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1、古希腊神话对英语语言的影响英文古希腊神话对英语语言的影响英文 来源:英语毕业论文 http:/ Introduction“In the last years,the field of second language acquisitio n has seen t he reemergence of interest in o ne of language st udy,vocabulary,andt he appearance of a newly reco gnized aspectlearnerst rategieshas attracted a noticeable lack of at

2、tentio n”(Meare).The research,which hasbeen do ne o n vocabulary learning st rategies,hastended to deal wit h individual o r small number s ofst rategies,wit h very limited loo king at t he gro upas a whole.However,wit h my perso nal experience,so mewo rds do give me intense imp ressio ns and occupi

3、edmy memo ry permanently even if I have seen t hemo nce.Here I want to indicate t hat mo st of t hesewo rds are read f ro m sto ries,t ypically f ro m GreekMyt holo gy,which is co nsidered to be t he o rigin ofEnglish literat ure.I wo uld like to call t he lo ng o rsho rt myt hs f ro m which I maste

4、red wo rds firmly“carriers”.This article will fir st overview so me generalco nclusio ns abo ut vocabulary learning st rategies,which can be made p rio r to st rategy research.Then,carrier s in fo reign language vocabularylearning will be p ropo sed and t he mnemo nic met ho ds enlightened by wo rds

5、 f ro m Greek Myt holo gydiscussed in mo re detail.Finally,t heo retical aspect s of carrier s used will be analyzed.Mnemonic methods enlightened by words fromGreek MythologyGreek mythology and its linguistic influenceEverybo dy knows t hat t he myt hs told by t heGreeks and Ro mans are as impo rtan

6、t as histo ry fo ro ur under standing of what t ho se peoples,ancesto r s of o ur own civilizatio n,believed and t ho ughtand felt,and exp ressed in writing and in visualart.Fo r t heir myt holo gies were inext ricably interwoven,wit h t he whole fabric of t heir p ublic andp rivate lives.A nd t hen

7、 wit ho ut t hese myt hs,itwo uld be hard fo r us to under stand t he art s and literat ure and ways of t hinking of t he west,and ofmany ot her part s of t he wo rld as well,during t hecent uries t hat have passed since t he classical wo rldcame to an end.Time after time t hese p ro duct s ofancien

8、t imaginatio n have been used to inspire f reshcreative effo rt s,which amo unt to a substantial partof o ur whole cult ural inheritance.Such renewal sand adap tatio ns have of ten seemed far removed,f ro m t he o riginal t raditio n in character and spirit,yet t hey stem directly f ro m it,and are

9、unimaginable wit ho ut it.Each myt h means so met hing different to everybo dy who reads and st udies it.The sto ries arehard to fo rget,feelings abo ut t hem co me unp redictably.Their underlying qualities do not easilyyield to definitio n o r classificatio n and still less toweird searches.Above a

10、ll,Myt holo gys influenceis evident in o ur language.It is hard to imaginereading o r writing wit ho ut drawing upo n myt horiented adjectives o r idio ms.Therefo re,wo rds f ro mGreek myt holo gy enlightened me wit h so me met ho ds to st rengt hen vocabulary learning,such as pict ure o r imagery a

11、nd gro uping.Categories of mnemonic methodsPict u re/I m a ge ry This is a way of remembering so me wo rds,which many st udent s find effective.Occasio nally t here is a wo rd t hat yo u havemet befo re which is o n t he tip of yo ur to ngue butyo u just cannot remember it.It may be a wo rd t hatsee

12、ms difficult to remember,o r o ne,which yo uhave seen many times but still cannot remember att he right time.Think of a wo rd in yo ur own language t hat so unds similar,o r if t he English wo rd islo ng in spelling,choo se a wo rd in yo ur own language t hat so unds t he same as t he fir st part of

13、 t heEnglish o ne.Yo u sho uld t hen fo rm a pict ure inwhich t he t wo wo rds interact.Imagine,fo r example:TantalizePerhap s yo u have known t he wo rd“tantalize”befo re.However,if it is a new wo rd to yo u,howdo yo u acquire it s meaning?See what will be different after reading t he following sto

14、 ry.In GreekMyt holo gy,Zeus p unished Tantalus,a mo rtalking,who had co mmit ted t wo crimes.“Now hehangs,perennially co nsumed by t hir st and hunger, f ro m t he bo ugh of f ruitf ree which leans over amarshy lake.It s waves lap against his waist,andso metimes reach his chin,yet whenever he bends

15、down to drink,t hey slip away,and not hing rmains but t he black mud at his feet.The t rees areladen wit h pear s,shinning apples,sweet figs,ripeolives and po megranates,which dangle against hissho ulder s,but whenever he reaches fo r t he luscio us f ruit,a gust of wind whirl s t hem o ut of hisrea

16、ch.”This sto ry not o nly show s us t he o rigin ofTantalize,which means“to make(so meo ne)wantso met hing even mo re st ro ngly by keeping it justo ut of reach,”but al so gives us a carrier of vividpict ure.Imagery is o ne of t he carrier s t hat gives usa deep imp ressio n and has mo re effective reactio nst han learning t he wo rd wit h t heir dictio nary meaning.A


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