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1、MyoMend美国迈轻When faced with an acute injury, one of the most common applications for healing is the RICE protocol: rest, ice, compress and elevate. Unfortunately, this procedure does not necessarily take into accountant the bodys natural inflammatory mechanisms. The inflammatory response is designed

2、to increase temperature in the injured area, ramping up the bodys natural enzyme activity. proteolytic enzymes are manufactured by the body to break down proteins in the bloodstream. Increase enzyme activity, in the presence of heat, enables the removal of proteins which are dead, damaged or do not

3、belong. This removal process is recognized by the body and may be indicated by fever. Removal of such stressors allows the body to transition into recovery. 当面对急性损伤时,最常用的的治疗方法是:休息、冰敷、揉捏按摩。不幸的是,这 样的处理方式会考虑不到天然的炎症机制。炎症反应会使受伤部位的温度升高,肌体天然 酶活性会增加。蛋白水解酶是由肌体产生的用来分解血液中的蛋白质的酶。在高温的情况 下这种酶活性会增加,使坏死蛋白质或不属于肌体的蛋白

4、质去除。这个消除过程为肌体所 认可的并且以发烧的形式表示出来。除去这些胁迫因素(炎性因子),身体就会逐渐康复。MyoMend offers a unique blend of vegetarian enzymes with benefits from the antioxidant properties of rutin. This high-potency enzyme blend includes plant enzymes bromelain and papain along with protease, serratiopeptidase, nattokinase and catala

5、se enzymes. This combination of ingredients assists with capillary, tissue and muscle function, as well as promoting healthy inflammatory responses for cardiovascular well-being. MyoMend was formulated to work with the bodys immune system for encouraging accelerated recovery and repair. 美国迈轻(MyoMend

6、)提供了独特的纯植物混合酶以及具有抗氧化性能的芦丁。这种 高效混合酶包含了植物菠萝蛋白酶和木瓜蛋白酶、舍雷肽酶、纳豆激酶和过氧化氢酶。这 种混合的成分有助于毛细管、组织和肌肉功能,以及有利于人类心血管健康的炎症反应。 迈轻能与肌体免疫系统一起协作来促进肌体的恢复和修补。 Capillary blood flow plays a major role in generating a healthy inflammatory response. The small blood vessels are responsible for carrying oxygen and nutrients to

7、the cells while removing waste. After an injury, some of these capillaries may be damaged making them incapable of carrying fluid to and from damaged tissue. Symptoms like localized pain, swelling, redness, heat and loss of function may result. Research studies suggest proteolytic enzymes such as na

8、ttokinase and serratiopeptidase, support healthy circulation and speed recovery. Proteases may also contributed to the expulsion of harmful particles by stimulating phagocytes (cell that ingest foreign particles and debris) and accelerating elimination by way of the lymphatic system. 毛细血管血流量对于产生健康的炎

9、症反应起着重要作用。毛细血管负责给细胞携带氧 气和营养,同时运走血液垃圾。在受伤后,其中一些毛细血管受损可能使他们无法给受损 组织运输营养和排泄废物。可能会导致局部疼痛、肿胀、红肿、发烧和丧失功能等的症状。 研究表明,像纳豆激酶和舍雷肽酶等蛋白水解酶,能维护身体的健康循环,加速机体恢复。 蛋白酶通过刺激吞噬细胞(摄取细胞外部的微粒和杂物)可以驱逐有害颗粒,同时通过刺激 淋巴系统的方式加速有害颗粒的清除。 Fibrin is a protein in the blood produced in response to inflammation. This protein is essential

10、 to stop excess blood loss in the event of bodily trauma or injury. Excessive inflammation due to injury may encourage cross-linked fibrin to circulate through the bloodstream and stick to the walls of blood vessels. The nattokinase enzyme blend in MyoMend supports healthy circulation by breaking do

11、wn fibrin and helping increase antioxidant activity. Nattokinase NSK-SD, sourced from the fermented soy bean product natto, has been the subject of 17 studies. Two small clinical trials associated with some studies showed results indicating a heightened ability to dissolved blood clots and promote h

12、ealthy blood pressure. 纤维蛋白是血液中发生炎症反应时产生的一种蛋白质。在身体创伤或受伤时,这种蛋 白质是阻止过度失血必不可少的。受伤处过度的炎症反应可能会促进交联纤维蛋白在血液 中循环,并且粘附在血管壁。美国迈轻中的纳豆激酶能通过分解纤维蛋白来维持健康的循 环,帮助提高肌体的抗氧化活性。纳豆激酶,来自纳豆发酵大豆产品,已经是 17 项科学研 究的主题。两个临床试验相关的一些研究结果表明纳豆激酶能提高溶解血栓的能力,促进 血压健康。 Serratiopeptidase, like nattokinase, functions as a proteolytic and fi

13、brinolytic enzyme. The enzyme offers support for healthy circulation by accelerating tissue repair to calm joint discomfort and maintain balanced secretion of interstitial fluid. 舍雷肽酶,就像纳豆激酶一样,有蛋白水解和纤溶酶的功能。这种酶通过加速组织修 复改善关节不适以及维持组织液分泌的平衡来维护健康的循环。 The tropical plant enzymes bromelain, from pineapple,

14、and papain, from papaya, have an established history for supporting healthy inflammation, circulation and recovery. Typically more active in an elevated temperature, these enzymes may be effective in supporting the bodys immune system during inflammatory responses. Recent research indicates benefici

15、al effects of tropical plant enzymes for joint health. 热带植物酶菠萝蛋白酶和木瓜蛋白酶,分别从菠萝和木瓜中提取的,在传统的治疗中 通常用来维持健康的炎症反应、血液循环并且回复健康。在较高的温度中这些酶有更高的 活性。在炎症反应中,这些酶可以有效地支持肌体免疫系统。最近的研究表明热带植物酶 对关节健康具有有益的影响。 Rutin is an antioxidant found in various fruits and vegetables and from leaves of several plant species. Research

16、 also indicates the benefits of rutin in combination with bromelain for joined health. 芦丁是一种抗氧化剂,是从各种各样的水果、蔬菜和几种植物的叶子中发现的。最近 的研究表明芦丁结合菠萝蛋白酶对关节健康有很好的影响。 While animal-based pancreatic enzymes are common, many doctors and patients seek out vegan or vegetarian enzyme options. Religious, moral or dietary lifestyles may demand a non- animal-based supplement choice. 然而通常我们所见的是动物性胰腺酶,许多医生和病人寻找纯素食或素食主义的酶。 不同的宗教、道德或饮食生活方式要求选择一种非动物基础的酶来作为补充剂。



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