外研版八上《Module 2 Unit 1 Have you ever entered a competition》word教案

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《外研版八上《Module 2 Unit 1 Have you ever entered a competition》word教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版八上《Module 2 Unit 1 Have you ever entered a competition》word教案(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 2 ExperiencesUnit 1 Have you ever entered a competition?Period 1Language goals 1.Key vocabularywonderful,experience,competition,airport,captain,cabinsteward, country,land,passenger,take off,trip.2. Key structureS+have/has+p.pS+have/has+p.pHave/has+S+p.p? Yes, S+have/has No,S+havent/hasntAbili

2、ty goals1.Enable students to get familiar with the words and expressions about experience.2.Enable students to know how to use the present perfect tense.Emotional goalsEnable students to talk about their dreams.Teaching important and difficult points1.How to make students know the present perfect te

3、nse2.How to use the present perfect tenseTeaching aidsSome pictures and tape recorderTeaching procedures教学流程教学流程A guessing gamePresentation Learn the new words Learn the new patternsListeningPracticeSummarizeHomework课堂实录课堂实录Step1 Warming up and lead-inT:Hello, everyone! Xu Dongmei,How are you today?

4、S:Fine, thank you.And you ?T:Im very well.What about you?S:Im fine.T:OK, How are you,everybody?Ss:Very well.T:Very good!I think it is very helpful for you to guess.We will play a guessing game.Well,Ill give you some infomaton.listen carefully. First,It is in Beijing and very famous.Second,It is one

5、of the best universities in China.Third, It has a famous lake called nameless lake.T:Do you know where it is? Hands up, please.S:Qinghua University?T:No,the other one,who knows?S:Beijing Universiy?T:Yes, you are so clever. Its Beijing University. Beijing University is one of the most famous places i

6、n Beijing? Do you know any others? You can speak chinese.Ss:故宫(Palace Museun), 颐和园(Summer Palace),The Great Wall.T:Excellent!Beijing is such a beautiul place. I hope one day all of you can visit there.I think it will become your wonderful experience.Read after me!Ss:wonderful, experience. Wonderful

7、experienceStep2 PresentationT:Ok, please open your books and turn to page10.Look at the picture of Activity2.Say which of the words in Activity 1 you can see in the picture? Think the words that according to plane.You can use Chinese.S:Passenger, cabin steward.机场(机场(airport)着陆()着陆(land)起飞()起飞(takeof

8、f)T:Please look at the blackboard and read after me.T:Good job!Now every body, please look at this picture! Can you guess where it is?Ss:Big Ben? London?T:Think more carefully. Its a university in London.S:剑桥大学T:Yes,Its University of Cambridge.I want to go there one day. And even in my dreams,I have

9、 dreamed about going there. Its holiday of my dreams. Repeat what the teacher has said or done to make sure that students understand the nature and meaning of dream.And then write“I have dreamed about going there”on the blackboard. Then ask students.T:What have you dreamed about?(At the same time,wr

10、ite this sentence on the blackboard) Ask students to answer this queston by using“I have dreamed” S:I have dreamed about going to Beijing.T:I hope one day your dream can come true.That boy,what about you?S:I have dreamed about going to see the Big Ben in London.T:Have you ever dreamed about going to

11、 the USA?(Write this sentence on the blackboard)Ss:Yes,I have/ No,I haventThen help the students sum the same points of these sentences together.S(主语)+have/has+p.p(过去分词) S(主语)+have/has not+p.pHave/has+S+p.p? Yes, S+have/has No,S+havent/hasntT:I have just heared some of you want to go to London.But d

12、o you know how to get there?Ss:By plane. / By hot balloon! / By shipT:Good! But Lingling and Tony have a different way.Do you want to know?S:YesT:Ok, next listen carefully.Step3 ListeningT:Now, close your books.Listen to the tape carefully and answer the questions on the blackboard.Show the students

13、 the questions first.Ss:Yes!T:Dont pay much attention to the words and tense,just listen for the detailed information.Are you ready?.Ok, here we go!Play the tape recorder.Then open the book and check the answer. T:Now listen to the tape again,and you should read after the tape.Are you clear?Ss:Yes.T

14、:Here we go!Step4 PracticeT:We have read this passage for two times.Now please finish Activity4 and check the answer with your partner.Ss: Step5 SummarizeT:Boys and girls, please look at the blackboard and tell me what we have learned today?Ss:S(主语)+have/has+P.P(过去分词)T:Do you know the meaning of these patterns?Ss:Yes/NoT:We call it the present perfect tense,现在完成时 in Chinese.Step5HomeworkFind out the sentences of using the present perfect tense in the passage of page10


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