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1、年度2013编号2013 级硕士研究生 听说课作业调查报告题目(英文)_ _题目(中文)_学 院_小 组 成 员_日 期_一、调查简介1:Time : 2013.10.15 Place : close to the school Object: student;workes;teachersMethod:questionnaire survey Personnel:李浩楠;王泽;杨军军;康俊峰 Labor:李浩楠:记录 杨军军;找人 康俊峰,王泽:采访 2.Purpose of the survey:The employment of university students in the cu

2、rrent market economy, the reform and opening up, constantly college enrollment, employment system reform, in the context of graduates increased year by year, has become an increasingly important issue. Maintain a good career mentality that is conducive to safeguarding the health of college students

3、on careers have a very important role. Most realistic grasp the current employment status of graduates, students learn the next few years employment trends; most companies recruit college students to grasp the real situation, understand the business employment standards, graduates and businesses to

4、try to establish a communication between the opportunities for dialogue. Thus for university graduates for college, providing valuable information related to promote student employment has played an active role.3. Findings:(1), do you think that the current employment situation how? answerA GrimB no

5、rmalC betterD no idear Percent age48.5%42.6%4.5%4.4%(2).You enter the graduation period whereabouts?(3).Your choice of channels on the job?answerTalent WebsiteCampus RecruitmentSocial recruitmentTeachers, relatives and friendsMedia (television, newspapers) Percent age51.5%80.9%44.1%22.1%4.4%answer j

6、obPubMedabroadEntrepren eurshipJob PubMed hands readyothersPercent age72%7.4%5.9%4.4%10.2%2.9%(4).Do you think the quality of their current most lacking mainly?answerThe basic problem solving skillsCommuni cation and coordinati on skillsUnder pressure, ability to overcome difficultiesRelated work or

7、 internshi p experien ceProfessi onal knowled ge and skillsothersPercent age5.9%7.4%16.2%52.9%27.9%1.5%(5).I ask by what means you will introduce yourself to the employers situation?answerRecruitment siteDespatch promotions materialsEmployment data in the job websiteThrough acquaintancesPercentage77

8、.9%44.1%44.1%20.6% (6).What is your idea of what career?answerStep, a fixed incomeEmployment before careerNo employment, further educationTheir own businessesPercentage17.6%73.5%4.4%5.9%(7).You want to choose what kind of units of employment? (Limited to elect two)answerState- owned enterprise sPriv

9、ate enterpriseForeignCombined companyGovernm ent departme ntsTheir own businesse sPercentag e52.9%39.7%51.5%20.6%22.1%11.8%(8).Do you think the current employment of graduates of the main question is what?answerCompanie s need to have a high profession al competenStudents do not have the ability to

10、meet the business requiremeGraduates positionin g unreasona ble expectatio ns are too Governm ent, schools, employers and students to Employm ent informati on mechanis m is not perfect, Kabuki university education model does not focus on improving ce or profession al and technical personnel, the tot

11、al demand for graduates decreasednts of the occupatio n, the lack of work experienc e, not able to compete graduatin ghigh, too picky careercommuni cate and understan d each other enoughthe informati on channel is not smooth, the informati on is not sufficientstudents comprehe nsive ability, not for

12、 university graduates and career developm ent to provide effective help Percentag e29.4%54.4%19.1%10.3%7.4%16.2%(9).You feel yourself in the job job search process, most competitive aspect?answerAcademicProfessionsInternshipExaminatio n certificates / skills certificateGood job mentalityPercentage7.

13、4%30.9%23.5%17.6%41.2%(10).You want most in the job search process employed to get what? (Limited to elect two)answe rBusin ess experi enceGood profes sional techni calAdva nced mana geme nt modeCuttin g- edge knowl edge and infor matio nExten sive relatio nshipsTeam work skillsGood pay and benefi t

14、sSelf- realiz ationStable jobsPerce ntage42.6%36.8%29.4%14.7%26.5%13.2%14.7%25%7.4%(11).You think you can accept wage?answer1000-15001500-20002000-25002500-30003000 以上 Percentage2.9%20.6%47.1%22.1%7.4%4. Proposal(1) mentality recommendations on employment.An attitude adjustment, put the bottom shelf

15、, learn, did not reach when the ability to lower their expectations a little more, some more pragmatic., the main is to balance unrealistic attitude, the mind must be correct, from the basics, college students employment for the first time, have a good psychological quality, do not expect too much, even unhappy, can be used as a learning exercise o pportunities, try to adjust their mentality, the mentality of flat, the key is to change the mentality of occupation number is also the expected value to be adjusted time



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