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1、1.at funerals 葬礼 2.cant help but do sth 情不自禁做某事 3.line.up 连起来 4.appeal for/pray for 祈福 5.call ones names 骂人 6.chew sb out 骂人 7.neither three nor four 不三不四 8.intimately related 密切联系 9.in antiquity 远古时代 10. the signs of change 一些改变 11. in a particular matter 在特定的事件上 12. If the moon has a halo it will

2、be windy, and a damp plinth foretells rain. 月晕知风,础润如 雨。 13. attract the auspicious 祈福 14. expel the malicious 祛除恶意 15. add to this 除此之外 16. psychological activity 心理活动 17. the ability to link things together in their minds 联想能力 18. a whole set of 一整套 19. take shape/come into been 形成 20. great suprem

3、e 至高无上 21. seven rules of government 七政 22. three yang make good fortune 三阳开泰 23. misfortune will be held at bay 远离恶运 24. enormous yang and very weak yin 阳盛阴衰 25. positive force 阳气 /negative force 阴气 26. ascribe to 归一于 27. mere superstition 迷信 28. even number 偶数 /odd number 奇数 29. fortune comes in p

4、airs 好运成双 30. wary of 小心谨慎 31. get by 度过 32. Old Peoples Day 重阳节 33. gifts of cash 礼金 34. fail to understand basic manners 一点都不懂礼貌 35. ill fortune coming alone 祸不单行 36. happiness comes in pairs 双喜临门 37. betrothal gifts 嫁妆,聘礼 38. Four wings of poultry 德禽四翼 39. Gold bracelets becoming a pair 金镯成双 40.

5、Festive candles with double glow 喜烛成辉 41. eight character horoscope 生辰八字 42. steamed rolls 花卷 /steamed bum 馒头 43. a scholar of folk traditions 民俗学家44. three gave birth to ten thousand things 三生万物 45. From nothing to something, or something to infinity 从有到无,从无到无限 46. looked-upon 看得起 47. Little good or bad significance 无好坏之分 48. May the five fortunes approach your door 五福临门 49. at festive occasions 喜庆场合 50. an ethical life 伦理 51. Confucianism 儒家思想 52. the path of the golden 安乐死 53. adopting the middle between two extremes 不偏不倚 54. five pathways 五行之说 55. fits with 符合


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