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1、1UnitUnit 3 3 TopicTopic 1 1 SectionSection A AThe main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是 1a 和 2。 . TeachingTeaching aimsaims andand demandsdemands 教学目标教学目标1. Learn some useful words and expressions: could, tell, sure, call, for, for short, any, corner, may, study, problem 2. Modal verb may / could /

2、 can: (1)You can call me Mike for short. (2)May I study English with you?3. Asking for permission: (1)Could you please tell me your name? (2)May I study English with you? . TeachingTeaching aidsaids 教具教具 图片 / 条幅 / 小黑板 / 录音机 . FiveFive fingerfinger TeachingTeaching PlanPlan 五指教学方案五指教学方案StepStep 1 1 R

3、eviewReview 第一步第一步 复习复习(时间:15 分钟) 1. (师生互动复习问候语。 )T: Lets begin our English class. S1: Stand up! T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls! Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Miss / Mr. !T: Thank you. Sit down, please! 2. (教师用手势示意一位同学站起来问答,复习选择疑问句。 )T: Excuse me. Is this a dog or a cat? S2: It is a cat. T:

4、 Are these computers or TVs? S2: They are computers. T: Is it a boy or a girl? S2: It is a boy. (指导学生就身边的东西,进行猜谜游戏,复习选择疑问句,让全班同学都开口说。 ) 3. (教师用手势示意一位同学站起来问答,复习名字、年龄、班级等以导入新课。 )T: Excuse me. Whats your name? S3: My name is T: How old are you? S3: Im 13 (or 13 years old). T: Do you have an English nam

5、e? S3: Yes,I do. T: Could you please tell me your name?2S3: Sure. (在教师的帮助下,学生说出“Sure” ,教师板书然后领读。 )Could you please tell me your name? Sure.T: Excuse me. Whats your name, please? S4: My name is T: Do you have an English name? S4: Yes, I do. T: Could you please tell me your English name? S4: Sure. My

6、English name is You can call me for short.(在教师的帮助 下说出,教师板书,然后领读板书的内容。 )You can call me for short. 4.(1) (学生两人一组进行问答练习。目的: 集体热身,以便进入新课。 )T: Lets practice in pairs. (2) (挑两组在全班同学面前表演。 )T: Now Ill choose two groups to act it out. 5.(师生互动,继续引入新课。 )T: Excuse me. Do you have an English name? S5: Yes, I do

7、. T: Could you please tell me your English name? S5: Sure. My English name is You can call me for short. T: Thank you. Do you have any friends in our class? S5: Yes, I do. T: Who is your good friend? S5: He has a big head, a round face and two small eyes. Do you know? T: Oh, I see. Is he ?S5: You ar

8、e right. T: Do you like English? S5: Yes. I like it very much. (在教师的帮助下说出,并带领全班同学读 3 遍。 )T: Do you know the English corner? S5: Sorry, I dont know. (这时,由两位同学帮助教师向全班同学展示条幅,教师 领读,然后讲解,并板书,以便让同学们了解: 英语角是练习英语口语的一个理想场所, 引起学生的兴趣,激发学生学习英语的热情。 )very much English corner (接下来,教师趁热打铁,继续师生互动,连续问三位学生。 )T: Do you

9、 like the English corner? Ss: Yes. I like it very much. (老师用手势依次示意三位学生回答练习,以引出句型 May ?。 )T: Do you like the English corner? S6: Yes. I like it very much. T: Do you like the English corner? S7: Yes. I like it very much. T: Do you like the English corner?3S8: Yes. I like it very much. T: May I study E

10、nglish with you? (教师加重语气,慢速重复该句 3 遍,帮助学生理解该句的含义,而且此时教师应面带微 笑,边读边示意,以便学生能说出老师预想的答案。 )S8: No problem. / Sure. (如果此时学生还不能说出老师想要的答句,教师也可以给以补充。 )T: You can say “No problem”or “Sure”. (教师领读 3 遍,然后板书。 )May I study English with you? No problem / Sure.StepStep 2 2 PresentationPresentation 第二步第二步 呈现呈现 (时间:5 分

11、钟) 1.(教师出示小黑板,设置听力任务,告诉学生,先认真看小黑板上的句子。当学生看那些 句子时,教师把关键词板书出来。呈现出 1a,同时也为学生下一步脱离课本进行表演 打下基础。 )tell, study, call, for short, Sure. No problem. Could you ? May I ? You can 2.(听完对话录音,让全班同学将小黑板上的六个句子重新排序,组成一段对话。 )T: Open your books and finish 1b. (教师放第一遍录音,要求学生注意听,放第二遍,要求学生开始做;这时教师可以在走 道上走一圈,看是否有学生未完成任务,若

12、有,看有无必要放第三遍,如果是单词不会 写的,就没必要再放,但若是未听清楚的,仍然需要放;教师完全可以通过学生的面部 表情看出来是什么原因;刚开始学英语,培养学生的听力是至关重要的。 )StepStep 3 3 ConsolidationConsolidation 第三步第三步 巩固巩固 (时间:5 分钟) 1.(教师放 1a 录音,示范学生跟读。 )T: Follow the tape twice. 2.(学生与录音机对话,即人机对话。 )T: Suppose you are Candy. Listen to Michael and make a dialog with him. 3.(学生

13、与老师对话。 )T: Suppose you are Michael and I am Candy. Lets make a dialog. 4.(把全班学生分成两组进行对话,教师用手势示意并对学生说。 )T: Suppose you are Candy and you are Michael. Please make a dialog. 5.(上面的对话已得到巩固,学生两人一组完全有能力独立完成 2。 )StepStep 4 4 PracticePractice 第四步第四步 练习练习 (时间:10 分钟) 1. (教师把准备好的英语角的图片挂在教室醒目的地方,让学生分小组练习,教师可以和

14、一位学生示范表演。 )T: Could you please tell me your name? S1: Sure. My name is You can call me for short. (学生两人一组练习以上句型。 ) 2. (学生 2 和学生 3 先做示范,然后再进行分组练习。 )4S2: Do you like the English corner? S3: Yes. I like it very much. S2: May I study English with you? S3: No problem. 3. (创设情景: 你的好朋友来教室找你,同学看见了他,与你对话。 )S

15、4: Who is that? S5: He is my good friend. S4: Could you please tell me his name? S5: Sure. His name is We can call him for short. S4: Does he like English? S5: Yes. He likes it very much. S4: May we study English with him? S5: No problem. StepStep 5 5 ProjectProject 第五步第五步 综合探究活动综合探究活动(时间: 10 分钟) 1.

16、(做个调查,采访本小组的同学,了解一下他们中有几个人喜欢英语角及其原因,目的: 及时帮助那些对英语不感兴趣或者说是不喜欢英语的同学。 )T: Please fill in the chart.Group OneTwoThreeFourFiveSix Like(number)Dislike(number)2.(每小组完成调查填好表格后,把调查结果给全班同学作个汇报。 )T: You can report it to our class like this: Group One: Likefour, Disliketwo. 3. (活跃气氛,放松一下,让学生体会“成功”的感觉。在老师的带领下完成 3 Class activity。)T: Lets chant.


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