选修8 Unit 5知识点汇总

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《选修8 Unit 5知识点汇总》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《选修8 Unit 5知识点汇总(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 选修 8 Unit 5 知识点汇总 I重点单词重点单词/词组词组 1. alternative adj. 供选择的;其他的供选择的;其他的 n 可能的选择;选择对象可能的选择;选择对象 alternative energy 替代能源替代能源 have no alternative but to do sth.别无选择只好做别无选择只好做=_(1)_ (任你选择) of marrying or remaining a bachelor. (2)I offered the _(提供选择的建议) of spending the vacation in the mountains or by the

2、 sea. (3)I had no alternative _.(除了接受该项提议之外)2. assume v 假定;设想;假装;承担假定;设想;假装;承担 assume sb./sth. to be 假定假定/假设某人假设某人/某事为某事为 It is assumed that.被认为被认为 assumption n假定,假设假定,假设 on the assumption that 假定假定+同位语从句同位语从句 assuming that.假设假设/假定假定+条件从句条件从句We must _(假定他是清白的)until he is proved guilty. (假定) the prop

3、osal is accepted,when are we going to get the money. A lot of people that poverty only exists in the Third World. 许多人认为贫困仅仅存在于第三世界。Im working the money will come through.我是在 假定能拿到钱的情况下工作。 (5)_ (普遍认为) that stress is caused by too much work.3. arrest n 逮捕;拘留逮捕;拘留 vt. 逮捕;吸引逮捕;吸引 arrest sb.for 因因而逮捕某人而逮

4、捕某人 get arrested 遭逮捕遭逮捕 arrest ones attention 引起注意引起注意 under arrest 被捕被捕Embry _ (因为偷车而被捕了) The police expected to _ (进行拘捕)soon. Her extreme beauty _ (引起了男孩的注意) The agent was for carrying a false passport. A.arrested B.accused C.charged D.suspected4. look ahead 向前看;为将来打算向前看;为将来打算 Look_深入调查深入调查 look _

5、照料,照顾;关心;注意照料,照顾;关心;注意 look _回顾,回想回顾,回想 look_歧视,看不起歧视,看不起 look_希望,盼望希望,盼望 look_把某人看做把某人看做(或当做或当做) look _当心;注意当心;注意 look_浏览,仔细看浏览,仔细看 look_好转,有起色;向上看;查找好转,有起色;向上看;查找 look _上下打上下打(1)_ (向前看),you all will have a brighter future. (2)Ive _ (浏览了所有文件) but I still cant find the contract. (3)He _ (向前看去) in or

6、der to find his mother. (4)_ (小心)!The car is running too fast.5. significance n.意义;意思;重要性;重要意义意义;意思;重要性;重要意义the significance of. 的重要性的重要性/含义含义 be of great/no/little significance 有有(重大重大)意义意义/无意义无意义/不太重要不太重要be significantbe of significance 有意义有意义 significantly adv. 重大地;有意义地重大地;有意义地This new discovery

7、of oil is (有着重大的意义) to this areas economy. Please inform us if there are any (重大)changes in your plans.6. relief n. much to ones relief =to ones great relief 使某人大为放心的是,使某人深感宽慰的是使某人大为放心的是,使某人深感宽慰的是 provide relief for sb 为。为。 。 。提供救济品。提供救济品This medicine will_. 这药会为你减轻一些痛苦。_(我们大大松了一口气),the children all

8、 arrived home safely. Relief _the flood hit areas. 救济物品被空运到洪水受灾地区。relieve sb.from anxiety 消除某人的忧虑消除某人的忧虑 relieve sb.of 解除某人的(负担等)解除某人的(负担等) ;减轻某人的(痛苦等);减轻某人的(痛苦等) Being able to tell the truth at last _ (使她感到轻松).The new secretary will_(减轻一些我们文案工作的负担)some of the paperwork.7.cut up (1)Alice cut up the

9、meat and began to cook it._(2)Mary was really cut up when her friend died. _ 用用 cut 的相关短语填空的相关短语填空:(1)You smoke too muchyou should really try to _ . (2)She kept _ on our conversation. (3)Our water supply has been _ . (4)She was pretty _ about them leaving.8. regardless ofregardless of =_=_不管,不顾;尽管,虽

10、然。不管,不顾;尽管,虽然。 这几个词后不能直接跟从句,但可以接这几个词后不能直接跟从句,但可以接 the fact that.。The club welcomes all new members _ _(不分年龄). They decorated the house _ .( 不惜工本) The goal is to make higher education available to everyone who is willing and capable his financial situation. A.with reference to B.owing to C.in terms o

11、f D.regardless of 9.(be/get)fed up withI_. 我等她等烦了。People are _. 人们厌烦这么多的交通堵塞。You_, Whats the matter? 你满脸不高兴的样子,怎么啦? 用 feed 的相关短语填空 (1)You can _ these carrots _ the rabbits. (2)People here _ rice chiefly. (3)In the end,I just got his constant complaining.(4)Im really this weatherwhy cant it be sunny for a change?A.fed up toB.fed on C.fed toD.fed up with 10.date back to=date from追溯到。追溯到。 。 。这个词组没有被动态,也不用进行时,所以在句。这个词组没有被动态,也不用进行时,所以在句 子中常用一般现在时子中常用一般现在时长城始建于春秋时期。_.The bridge _(始建于 17 世纪)is in ruins and needs repairing. 11.选词填空:选词填空:disturb/interrupt (1).Her sons illness _


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