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1、1毕业设计(论文)设计题目:XXXXX 丽都 A-4 号楼建筑物沉降观测方案设计及数据分析研究 院(系): XXXXXXXX 专业班级: 测绘工程 姓名: XXXXXX 学号: XXXXXX 指导教师: XXXXXX 2摘要随着改革开放的不断深入和经济建设的飞速发展,我国建筑业正进入一个蓬勃发展的新时期。然而由于我国可利用土地资源十分贫乏,为节约和合理利用每一寸土地,致使我国建筑向着高层或者特高层发展。伴随着高层建筑的出现,对其变形监测的要求也随之产生。变形在一定范围内是允许的,但当超出允许值时,变形就演变成了灾害。对建筑物进行监测的目的是为其安全提供最有价值的变形数据及信息,同时为建筑物设计

2、及安全维护提供依据,保证建筑物在施工、使用和运行中的安全,以及为建筑物的设计、施工、管理及科学研究提供可靠的资料。因此建筑物变形观测内容、方法、变形分析及变形监测趋势预测的研究非常必要。本文设计的意义在于通过论述变形监测技术的基本理论和概念,针对监测网的优化设计和监测方案的制定及高程控制网的布设,基准点、工作基点的布设,观测周期的确定,监测精度与成果的整理等等做相关讨论。同时,将对变形监测的数据处理理论和方法作出深入的探讨。对建筑物沉降的观测、分析与预报形成一套完整的技术方案。可为以后相似的工程提供了借鉴,具有很好的社会效益和经济效益。关键词:沉降监测 回归分析 数据处理3AbstractWi

3、th the further reform and opening and the rapid development of economy, our country construction is entering a new period of vigorous development. However, as our country available land resources are very poor, and for conservation and reasonable utilization of every inch of the land, the our countr

4、y building towards high-rise or special high-level development. With the emergence of the high-rise building, the deformation monitoring requirement also caused. Deformation in a certain range is allowed, but when beyond the allowable value, deformation is turned into a disaster.The purpose of the m

5、onitoring of buildings for the safety of the deformation data provide most valuable and information, and at the same time for building design and safety maintenance providing the basis for building construction, use in guarantee and the operation of the security, as well as the building design, cons

6、truction, management and scientific research to provide reliable information. So building deformation observation content, method, deformation 4analysis and deformation monitoring of the trend prediction research is very necessary.This paper discusses the significance of the design is that the defor

7、mation monitoring technology of basic theory and concept, in view of the monitoring network optimization design and monitoring program for elevation control and network layont, benchmark, work basis point layout, the determination of observation period, monitoring accuracy and results, and so on rel

8、ated discussion up to do. At the same time, and will be of the deformation monitoring data processing theory and method to make further studied. The building of the settlement of observation, analysis and forecast forming a complete set of technology solutions. After the project for similar provides

9、 for reference, has the very good social benefits and economic benefits.Keywords: subsidence monitoring regression analysis data processing5目录摘要 .11.绪论.11.1 建筑物变形观测的意义、内容及目的.11.2 现阶段沉降观测的方法.41.3 数据分析理论及方法.51.4 本文研究主要内容.72. *丽都 A-4 号楼沉降观测方案设计 .82.1*丽都 A-4#楼建筑物工程概况.82.2 沉降观测的一般规定.102.3 监测控制网的建立与基准点的选择

10、 .132.4 建筑物沉降观测点的布置.162.5 控制测量.202.6 建筑物观测周期的确定与资料整理 .253.变形监测成果整理与数据分析 .2923.1 沉降观测数据整理 .293.2 回归分析理论.303.3*丽都 A-4#楼数据分析.334.总结.38参考文献.39致谢.40附录.411.数据处理计算表.412.水准基点的样式.443.外文文献.4511.绪论一切物体都具有自己的几何形状,由于某种原因改变了原几何形状可称为变形。大到宇宙中的星球,小到我们生活的地球及其某个地区、城市、矿区,一个具体的建筑物甚至于某个构件都存在变形,如全球性的地极移动,地壳的板块运动及区域性地震,城市地表下沉,矿区采空区的地表沉陷,山体、河岸及矿坑边帮的滑坡,建筑物基础下沉、倾斜,建筑物墙体的裂缝及构件挠曲等都是变形的表现形式。1.1 建筑物变形观测的意义、内容及目的1.1.1 建筑物变形观测的意义所谓变形观测,是指利用测



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