选取最佳坐姿 预防久坐危害

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《选取最佳坐姿 预防久坐危害》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《选取最佳坐姿 预防久坐危害(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、选取最佳坐姿选取最佳坐姿 预防久坐危害预防久坐危害摘要:看电脑、写作业、办公一天中绝大多数时间你都在坐着。久坐会给身体带来危 害,如果你不采取最佳坐姿,危害更甚! 希望大家能认识到久坐的危害,多多走动,避免 慢性疾病。Stop for a second and notice the way you are sitting. Back curved, shoulders slumped, maybe legs crossed? For people who spend the day staring at a computer screen, this position is fairly ty

2、pical. But what is it doing to your spine, if anything? Do we need to sit up straight to focus, like that mean math teacher once insisted? Heres some straight talk from one expert, Mladen Golubic, medical director for the Center for Lifestyle Medicine at Cleveland Clinics Wellness Institute.停下手里的事情

3、,注意一下你的坐姿吧!驼背、缩肩,说不定还翘着二郎腿?对于整天 盯着电脑屏幕的人来说,这个姿势相当典型。然而,如果这种坐姿会伤害 你的脊柱呢?另 外,我们真的必须坐直了才能集中精力吗,就像小时候严厉的数学老师要求的那样?克里夫 兰诊所健康协会(Cleveland Clinics Wellness Institute)生活方式医疗中心(Center for Lifestyle Medicine)的医学主任穆雷登戈卢比奇(Mladen Golubic)就坐姿问题畅谈了自己的看法。Degrees of Comfort舒适的坐姿角度舒适的坐姿角度Little research has been don

4、e on the best way to sit upright. One American meta study in 1999 concluded that sitting at an angle of 110 to 130 degrees was optimal for spine comfort. A Scottish study published in 2007 http:/ found that leaning back at 135 degrees is ideal to prevent back strain. While interesting, this sort of

5、precision may be impractical for most people, Dr. Golubic says.至今,围绕最佳坐姿的研究仍寥寥可数。美国的一项于1999年进行的整合分析研究指 出,身体躯干和大腿呈100度至130度角的坐姿最能令脊柱放松。 苏格兰的一项于2007年发 表了论文的研究发现,角度为135度的后仰坐姿对防止背部酸痛最为有利。戈卢比奇博士表 示,虽然这些研究令人颇感兴趣,但对于 大多数人来讲,如此精确地拿捏坐姿角度或许并 不可行。Sitting to Death?久坐伤身久坐伤身His clinic sees patients with multiple

6、chronic illnesses. Nearly all of them sit for long periods each day. The term Sedentary Death Syndrome was coined by the Presidents Council on Physical Fitness and Sports in 2002 to address the growing consequences of a seated lifestyle. There are studies on Sedentary Death Syndrome http:/ that show

7、 that sitting for hours can cause anything from lower back pain to high cholesterol, diabetes and obesity, he says. In other words, no matter what position youre sitting in all day, it is pretty bad for you.克里夫兰诊所治疗过患有多种慢性疾病的病人。几乎所有这类患者都是每天久坐不动。 2002年,美国总统健康及运动委员会(Presidents Council on Physical Fitn

8、ess and Sports)为应 对久坐的生活方式所带来的日益严峻的问题创造了一个新词体力活动缺乏综合症 (Sedentary Death Syndrome)。戈卢比奇博士称:“有关体力活动缺乏综合症的研究表明,久 坐数个小时可能引发腰痛、高胆固醇、糖尿病及肥胖症等多种疾病。 ”换句话 说,不管用哪 种坐姿整天坐着,对你的身体都颇为有害。The Perfect Pose最佳坐姿最佳坐姿Body posture determines the efficiency of your breathing. Relaxed, straight sitting - with the core stron

9、g, shoulder blades active but not tight and spine erect - expands your chest, allowing you to take in a larger breath . . . and youll have more energy and focus, Dr. Golubic says. To achieve this, sit away from the back of your chair so you dont slump, with your feet placed firmly on the ground. He

10、sometimes sends patients home with a blue dot to put on their computer screens as a reminder to sit up straight and stretch and take a deep breath when they feel pain. There is also an app called PostureTrack that alerts users when theyre slumping.身体姿势是对呼吸效果起决定性作用的因素。戈卢比奇博士说, “放松,坐直”保持 身体核心稳定、打开但别绷紧

11、肩胛骨并挺直脊柱“挺胸,深呼 吸你会感觉到更有活 力,更能集中精力”。为保持这样的坐姿,你需要和椅背保持一定距离,以防止自己瘫靠在 椅子上,同时你的双脚应该稳稳地踩在地上。有 些时候,他会让患者把一个蓝色的圆点贴 纸带回家贴到电脑上,以此提醒患者在感觉到酸痛时,应该坐直、舒展身体并深呼吸。另 外,有一款名为 PostureTrack 的应用程序可以在用户弯腰驼背时发出警报。Slump to a Hump弯腰驼背的害处弯腰驼背的害处Its not as though slouching will give you a hunchback in a day, but if you do this

12、day after day, and your muscles are not strong, the whole skeleton changes, Dr. Golubic says. Im not aware of any studies that look at the changes in the volume of organs like the liver and spleen when you sit straight or slump forward. But we do know that when you slouch, you project an attitude of

13、 depression and low motivation. When you sit up straight, he adds, psychologically, your attitude is better.并不是说坐没坐相会让你在一天之内变成驼背,但戈卢比奇博士称:“如果长此以往, 你的肌肉又不够强壮,你全身的骨骼就会变形。据我所知,还没有哪项课 题就人坐直时和 驼背时内脏(如肝脏和脾脏)的体积变化进行过研究。但是我们知道的是,当你驼背时,你 会传递出令人感觉你萎靡不振和情绪低落的信号。 ”他补 充道,当你坐直时, “给人感觉你的 心理状态比较好”。Core Message腰痛发出的

14、信号腰痛发出的信号If youre not used to sitting up straight, you may feel lower back pain - an indicator that you need to strengthen your core and work on general fitness. Dr. Golubic almost always advises his patients to start yoga: The first thing we learn in yoga is how to sit properly.如果你还不习惯于直坐,你可能会感觉到腰痛

15、这说明你需要进行核心力量训练并提 高身体的综合素质。基本上,戈卢比奇会建议所有的患者开始练习瑜伽:“在瑜伽课上,我 们最先学习的就是正确的坐姿。 ”Walk, Dont Sit多走并避免久坐多走并避免久坐The bottom line: How you sit is less important than how long you sit, Dr. Golubic says. He tries to get up from his desk often, doing walking meetings with colleagues and taking phone calls outdoors. If you cannot walk, he says, At least stand. Subscribe to WSJ: 底线:戈卢比奇博士称,坐姿如何远不及坐的时间长短对身体的影响大。他本人会尽 可能频繁地离开书桌,和同事们“边走路边开会”,并到室外接打电话。他说:“如果你没有 条件走动,至少该多站站。



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