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1、1UnitUnit 8 8 WhenWhen isis youryour birthday?birthday?一、用所给词的正确形式填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)1My sister is 15 _(year)old.2When is_(Peter) birthday?3Do you_ (have) a music festival?4_ (New Year) Day is January 1st.5Jim and John_(not have) a basketball.6August is the_(eight)month of a year.7Can I_ (help) you?8

2、You are the_ (one) student to school.9We have a_ (speech)contest every term.10How old is_(he) mother?二、单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 15 分)1_ are you?Im seventeen.AHow many years BHowCHow old DWhat old2When were you born(出生)?I was born _ July 6th,1992.Ain Bat Con Dof3How many _ are there in a year?_.Amonth;Six Bmon

3、ths;TwelveCmonths;Four Dmonths;The twelfth4Sunday is the _ day of the week.Aseven BseventhCone Dfirst5Today is my mothers _ birthday.I want to buy some flowers for her.Athirty Bthirteenth2Cthirtieth Dthirteen6Happy birthday,Lily._.AHappy birthday BYoure kindCThank you DI like you7Jims class will hav

4、e a speech _ next month.Atrip BcontestCconcert Dgame8_ is the school trip?_ May.AWhen;In BWhat;OnCWhere;In DWhen;On9_ birthday is August 9.AMy brother BMy brotherCI brother DMy brothers10The man in blue is_ father.AJim and Kate BJim and KatesCJims and Kates DJims and Kate11I buy flowers _ your birth

5、day.Ain BforCof Dwith12_ icecream do we need?AWhere BHow muchCHow many DWhats13“Whats his age?”This sentence means(意思是)_A“How is he?” B“Whats he?”C“Where is he?” D“How old is he?”14What events do you have _ your school?Ain Bon Cto Dfor15Whats twenty and twenty?3Its_.Aforty BfortyCfourteen Dfourteen三

6、、完形填空(每小题 2 分,共 20 分)Hello,everyone!I am your new friend.My name is Mike.There are_1_people in my familymy wife(妻子),my_2_and II was born_3_the year 1976.My birthday is_4_New Years Day.I like soccer but I _5_ volleyball.I think it is_6_.My wife has a clothes store._7_ clothes are at very good prices.

7、Many people come to her store to _8_ clothes.My son is a student.He goes to_9_every day.His school has a (n) _10_.It is March 11th.He likes music very much,so he is in the festival every year.1A.two Bthree Cfour Dfive2A.brother Bsister Cdaughter Dson3A.in Bon Cat Dfor4A.January 1st BMarch 8th CApril

8、 1st DJuly 1st5A.like Bdoesnt like Clikes Ddont like6A.boring Bfun Cgreat Dinteresting7A.She BHer CShes DHers8A.buy Bbring Csell Dmake9A.store Broom Cschool Dbed10A.School Day BEnglish partyCspeech contest Dmusic festival四、阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 30 分)A AIts Jims birthday today.He is five years old.He gets m

9、any nice birthday presents(礼物) from his family and one of them is a big drum(鼓)“Who gives him the drum?” his father asks.“His grandfather does,” answers Jims mother.Jim likes his drum very much.He makes a noise(噪音) with it,but 4his mother doesnt say anything about it.His father is not at home.He is

10、working in a school.So he doesnt hear the noise.But one of the neighbours(邻居) doesnt like the noise at all.So one morning she takes a knife and goes into Jims room.Jim is making a noise with the drum.She says to him,“Hello,Jim.Do you know there is something nice in your drum?Heres a knife.Open the d

11、rum and lets find it.”1Jims _ gives him the drum.Agrandfather BfatherCmother Dneighbour2Jims father is _.Aa worker Ba teacherCa cleaner Da shop assistant3The neighbour hates(讨厌) _.AJims presents Bthe drumCthe knife Dthe noise4The neighbour tells Jim _.Ato put the drum awayBto look after the drumCto

12、open the drum with the knifeDto make a noise with the drum5Which of the following is right?AJims grandfather makes the drum.BSomething is wrong with Jims fathers ears.CTheres a nice present in the drum.DJims mother doesnt stop(阻止) the noise.B BMr.King goes to a dinner party.He is wearing old clothes

13、.He comes into the room.But people in the room dont look at him.They dont ask him to sit at the table.5Mr.King goes home and puts on his good clothes.He goes back to the party.Everyone in the room stands up and smiles at him.They give him very good food to eat.Mr.King takes off his clothes,and puts

14、them in the food and says,“Eat,clothes!”The other people ask,“What are you doing?”He answers,“Im asking my coat to eat food.I am wearing my old clothes.You dont look at me.You dont ask me to sit down.Now Im in these clothes.And you give me very good food.Now I see,you give the food to my clothes,not to me!”6Mr.King goes to the dinner party,but people in the room dont look at him because _.Ahe doesnt come by car Bhe is youngChe is wearing his old clothes Dhe is old7Mr.King goes home to _ his _clothes.Aput on;good Bput on;oldCtake off;old Dwear;old8Mr.King goes back to the party.People


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