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1、1普通高等学校招生全国统一考试普通高等学校招生全国统一考试( 调研考试)调研考试)英英 语语本试卷分第 I 卷(选择题)和第 II 卷(非选择题)两部分。第I 卷 1 至 6 页,第 II 卷 7 至 8 页。考试结束后,将答题卡和答题纸交回,试卷自留。注意事项:注意事项:1答第 I 卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2选择题答案使用 2B 铅笔填涂,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号; 非选择题答案使用 0.5 毫米的黑色中性(签字)笔或碳素笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。第第 I I 卷(选择题卷(选择题 共共 7070 分)分)第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分第一

2、部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分 4040 分)分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)ADo you want to look good in a photo? The answer is absolutely yes. However, if you want to have a nice photo taken, what are you supposed to do? Whether its work or fun, the most important thing is lightingIf you get bad lighting, you will look ba

3、d, tooKnow where the light isYou dont want it below you or above you, you want it to shine directly at you The key thing is no shadowIf you are being photographed outside, do it in the morning, or wait till the 2 oclock shadow has passedAlso dont let pictures in the magazines stress you out all the

4、pictures are taken by great photographersAnd all the faces have had pimples (丘疹,粉刺) taken out by computers Tip your head and learn what angles work with your face; everyone is differentSo you have to learn what suits youYou can practice in Photo Booth for as long as it is your turn, to learn what an

5、gles suit your faceTip your neck to make it look longer, make eye contact with the cameraNo one can look bad if they smile For long legs, point one leg into center of the frame and get the photographer to shoot looking up your bodyFor just leg shots, lie upside down and raise legs in the air for the

6、 best angleAnd your legs will look thinner and be in better shape2Keep shoulders back Always have mouth slightly open, enough to put a penny between your lips, as this will make your lips look fuller Lower your eyes and then look up just as shutter (快门) is clicked for full eyesDelete any evidence of

7、 a less than perfect photogenic moment, everyone has off days 1According to the passage, we should consider all EXCEPT _Alight Bphotographers C. angles Dshadow2. What is the meaning of the word “tip” in the third paragraph? A. to lean or cause something to rise B. small sum of money given to a waite

8、r C. small but useful piece of advice D. to touch or strike something lightly 3If you want to look good in a photo, the light should be _ Abelow you Bdirectly at you Cabove you Dright behind you 4What advice does the author give on taking photos? ARaise legs on the wall BLook down CPut a penny betwe

9、en lips DKeep shoulders back BIf you want a little extra security against thieves stealing your bicycle, designer Dennis Siegel has designed a solution. The RFID Bikealarm is attached to the seat on a bicycle and gives off an alarm when it senses movement.“The RFID Bikealarm is meant to be a useful

10、add-on to mechanical bicycle locks because it greatly extends the range of protection with only a few components,” Siegel explains on his website. “It is low-cost, durable and easy to use.”The Bikealarm was designed as part of Siegels Bachelors degree thesis at the University of the Arts Bremen in G

11、ermany. The device will scare off any would-be thieves the moment they begin to steal the bicycle to which it is attached. It is able to continuously sense the environment to distinguish between specific events, for instance a passing tram / car and a serious theft.Siegel created a working model of

12、an alarm that would sound when it sensed movement, but wasnt initially sure how it would be best attached to a bicycle. “I decided to mount it to the rails of the seat because it allows for comfortable interaction and the position is less obvious as it looks like a small repair kit,” he says. Siegel

13、 chose to use RFID technology rather than Bluetooth to keep the costs down. Siegel explains that the most difficult aspect of creating the alarm was to get the electronic circuit down to a small enough size.The device runs off a kind of battery that can be charged by USB within 2 hours and lasts for

14、 a few days with normal use. As the Bikealarm is only at development stage, Siegel hasnt signed any agreements to put it on the market. 5. When it senses movement, the RFID Bikealarm will _.3A. make a warning sound B. fasten the bicycle tightly C. shake the bicycle quickly D. call the police automat

15、ically 6. Which of the following shows the right position of the RFID Bikealarm on a bicycle?7. What do we know about the RFID Bikealarm? A. It cant tell between specific events. B. It is very difficult to use. C. It uses a kind of battery for power. D. It depends on Bluetooth technology. C Until 9:20 pm, it seemed like an



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