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1、实用英语综合教程第一册实用英语综合教程第一册 2 2UNIT 2Text APRE-READINGTASKExercise: 1Before reading the passage, decide whether the statements are True or False.1. Rock and Roll comes mainly from black African music.2. An electric guitar is a necessary instrument in Rock and Roll music.3. The King of Rock and Roll is Jo

2、hn Winston Lenon(约翰.列农).Now read the passage to check your answers.Rock and Roll:1. It is difficult to say exactly how the music we call “rock“ or “rock and roll“ began. Its roots go back to many different countries and many different kinds of music and musicians.2. Rock music developed mainly from

3、the interaction of black African and white European music. The Europeans and the African slaves who came to America during the seventeenth century each had their own different kinds of music. Black Africans used heavy drumbeats, a rough singing voice, and the calling of a melody and answer of a chor

4、us. The white Europeans, mostly English and Scots, used a stronger melody, a less heavy beat, and instruments such as guitars, horns, and fiddles. The history of rock and roll is the history of how rock evolved from these two traditions.3. From the seventeenth to the twentieth century, musicians in

5、the southern United States developed two new forms of music: the blues, usually played by blacks, and country music, played by whites. Black musicians sang the blues accompanied by a guitar. This music was similar to work songs: stories of troubles and pain, with lines that were repeated several tim

6、es. The words “rock and roll“ probably came from the black churches in the South, where people sang spiritual music and danced to the strong rhythms, which they called “rocking and reeling“. At the same time, whites were playing country music, which was mostly traditional dancing music and slow song

7、s that told sad stories. The singers were accompanied by string instruments such as fiddles and guitars.4. During this time blues and country musicians had some influence on each other, but the influence grew stronger after phonograph records became popular in the late nineteenth century. The birth

8、of the electric guitar changed country and blues music in the 1940s. The sound of the electric guitar would become the sound of rock and roll. No one thinks of early rock and roll without thinking of Elvis Presley, the “King of Rock and Roll“. Elvis was an ordinary boy. He grew up poor, learned to s

9、ing in church, and became a truck driver when he graduated from high school.5. No one thought that this young man with the guitar would change popular culture. But after he recorded two blues songs in Memphis, everything changed. He sang throughout the South, and teenagers went crazy over his amazin

10、g voice and his attractive performances. His music was an exciting mixture of white country and black blues. With his long hair and tight pants, he became a teenage idol. In two years, he was a national phenomenon.6. Elviss career then went downhill. He went into the army, then stopped performing an

11、d made a series of bad movies. He continued to record, but his music rarely had the life of his early songs. He remained the symbol of rock and roll, however, not only in the United States but also around the world. He died in 1977, at the age of 42, but his music did not die with him. Rock music co

12、ntinues to develop and change, but the heart and soul of rock is the same heart and soul that Elvis expressed.New Words:root n. 1. cause, central part or base 根源,根本 2. 根,根茎 v. to (cause to) be fixed or unmoving 使扎根,使固定musician n. 音乐家,作曲家interaction n. 相互作用,相互影响drumbeat n. 鼓的一击(声)melody n. 歌曲,旋律,曲调ch

13、orus n. something said or sung by many people at one time 合唱,齐声mostly ad. 几乎全部地,多半instrument n. an object used to help in work 仪器,器具,乐器guitar n. 吉它,六弦琴 horn n. 1. (管乐器)喇叭,号,管, (角制的)号角 2. (牛、羊、鹿等动物的)角,触角fiddle n. 小提琴(非正式名称) ,提琴类乐器evolve v. to (cause to) develop bit by bit (使)发展, (使)进化tradition n. 传统a

14、ccompany v. 1. to make supporting music for 为.伴奏 2. to go with, as on a journey 伴随,陪同 similar a. like or alike, partly or almost the same 相似的,类似的spiritual a. 1. 宗教的,神圣的 2. 精神(上)的,心灵的rhythm n. 节奏,节拍reel v. 摇晃,摇摆string n. 1.(乐器的)弦 2. 线,细绳influence n. 影响,感化phonograph n. 留声机,唱机popular a. enjoyed or like

15、d by many people 大众喜爱的,流行的driver n. a person who drives 驾驶员,司机graduate v. 毕业 n. 毕业生culture n. 文化,修养teenager n. a young person of between 13 and 19 years old (13 至 19 岁的)青少年crazy a. 1. widely excited; very keen or interested 着迷的,狂热爱慕的 2. mad; ill in the mind 发疯的,疯子的amazing a. causing great surprise o

16、r wonder 令人惊异的attractive a. 有吸引力的,引起注意的performance n. 1. 演出,表演 2. 行为,工作mixture n. 混合,混合物tight a. closely fastened, firmly fixed in place 紧的,紧固的pants n. (pl.) trousers 裤子teenage a. 青少年的,十几岁的少年的idol n. someone or something admired or loved too much 偶像phenomenon n. 1. 奇迹,杰出人物 2. (pl. phenomena) 现象career n. 生涯,专业downhill ad. 如下坡路般,趋向衰退perform v. 1. 演出,表演 2. to carry out (a piece of) work 完成,执行movie n. a film 电影rarely ad. not often 很少,难得symbol n. 象征Phrase


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