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1、Unit 4 课下能力提升(十四).根据提示写出单词的正确形式1_ (不像) what he said, he didnt carry out his promise.2To me the whole _ (全球) is like a family.3The new owners have tried to give the restaurant a more familyfriendly _ (气氛)4The customers have _ (增加) their demands on this kind of products in the past two years.5We need

2、many powerful _ (体系) to keep a stable society running smoothly (顺利地)6Do you believe that there is the _ (exist) of Ghost? 7As we all know, bad eating habit is _ (harm) to ones health.8A _ (violently) tornado hits an area in Jiangsu Province the other day.9There is a _ (puzzle) expression on his face

3、.10Is there always a conflict between science and _ (religious)?.选词填空give birth to, be harmful to, in time, come into existence, at no time, prevent . from, in ones turn, be fundamental to1It was the study of history that _ the social sciences.2They, _, made some advice for the plan.3Disregarding al

4、l the difficulties, we arrived here _4Nobody knows when the world _5Being exposed to the sunlight for a long time will _ ones skin.6We must at all costs _ them _ finding out about the plan.7_ should we give in to difficulties.8Fresh air _ good health.完成句子1Both national and international news in it _

5、 all important things that have happened during the week.在它里面所包含的国内国际新闻使我们了解一周以来发生的大事成为可能。2(2013安徽高考书面表达)These days, breaking traffic rules and littering are not uncommon, _ life and the environment.这些天,违反交通规则和乱扔垃圾的现象很常见,对生活和环境造成了严重的破坏。3Scientists have many theories about _关于一开始宇宙是如何产生的,科学家们有多种观点。4T

6、heir reason for doing it _他们为什么做那件事仍然让我费解。5_ was uncertain until 12 years ago when he was in Junior School.他将来要做什么还不确定,直到 12 年前他升入初中才确定。6The door is _那扇门太小了,姚明进不去。.阅读理解ARed dwarf stars (红矮星) can range in size from a hundred times smaller than the sun, to only a couple of times smaller.Because of the

7、ir small size these stars burn their fuel very slowly, which allows them to live a very long time.Some red dwarf stars will live trillions of years before they run out of fuel.Then why are red dwarf stars red?Because red dwarf stars only burn a little bit of fuel at a time. They are not very hot com

8、pared to other stars.Think of a fire.The coolest part of the fire at the top of the flame glows red, the hotter part in the middle glows yellow, and the hottest part near the fuel glows blue.Stars work the same way.Their temperatures determine what color they will be.Thus we can determine how hot a

9、star is just by looking at its color._Like the Sun, these mediumsized stars are yellow because they have a medium temperature.Their higher temperature causes them to burn their fuel faster.This means they will not live as long, only about 10 billion years or so.Near the end of their lives, these med

10、iumsized stars swell up becoming very large.When this happens to the Sun it will grow to engulf (吞没) even the Earth.Finally they shrink again,leaving behind most of their gas.This gas forms a beautiful cloud around the star called a planetary nebula (行星状星云)When will the Sun expand into a giant, and

11、then shrink leaving behind a planetary nebula?Dont worry.The Sun is only about 5 billion years old.It still has another 5 billion years before it will expand, and then turn into a planetary nebula.The Sun is so hot that when it dies, it will take a long time to cool off.The sun will die in about 5 b

12、illion years, but it will still glow for many billions of years after that.As it cools, it will be what is called a white dwarf star.Finally, after billions maybe even trillions of years, it will stop glowing, at that point it will be what we call a black dwarf star.There are still no black dwarf st

13、ars in the Universe.1Why do the red dwarf stars burn their fuel very slowly? ABecause they are small.BBecause they dont move around.CBecause they are cool.DBecause they reflect light like the moon.2Which of the following best expresses the main idea of Paragraph 2?AHow red dwarf stars work.BWhy red

14、dwarf stars burn a little fuel.CWhy red dwarf stars are red.DHow temperature determines the color.3The title on the underline before Paragraph 3 is probably_AThe SunBYellow StarsCPlanetary NebulaDStar Temperature4Which of the following website may this passage taken from?ABCDBIf youre holding a kids

15、 party or a family friendly event, then you need Nick Clark. My daughter and her friends love his shows. At birthday parties and at places like Fishers Farm wherever he performs youll find a happy group of children. Hugely talented (有天赋的) and reasonably priced, you couldnt wish to meet a nicer man.Vicky EdwardsNick once very kindly offered his service for a chari


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