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1、- 1 -Inquiry, Offer and Counter-offerLearning Aims: 1. To know about the information to be covered in general inquiry and specific inquiry 2. To understand the difference between firm offer and non-firm offer and be able to write them independently 3. To be able to place, decline and accept orders i

2、n writingIn this chapter, students will acquire appropriate knowledge about four main steps in business negotiation: inquiry, offer, counter-offer and acceptance. Section 1 Inquiry and Reply(第六次交易磋商,共四节)(第六次交易磋商,共四节) Brief Introduction: Inquiry is the first real step in business negotiation. It is u

3、sually made by the buyers without engagement. When making an inquiry the buyer may ask about price, catalogue, packing, delivery date, terms of payment and so on. An inquiry should be clear and to be the point.There are two kinds of inquiry, general inquiry and specific inquiry.If the importer wants

4、 to have a general idea of the commodity, he may make a request for a pricelist, a catalogue, samples and other terms. This is a general inquiry, also called a first inquiry, which should begin by telling them how you obtained his names. Some details of your business, such as the goods handled, quan

5、tities needed, usual terms of trade and any information likely to enable the supplier to decide what he can do for you, will also help.If the importer intends to purchase certain products, he may ask the exporter to make an offer or a quotation for the goods. That is a specific inquiry.A buyer usual

6、ly makes an inquiry to invite a quotation or offer from the seller in order to buy a certain product or obtain a kind of service. Reply letters answer questions, supply specific information and attempt to meet the needs of those who make the requests.Therefore writing of inquiries has become the gen

7、eral practice in international business correspondence. How to write an inquiry? A good inquiry should be simple, clear, specific and concise. (1) General inquiry: Tell the source of information and a brief self-introduction Express the intention of writing the letter (Ask for a catalogue, samples o

8、r a pricelist) State the possibility of placing an order (2) Specific Inquiry: Tell the names and describe the goods inquired for, including specifications, quantity, etc. Ask whether there is a possibility of giving a special discount and what terms of payment and time of delivery you would expect

9、State the possibility of placing an order How to write a reply?A good reply to an inquiry should be prompt, courteous, objective and entire, and contain all the information your customer required. Youd better assure your clients that you have full confidence in your product or service. Begin the rep

10、ly by repeating the date and the inquiry.- 2 -If the inquiry is from an old client, you may tell him that you are glad to hear from him again. Give a full answer to the inquiry. If you cannot do as requested, try to offer a substitute. You may end your letter by hoping that the information you provi

11、ded is helpful and by offering further help.Case 1 我方是哥本哈根东部的一家纺织品经销商,有着多年的从业经验。在从我驻外使馆商务参 赞处了解到对方是全棉床罩和枕套的主要出口商之后,写信给对方以建立业务关系并索要 对方的商品目录和价目单。KeyKey WordsWords 或“每公吨 580 美元 CIF2%旧金山(US$200 per M/T CIFC 2% San Francisco) ” 。需要注意的是,佣金的比率一般掌握在 1%-5%之间,不宜偏高。(4)佣金的计算方法。计算佣金按成交金额或成交商品的数量。在按成交金额计算时, 有的以发票

12、总金额作为计算佣金的基数,有的则以 FOB 总值为基数来计算佣金。如按 CIFC 成交,而以 FOB 值为基数计算佣金时,则应从 CIF 价中减去运费和保险费,求出 FOB 值,然后以 FOB 值乘佣金率,即得出佣金额。计算佣金的公式如下: 单位货物佣金额=含佣价佣金率 净价=含佣价-单位货物佣金额 净价=含佣价(1-佣金率) 含佣价=净价/(1-佣金率)值得注意的是,如在洽商交易时,我方报价为 10000 美元,对方要求 3%的佣金,在 此情况下,我方改报含佣价,按上述公式算出应为 10309.3 美元,这样才能保证实收 10000 美元。(5)佣金的支付方法。一种是由中间代理商直接从货架中

13、扣除佣金;另一种是在委托人 收清货款之后,再按实现约定的期限和佣金比率,另行付给中间代理商。在支付佣金时, 应防止错付、漏付和重付等事故发生。按照一般的惯例,在独家代理情况下,如委托人同 约定地区的其他客户达成交易,即使未经独家代理过手,也得按约定的比率付给其佣金。 4. quote 报价,开价报价,开价 严格来说,它仅报一项价格,不包括数量、交货等。常用的句型为 quote sb. price for sth. e.g. We will quote you the lowest price if you send us your specific enquiry.如提出具体询价,我们将给贵公

14、司报最低的价格。有时可用 quote sb. for sth., 即把 price 省去。 e.g. Please quote us for 500 dozen of printing aprons.请给本公司报 500 打印花围裙价格。也可用 quote sb. a price e.g. Please quote us your best price.请报贵公司最好的价格。 5. place an order with sb. for sth. 向某人订购某物向某人订购某物 1)名词 order 常与动词 make, send, place 等联用,如果表示订购某项货物,后接介词 for,也

15、 可接 on 或 of,但接 for 最普遍。 e.g. If your prices are competitive, we shall be pleased to place an order with you for printing bedcovers.若贵公司价格具有竞争力,则本公司将订购印花被套。 2)表示各种订单的说法有:regular order 长期订货trial order 试订单first / initial order 首笔订单substantial order 大宗订单repeat order 再次订货/续订单 6. appreciate 可接名词或动名词作宾语,不可

16、接不定式。可接名词或动名词作宾语,不可接不定式。 e.g. We highly appreciate your kind cooperation.我们十分感激贵公司的合作。- 8 -We shall appreciate it if you send us a pamphlet and four samples by air immediately.如能立即给我们航空寄来一本小册子和四件样品,我们将十分感激。We shall appreciate your giving this matter your serious consideration.请贵公司对此事认真考虑为感。 7. price 跟对方谈到价格优势时跟对方谈到价格优势时,常用表达有常用表达有:competitive(竞争的) ,workable(可行/做 的) ,suitable(合适的) ,favorable(优惠的) ,realistic(实际的)等。 8. as requested 应你方要求应你方要求 也可用 at your reque



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