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1、英语巴士 - 专注于英语考试和英语学习的网络媒体与服务平台()全国 2001 年 10 月综合英语(二)试题1全国全国 2001 年年 10 月月综合英语综合英语(二二)试题试题课程代码:00795PART ONE.语法、词汇。从A 、 B 、 C 、 D四个选项中,选一个正确答案,并将答案写在答题纸上。(本大 题共 25 小题,每小题 1 分,共 25 分)Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer.(25 points) 1.None of their new products have sold

2、 well.,_?Ahavent they Bhave they Chasnt it Dhas it 2._ invited to the funeral,the couple were truly worried.ANot to be BNot having beenCHaving not been DNot having invited 3.When suddenly transplanted in a new land,quite a lot of people find _ to adjust to the way of life there.Adifficult Bdifficult

3、yCthe difficulty Dit difficult 4.When he visited the house 50 years later,he found everything was _ it had been before.Athat Bwhich Csame Das 5.According to economic theory,a nation should produce and export those items _ it gains a competitive advantage.Afrom which Bfor that Cby what Dabout it 6.Mu

4、ch _ said about the problem but nothing _ been done so far.Awere,has Bis,has Cwere,had Dhad been,has 7.Ive arranged _ Professor Zhang at his office this coming Friday.He said hed be glad to see you.Ayou to meet Bto meetCfor you to meet Dfor a meeting 8._ worries me is not how to raise the money,but

5、where to find the right people for the project.AThat BWhich CWho DWhat 9.After a hard days work,I couldnt move my legs.It was _ they stuck to the floor.Aas if Blike Cjust as Dsimilar to 10.While _ from his operation,David renewed an old interest in stock-car racing.Awas recovering BrecoveringCwas re

6、covered Drecovered 11.Most trains _ long distances have a dining car and a club car where soft drinks are sold.Agone Bthat goes Cgoing Dto be going 12.Without the work of scientists and inventors before him,Thomas Edison _ so much.Adidnt achieve Bwasnt able to achieveCwouldnt have achieved Dshouldnt

7、 have achieved 13.This is a decision that will _ the companys future.Aeffect Baffect Ccontrol Dinfluence 14.Its _ that it will rain if the wind changes,but with such a cloudless sky it doesnt seem _.Alikely,possible Bliable,likelyCliable,probable Dpossible,probable15.Their offer seems too good to be

8、 true.Dont worrythere are no _.英语巴士 - 专注于英语考试和英语学习的网络媒体与服务平台()全国 2001 年 10 月综合英语(二)试题2Aconditions connected Blines addedCwishes imposed Dstrings attached 16.Good manners depend _ on how we look at ourselves _ on how we look at other people.Anot very much,and Bas much,butCnot so much,as Das much as,a

9、nd 17.The lawyer of the defendant met all those who were _ the case.Ainvolved in Bconnected aboutCconcerned by Dworried on 18.The professor _ his students working part time to the extent that they dont neglect their studies.Aapproves of Badmits to Cpraise about Dagree in 19.Heavy debts and an old ca

10、r were _ his company after the economic crisis.Athat remained about Bthat left overCwhat remained of Dwhat survived from 20.I took _ that they would apologize for what they had done to the picture.Ait seriously Bit wrongCit for granted Dinto consideration 21.Several customs officials have been _ tak

11、ing bribes from a foreign company.If they are found guilty,they will be put into prison.Acharged of Baccused ofCsuspected about Dprotested against 22.Victims of the poisonous gas get sleepier and sleepier until they _ consciousness,never to _ it.Alose,regain Bsink,gainCfail,get Ddrop,have 23.I belie

12、ve travelling can broaden our mind,and that music can _ our life.Aencourage Bennoble Cenlarge Denrich 24.They _ trouble finding the right person for the job.Amade Bgot Chad Dtook 25.We do not _ knowledge only in schools.Alearn Bstudy Cacquire Dget.完形填空。从A 、 B 、 C 、 D四个选项中,选一个正确答案,并将答案写在答题纸上。(本大题 共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分)Fill in each blank in the passage with the most likely answer.(15 points) Every word you use in your writing should reflect your purpose.If your purpose is to give


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