这主要是因为旗袍极好地迎合了女子的体态,线条简洁,优雅大方。Wow, this one looks so beautiful. What is it made of?它是用高质量

8、丝绸制成的。这种丝绸经过一种特殊技术处理过,因此不会缩水。您想试穿一下吗?OK. Id like to try on a size 38.好的,给您。试衣间在那边。It fits me so well. I like it very much. How much does it cose?590 元。I wonder of you can give me a discount.可以的,在本店购物 500 元以上即可享受 9 折优惠。OK. Ill take it.Unit 4 campus life Hello, McMaster Housing Service Centre. Can I h

9、elp you?你好!我是即将入学的新生马琳,我想咨询一下麦克马斯特大学的住宿情况。Hi, Ma Lin! This is Sophia., and I m glad to introduce a few things. All first-year students will be accommodated in Mary Keyes Residence. After the first year, you can apply for living off-campus or homestay as you like.你好,苏菲。麻烦你详细介绍一下玛丽凯丝宿舍的住宿条件,好吗?Well, r

10、esidence rooms have single beds and are situated in suites with four private bedrooms. Each bedroom is equipped with a telephone and an internet connection. Long distance phone cards, cables and network cards can be purchased upon arrival.请问套间内有哪些公共设施?Each suite has a shared kitchen, two washrooms,

11、a sitting room and is equipped with a stove, a refrigerator and a microwave oven.太好了!对了,没有洗衣机吗?还有,我需要自己带厨具吗?No, we dont have washing machine in the suite. But coin-operated laundry machines are available within the residence building. Cooking utensils and dishes are not provided, so youd better brin

12、g your own.哦,我明白了。那么被褥和洗漱用品需要自己带吗?No, dont worry about that. We offer bed linens, blankets, towel, face cloth and soap whose cost is included in your accommodation fee. And our house keeping team will change bed sheets and refill the empties every week.真是太好了,你们的服务真周到!Yes. Im sure you will like the p

13、lace.我会的。谢谢你,苏菲。Youre welcome. Good bye.再见。Unit 5 interviews大卫,据我所知,你年龄很小时就开始在家乡表演魔术了。12 岁开始职业演出,后来成为美国魔术师协会最年轻的会员。16 岁时在纽约大学开设了魔术课程。Right.太不可思议了!现在你可能是这个星球上最知名的魔术师了。全世界的观众都因你的演出而着迷。Thank you. I feel flattered.那么,这个世界上有没有人知道关于你魔术的所有秘密?No.没有?一个也没有吗?Right, thats correct.你怎样确保不让别人知道?你也是要和别人合作的,不是吗?Yea,

14、 but they each, some, um.for some pieces.people have to know portions, but no one person knows everything. Even when we construct the stage, its constructed with different people who build individual things. No one person does the entire thing, so its good.想不想将来把所有秘密都告诉你的孩子?I dont think so. I think

15、it would be better for magic to not tell and have people be motivated to come up with their own way of doing things, invent something new, not take the easy way out. And I think thats what Im going to do, probably.你的世界是什么样的?你是否认为从某种程度上说,你生活在一个孤立的世界里?No, because Im sharing it. Im not isolating. Im sh

16、aring the stories; Im sharing the wonder with people. So its not isolated at all, just you know its just whats behind it.能再解释一下吗?Its like a singer sharing their music. They dont have to know the process to create it. They dont have to see how the vocal cords are vibrating, or how exactly, you know, how difficult it is to play the instrument. All that matters is that youre sharing the result, the beauty of the result, and thats what we do.Unit 6 exhi


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