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1、英语中水果还有其它含义英语中水果还有其它含义英语中水果还有其它含义.txt51 自信是永不枯竭的源泉,自信是奔腾不息的波涛,自信是急流奋进的渠道,自信是真正的成功之母。Apple 苹果1.apple of ones eye ( to be the ):to be ones favorite 掌上明珠;心爱物eg. She is the apple of her fathers eye.她是她父亲的掌上明珠。2.Big Apple (the):New York 大苹果城即纽约eg. I live in the Big Apple.我住在大苹果城。epare apples and oranges(

2、to):to compare two things that simply cannot be compared.比较两个无法相比的事物eg. Thats ridiculous.Now youre comparing apples and oranges .真可笑。你是在那两种无法相比的东西作比较,就好像苹果和桔子。4.“How do you like the apples?”:“What do you think of that ?”*注:这是对某种冒犯性行为做出报复后说的话。Banana(香蕉)1.bananas(to be):to be crazy 发疯的,神经错乱的eg. That g

3、uuys bananas!那家伙真是疯了!*注意:to go bananas:1.to become crazy.发疯,神经错乱eg. Im so bored Im going bananas.我厌烦的要死,都快发疯了。2.to become wild with anger 狂怒,气得发疯eg.She went bananas when she found him cheating.她发现他欺骗时气得要命。3.play second banana(to):to be second choice 第二选择,次要人物eg. I always play second banana to her.我总

4、是做她的后补。4.top banana:main boss 领袖,头头,大老板eg. Hes (the) top banana in this company.他是这家公司的大老板。Bean (豆)1.bean brain :idiot 白痴,笨蛋eg. He is such a bean brain.他是个大笨蛋。2.beans about sth. (not to know):not to know anything about sth.对某事物一无所知,一窍不通eg. I dont know beans about computers.我对电脑一窍不通。*注意:此词语只有否定形式, “t

5、o know beans about sth.”这种说法不存在。3.Bean Town :Boston,Massachusetts 豆城指麻萨诸塞州波士顿市*注:波士顿市以其特产烘豆而闻名。Beet(甜菜)1.beet red (to be):to be extremly red from blushing ,embarrassment,etc.因窘迫,羞愧等脸红eg. She was so embarrased she turned beet red.他窘迫得满脸通红。2.Cabbage(洋白菜,甘蓝菜)3.cabbage:money 钱,金钱*注:这个词语尽管已不在常用,但偶尔也会在老影片

6、或玩笑中听到。carrot(胡萝卜)carrot in front of someone (to danglea)ex.to tempt someone with an unobtainable offer 开空头支票以实践不了的诺言诱惑某人eg.The boss told me lf I perform well on the job ,we ll talk about a salary increase next year.But I think hes just dangling a carrot in front of me.老板告诉我,如果我工作表现出色,明年加工资就有商量了。但我想

7、他这不过是开了一张空头支票。Cauliflower(花椰菜,菜花)cauliflower ears:swollen ears usually resulting from a boxing match拳击运动员因多次受击而肿起的开花耳朵eg.That boxer has cauliflower ears.那位拳击运动员的耳朵被打开花了。Cherry(樱桃)bowl of cherries (to be a ):to be wonderful 精彩的,绝妙的eg. Life isnt always a bowl of cherries.生活并不总是美好的。Corn (谷物;谷粒)“For cor

8、n sake!”:“Oh,my goodness!” “噢,天哪!”*注:这个词语虽然已相当过时,但中老年人仍在使用。corn :n.melodrama,overemotional drama 情节剧;感情表现夸张的戏剧eg. What a bunch of corn!这一连串的情节剧真精彩啊!adj.melodramatic 情节剧的;夸张的eg. That movie was so corny!这部电影表现得太夸张了!cornball:adj.ridiculous 荒唐的,可笑的eg. Where did you buy that cornball hat?你从哪儿买来那顶滑稽的帽子?cucumber(黄瓜,胡瓜)cool as a cucumber (to be):to be calm and composed 十分冷静,镇定自如eg. Although hes guilty of the crime ,he sure as cool as a cucumber.尽管他犯了罪,却还是那么镇定自如。


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