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1、I. 大运会徽大运会徽会徽“欢乐的 U”,是深圳 2011 年世界大运会举办理念的象征,是营造大运会形象景观的基础,是向世界展示中国、深圳的文化特征、城市形象和人文精神的载体。The emblem of Shenzhen Summer Universiade is “Happy U”. It consists of colored dots of varying size. It tries to convey the message that the Universiade is a carnival gathering for university students from around

2、 the world.以红、绿、黄、蓝、黑为基色,五种色彩的圆点组合成一个 U 形,五彩圆点自由地排列在 U 的图形中;黑色的英文字“Universiade”代表着世界大学生运动会的英文名称;“SHENZHEN2011”代表着举办城市深圳和举办时间 2011 年;五颗星是国际大体联的标志。U is rich in meanings. It may stand for “University”, “you”, “union”, “universe” or other words, or be taken as a graphical mark representing bays in the c

3、ity, Dapeng Bay for example, suggesting a happy reunion of college students of different races and colors from the five continents.A, U 的含义的含义U 的释义:大学(University);你(You);联合(Union);世界宇宙(Universe);也可以理解为深圳的海湾,比如大鹏湾,五大洲不同肤色的大学生聚集大鹏湾;II 主题口号主题口号中文:从这里开始英文:Start Here主题口号从这里开始(Start Here)具有较好的延展性,便于多场合扩展使

4、用,延续了大运会不断追求创新的精神,表明了深圳作为中国先锋城市在全球化进程中的起点价值,表明了深圳作 为“试验田”和“排头兵”在中国改革开放进程中的历史地位,同时也表明了第届世界大运会推进全球青年友谊的愿望。III, 大运会历史大运会历史The International University Sports Federation (FISU) was founded in 1949. 国际大体联成立于 1949 年 9 月。The first Universiade was held in Torino, Italy in 1959. 1959 年,第一届世界大学生运动会在意大利都灵举行。 U

5、niversiade is staged every two years in a different city. 大运会每隔两年在不同的城市举行。IV大运吉祥物大运吉祥物深圳大运会的吉祥物是什么?有什么寓意?(What is the mascot for the Shenzhen Universiade?)The mascot for the Shenzhen Summer Universiade is “UU”. UU is a smiling face developed from the Happy U. In the shape of U, the initial letter of

6、 “Universiade“.“UU” is given a variety of cute facial expressions: joyous, sweet and somewhat playful. These trendy and cheerful images are designed to embody the great vitality and uplifting spirit typical of the young people, express the expectation of the host city for the upcoming Shenzhen Summe

7、r Universiade, and highlight the role of the Games as a stage where young athletes with different racial, ethnic and religious backgrounds compete and show us their best form.吉祥物“UU”是一张笑脸,由深圳大运会会徽“欢乐的 U”演变而成,同时,又具有“Universiade”的首写字母“U”的形态。 它是年轻的、阳光的、时尚的、幻彩的、幽默的。能够体现深圳“青春之城” 、 “设计 之都”的风范,符合当今世界的设计潮流,

8、具有一定的前瞻性。V 大运会项目和场馆大运会项目和场馆深圳大运会都设置了哪些比赛项目?(How many sports programmers are included in Shenzhen Universiade?)Athletics 田径 Swimming 游泳 Diving 跳水 Water Polo 水球 Sailing 帆船帆板 Basketball 篮球 Football 足球 Badminton 羽毛球Volleyball 排球 Tennis 网球 Table Tennis 乒乓球 Golf 高尔夫球 Beach Volleyball 沙滩排球 Artistic Gymnast

9、ics 竞技体操 Rhythmic Gymnastics 艺术体操 Aerobic 健美操 Judo 柔道 Taekwondo 跆拳道 Weightlifting 举重 Cycling 自行车 Archery 射箭 Fencing 击剑 Shooting 射击 Chess 国际象棋 为了迎接大运会,深圳新建了哪些体育场馆?(To welcome the Shenzhen Universiade, how many new venues have been built in Shenzhen?) Shenzhen Bay Sports Center 深圳湾体育中心 Shenzhen Univer

10、siade Center 深圳大运中心 Baoan Stadium 宝安体育场 Shenzhen University City Sports Center大学城体育中心 为了迎接大运会,深圳维修改造了哪些原有的体育场馆?(To welcome the Shenzhen Universiade, how many old venues have been renovated in Shenzhen?) Longgang International Bicycle Velodrome 龙岗国际自行车赛场 Training Venue of Sport Team 深圳市体工大队训练某地 Shenz

11、hen Stadium 深圳体育场 Baoan Gymnasium 宝安体育馆 Luohu Gymnasium 罗湖体育馆 Shenzhen Gymnasium 深圳体育馆 Shenzhen Swimming and Diving Hall 深圳游泳跳水馆 Shenzhen University Sports Center 深圳大学体育中VI大运村情况大运村情况你了解深圳大运村的情况吗?(Do you know anything about the Ahtletes Village for Shenzhen Universiade?) Universiade village is locate

12、d in Longgang district of Shenzhen,and is easily accessible from other parts of the city. It is adjacent to the Universiade Center in the north. During the Universiade Shenzhen 2011,it will be the home for about 13,000 athletes and team officials from more than 180 countries and regions,providing ca

13、tering,accommodation,recreational,transport and other services.大运村位于深圳市龙岗区,四周交通便利。北邻大运中心。2011 年大运会期间,预计 将接待来自世界各地的约 10000 多名运动员和随队官员,为他们提供食宿、餐饮、娱乐和 交通等综合服务。2011 深圳大运会的闭幕式什么时间、在哪里举行?(When and where the closing ceremony of 2011 Universiade will be held in Shenzhen?) The closing ceremony of 2011 Univer

14、siade will be held on August 22,2011in Window of the World in Nanshan District in Shenzhen.2011 深圳大运会的闭幕式将于 2011 年 8 月 22 日在深圳南山区的世界之窗主题公园内 举行。VII. 情景对话情景对话情景对话情景对话 Mini Talks:Steven:I find that the cute U-shape signs are everywhere in Shenzhen. Is it the mascot of this universiade?斯蒂文:在深圳随处可见的那个可爱的

15、 U 型图标是这次大运会的吉祥物吗?Chen:Yes, it is called UU. It is a smiling face transformed from “Happy U”, the badge of Shenzhen Universiade. It also has the shape of the initial “U” of the word “Universiade”.陈鹏:是啊,它叫“UU”,是深圳 2011 年世界大运会会徽“欢乐的 U”演变而成的一张笑脸。同时,它又有“UNIVERSIADE”(世界大学生运动会)的首写字母“U”的形态。Steven:“Happy U” is composed of those big and small colorful dots. What does the pattern mean?斯蒂文:“欢乐的 U”是用大大小小的彩色圆点组成的,它有什么特殊的含义吗?Chen:It does not have any specific meaning. You can have your own understandings, so different people have different interpretations. “Start Here” in the bulletin beside it is th


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