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1、人教版人教版 新起点新起点一年级上册一年级上册英语教学设计英语教学设计茶店子小学校茶店子小学校 邝邝 旭旭Unit Two Lesson7教学目标教学目标1 1 能听懂并说出表示脸和五官的英语单词能听懂并说出表示脸和五官的英语单词2 2 通过欢快的歌谣激发学生对英语的兴趣通过欢快的歌谣激发学生对英语的兴趣3 3 培养学生的合作意识以及良好的卫生习惯培养学生的合作意识以及良好的卫生习惯4 4 感知课堂指令语感知课堂指令语TouchTouch your.your.教学重点教学重点学习脸和五官的单词学习脸和五官的单词教学难点教学难点歌谣以单词歌谣以单词教学用具教学用具教学光盘、怪兽组合图、足球贴教学

2、光盘、怪兽组合图、足球贴教学内容教学内容教法说明教法说明复备复备Step1:Step1: Warm-up1. Greeting2. TPR:Review the words in last unitStep2:Step2: Lead inT takes out the card of the clown and tells a story: When the god was making the clown, he asked the clown:“What do you want to have?” The clown said:“I want a very big nose, very b

3、ig mouth, a red face, two big eyes and two long ears.”The god said:“Yes, I give them to you .” Then, the clown look into the mirror. “Oh, My body! Im so ugly!”T: Today, lets learn My body.(write on the blackboard)Step3:Step3: presentation1. T sticks the picture on the blackboard.2. Read the words fo

4、llowing T.3. T points to the sense organ, the students say the word.4. One student point to his five sense organs, the others say the word.5. Learn the chant.运用全身反应法复习所学单词。通过童话故事,吸引学生,调动学生。运用直观教学法,是学生更易于理解单词的意思。运用全身反应法,不同的组织形式学习新单词,利于学生记忆Step4:Step4: Practice1. Game: Simon saysT:Touch your nose/eyes

5、/mouth/ears/face 2. Game: paper diceEvery representative of group casts the dice drew the five sense organs, and says the word, his groupers draw the sense organ, if he casts the same sense organ, the groupers cant draw. The group which is the first to finish the five sense organs is the winner.板板书书

6、Unit2 Face反反思思Unit Two Lesson8教学目标教学目标1 1 初步掌握句型:初步掌握句型:ThisThis isis my.my.2 2 了解自己五官的特征,并能有英语进行简单描述了解自己五官的特征,并能有英语进行简单描述3 3 培养学生的观察能力培养学生的观察能力4 4 初步具有课堂合作精神,乐于并善于参加各种形式活动初步具有课堂合作精神,乐于并善于参加各种形式活动教学重点教学重点用英语简单描述自己的五官用英语简单描述自己的五官教学难点教学难点ThisThis isis my.my.句型以及连贯几句描述自己句型以及连贯几句描述自己教学用具教学用具单词卡片、教学光盘、录音

7、磁带、单词卡片、教学光盘、录音磁带、教学内容教学内容教法说明教法说明复备复备Step1:Step1: Warm-up 1. Review the words:Read the cards 2. TPRT: Touch your mouth/nose.3. Say the chant.4. Guess the words according to the action:e.g.: T winks, students guess eye.Step2:Step2: presentation1. Students count the eyes following T, and say: one, tw

8、o, two eyes. At the same way, count ears, mouth, and nose.2. T: I have two eyes. Ss:.T: I have two ears. Ss:.T: I have one nose. Ss:.T: I have one mouth. Ss:.T: I have one little face. Ss:.3. Learn the chant.4. Draw self-portraitStep4:Step4: Practice1. Students introduce themselves. 2. Group work: O

9、ne group one coating paper, draw the five sense organs one by one according to Ts orders.3. Do the part B in book. First, observe; then draw, at last listen to the tape and check.通过全身反应法、歌谣、猜词等方式复习单词和句型从单词入手,然后逐渐扩充为句子,递进、分层教学,易于学生掌握新知识。板板书书反反思思Unit Two Lesson9教学目标教学目标1 1 学生了解五官功能,能用英语表达学生了解五官功能,能用英语

10、表达2 2 理解动词理解动词 see,see, talk,talk, hear,hear, walk,walk, smellsmell 和身体部位单词和身体部位单词 feetfeet3 3 初步掌握初步掌握 cancan .句型句型教学重点教学重点通过学习歌谣理解新单词通过学习歌谣理解新单词教学难点教学难点Can.Can.句型的应用句型的应用教学用具教学用具多媒体光盘,录音磁带,单词卡片,课件多媒体光盘,录音磁带,单词卡片,课件教学内容教学内容教法说明教法说明复备复备Step1:Step1: Warm-up1. Review the words: Listen to the Ts orders

11、 and draw the clown.(T also draw the clown)2. TPR3. ChantStep2:Step2: presentation1. T point to the picture of the clown:T:“Now ,the clown has mouth, nose, eyes, ears, and face. He is very happy. Why?2. Talk about the feeling about the cross-talk.3. T: Why the clown is happy?T: Now, the clown can se

12、e, can hear, can smell, can talk.(T do the action with saying)4. Learn the chant.Step3:Step3: Practice1. Do the part B 运用新形式相声组织教学,即明确体现了本科教学内容,有调动了学生的积极性,同时利于学生理解新单词。2. Guess the word: T does the action, students guess the word.3. Game: FreezeWhen T says Freeze, students cant move. And T saysYou ca

13、n move your hands, students can move hands.板板书书反反思思Unit Two Lesson10教学目标教学目标1 1 StoryStory timetime2 2 通过歌曲及各种活动激发学生学习英语的兴趣通过歌曲及各种活动激发学生学习英语的兴趣教学重点教学重点理解故事内容理解故事内容教学难点教学难点熟练运用句型介绍自己的五官熟练运用句型介绍自己的五官教学用具教学用具单词卡片、教学光盘、录音磁带单词卡片、教学光盘、录音磁带教学内容教学内容教法说明教法说明复备复备Step1:Step1: Warm-up 1. Review the words:Read t

14、he cards 2. Say the chant.(Lesson7)3. Game: Do following Ts ordersT orders, some students do, but T does wrong intentionally. Students say to the correct students“Yes! Yes! You win!” and say to the wrong students “No! NO! You will try!”Step2:Step2: presentation1. Play the tape: chantT says and does

15、and then students guess the meaning.2. Lead in new words: leg, arm, hand, foot3. Read the words rhythmically: arm hand leg foot. Read and clap hands.4. T says and does: Clap hands; cross arms. Students follow.5. Learn the chantStep4:Step4: Practice1. TPR with the chant2. TPR: T changes the orders.e.g.: Cross legs; cross hands; open mouth3. Game: Strange touchT puts the word cards altogether. One student takes out two cards. E.g.: The two cards are nose and arm. T will order that touch your nose with your arm. The other students do.通过全身反应法、歌谣、猜词等方式复习单词和句型从单词入手,然后逐渐扩充为句子,递进、分层教学,


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