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1、人教版小学英语三年级下册第四单元测试题人教版小学英语三年级下册第四单元测试题UnitUnit 4 4 DoDo YouYou LikeLike Pears?Pears?学校 姓名 班级 评分 (时间:40 分钟)ListeningListening PartPart (5050 分)分)一、听音,按录音所读的顺序,给下列字母标号。(6 分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听音,选出录音所读句子中所含有的单词或字母。 (10 分) ( )1. A.orange B.oranges C. hello ( )2. A.some B.come C.home ( )3. A.peac

2、h B.pear C.bear ( )4. A.fruit B.four C.for ( )5. A.eleven B.elephant C.seven ( )6. A.BEG B.DEP C.DPG ( )7. A.JFQ B.JEQ C.IEC ( )8. A.dbp B.bdq C.dqp ( )9. A.gmn B.jmn C.jnm ( )10.A.sure B.super C.thanks三、听音,判断下列各图是否与听到的内容一致,是的画,否则画。 (10 分)() () () () ()四、听对话,用大写字母给下列图标号。 (8 分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 五、听音,用大

3、写字母给下列句子标号。 (8 分) ( ) Lets have some peaches. ( ) OK! ( ) Yes, I like them very much. ( ) Do you like pears? 六、听问句,选择正确的答语。 (8 分) ( )1. A. Yes, I dont. B. No, I do. C. Yes, I do.( )2. A. Shes my sister. B. Shes my mother. C. Hes my brother. ( )3. A. Sorry, I dont like. B. No, thanks. C. Sure.Here yo

4、u are. ( )4. A. Watermelons. B. Twelve. C. I can see.WritingWriting PartPart (5050 分)分)一、补充写出下列大、小写字母的左邻右舍。 (8 分) Model: A B C a b c 1. J 2. P 3. 4. r 二、看图,写出下列单词中所缺的字母。 (6 分)amburger ag ouse eep encil axi 三、看图,把下列各种水果的序号填在( )内。 (10 分) A. pear B. apple C. grapes D. bananas E. peach四、根据栏中的问句,在栏中选出正确答

5、语。 (10 分)( )1. Lets have some peaches. A. I have four. ( )2. How many bananas do you have? B. Sure. Here you are. ( )3. Whos this boy? C. Nice to meet you. ( )4. This is my friend. D. OK. ( )5. Can I have an orange, please? E. Hes my brother. 五、看图,选出与图意相符的句子或对话,将序号填在( )内。 (10 分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1

6、. P Q R S T, pour the tea. 2. I like watermelons. 3. I have seven rulers.4. - Whos that woman? - Shes my mother. 5. - Do you like bananas, Chen Jie? - Sorry, I dont like bananas. 六、照例子,把下列单词连成一个通顺的句子,将序号填在横线上。 (6 分) Model: Do you pears like (?) ? 1. some fruits Have (.) 2. are you from Where (?) 3.

7、This my mom is (.) 小学英语三年级下册单元测试题小学英语三年级下册单元测试题听力材料及答案UnitUnit 4 4 DoDo YouYou LikeLike Pears?Pears?ListeningListening content:content: 一、听音,按录音所读的顺序,给下列字母标号。1. Show me the letter J. 2. Show me the letter G. 3. Show me the letter A. 4. Show me the letter P. 5. Show me the letter R. 6. Show me the le

8、tter H. 二、听音,选出录音所读句子中所含有的单词或字母。 1. Do you like oranges? 2. Have some more? 3. I have a Teddy Bear. 4. This is for you. 5. -How many peaches? -Seven. 6. Show me the big letter DEP. 7. Show me the big letter JFQ. 8. Show me the small letter dbp. 9. Show me the small letter jmn. 10.-Can I have some ca

9、kes? -Sure.三、听音,判断下列各图是否与听到的内容一致,是的画,否则画。1. E F G H I, fly a kite. 2. Look at me, I can say from A to T. 3. Look, I have three oranges and four strawberries. 4. L M N O P, listen to me. 5. J K L M N, show me ten. 四、听对话,用大写字母给下列图标号。 A. -Can I have some juice? -Certainly. B. -How many balloons? -Fifte

10、en. C. -Do you like peaches? -Yes, I do. D. -Can I have some grapes? - Sure. 五、听音,用大写字母给下列句子标号。 A. Do you like pears? B. Yes, I like them very much. C. Lets have some peaches. D. OK! 六、听问句,选择正确的答语。 1. Do you like oranges? 2. Whos this girl? 3. Can I have an apple? 4. How many watermelons can you see? KeyKey: ListeningListening PartPart 一、5 4 1 6 2 3 二、B A C C C B A A B A三、 四、B C D A五、C D B A 六、C A C B WritingWriting PartPart 一、1. I J K 2. O P Q 3. f g h 4. q r s 二、1. h 2. b 3. m 4. j 5. p 6. t 三、 (略) 四、D A E C B 五、3 5 4 1 2六、1. . 2. ? 3. .



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