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1、初中英语牛津深圳版九年级下册 Unit6 Caring for your health 单元练习一、听力一、听力( (听力听力) )(共(共 20 小题;共小题;共 20 分)分)(略)(略)二、单项选择(共二、单项选择(共 10 小题;共小题;共 10 分)分)2 1.- - -I mn o ts u r eT o n yw i l lc o m eo rno t.- - -M en e i t h e r.A. whenB. ifC. whetherD. weather2 2.H el o o k ss a d. L e t sc h e e rh i mu p.A. let him do

2、wnB. make him happyC. make him pleasureD. disappoint him2 3.- - -Ih a v eat o o t h a c h e. W h a ts h o u l dId o?- - -Y o us h o u l ds e ea.A. nurseB. dentistC. reporterD. teacher2 4.- - -W h a ta r ey o ub u s y?- - -I mb u s yt h ep l a nf o rt h et r i p.A. with; makingB. in; makingC. with; t

3、o makeD. in; to make2 5.T h ep r i c e si nt h es ho pa r ev e r y, s om a n yp e o p l eg ot h e r et ob u yt h i n g s.A. expensiveB. cheapC. highD. low2 6.- - -F a nS h u k a ii so n l y1 3y e a r so l db u th e sa l r e ad yas t u d e n to fT s i n g h u aU n i v e r s i t y.- - -W o w, h o wh e

4、i s!A. shyB. angryC. brightD. healthy2 7.S h ee x p l a i n ss h ei sd o i n gh e rh o m e w o r k.A. whetherB. thatC. whenD. if2 8.- - -D oy o uk n o wt h eg i r li nb l u ei s?- - -I mn o ts ur e. M a y b eat e a c h e r.A. whoseB. howC. whatD. which2 9.Id o n tk n o wh el i v e s.A. whatB. howC.

5、whereD. which3 0.- -C o u l dy o ut e l lm ey e s t e r d a y?- - -B e c a u s em yb i k ew a sb r o k e no nm yw a yh e r e.A. why you came lateB. why do you come lateC. why you come lateD. why did you come late三、补全短文(共三、补全短文(共 10 小题;共小题;共 10 分)分)When you go to a dinner party, its a very good 31. t

6、o bring a small present. Flowers are always nice and welcome, or you may bring some drinks. For example, you may bring beer, cola and something 32. that. You should arrive 33. time or not more than five minutes late. Dont get there early. If you are going to be more than fifteen minutes late, you sh

7、ould call them or 34. them know first. Try to be free 35. the table. If you dont know 36. to use the fork and knife, dont 37. about it. You can watch 38. people and follow them. When you still have no idea of what to do, ask the person next to you. If you like the food, you should 39. what you think

8、 of it. Of course, you will thank the hostess and host after 40. the meal.四、完形填空(共四、完形填空(共 10 小题;共小题;共 15 分)分)Everyone wants to have healthy teeth. When you laugh, you will 41 your mouth and show your teeth. The healthier those teeth are, the happier you look. Why is that?Its 42 your teeth are impor

9、tant in many ways. Take care of them, and theyll help to take care of you. Strong, 43 teeth help you eat the right food to help you grow. They also help you speak clearly. You can take care of your teeth by doing like these:Brush your teeth 44 a day, after breakfast and before bedtime. Brush after 4

10、5 or after eating sweet cakes. Brush all of your teeth, not just the front ones. Spend some time on the teeth along the sides and in the back. Take your time while brushing. Spend at 46 three minutes each time you brush. Be sure your toothbrush is soft. Ask your parent to help you get a new toothbru

11、sh 47 three months. Clean between your teeth with dental floss (牙线). It feels strange when you do it at first, but soon youll get used to 48 it. Brushing 49 your teeth healthy. You also need to care about what you eat and drink. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink water instead of 50 . Do yo

12、u want to have white and healthy teeth? Please brush your teeth!41. A. closeB. madeC. openD. serve42. A. becauseB. thoughC. ifD. when43. A. healthyB. whiteC. rightD. clean44. A. three timesB. onceC. twiceD. four times45. A. drinkingB. lunchC. classD. school46. A. firstB. lastC. onceD. least47. A. ei

13、therB. eachC. everyD. neither48. A. doingB. brushingC. feelingD. helping49. A. startsB. producesC. suggestsD. keeps50. A. meatB. winesC. foodD. drinks五、阅读理解(共五、阅读理解(共 20 小题;共小题;共 40 分)分)ASometimes it may seem difficult to improve our health. If so, the following health habits may help you.Eat breakf

14、ast every morning.Research shows that if you eat a meal in the morning you may not become too fat or eat too much during lunch. Eating breakfast can help people feel better through the day.Get enough sleep.Poor sleep can influence our memory and learning. It can also cause traffic accident! Studies

15、show that people who dont get enough sleep seem to get into more accidents. So stay safe and get enough sleep!Take a walk every day.Walking is an easy way to exercise. Youd better meet friends for a walk, not for a meal. As you walk, you will see the beautiful world around you. Once you try, you will find that adding a walk into your daily life is very easy.Join social groups.Social groups can provide support. They might include sport teams, art or music groups. The people in the group can offer advice and can



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