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1、成都理工大学硕士学位论文川东南赤水区块储层预测研究与应用姓名:禾苗申请学位级别:硕士专业:地球探测与信息技术指导教师:赵宪生20100501摘 要 I 川东南赤水区块储层预测研究川东南赤水区块储层预测研究与应用与应用 作者简介:禾苗,男,1985 年 10 月出生,2007 年师从赵宪生教授,2010年 6 月毕业于成都理工大学地球探测与信息技术专业,获得工学硕士学位。 摘摘 要要 近年来,随着地震采集技术和仪器的改进、数据处理和解释方法的发展,逐渐形成了利用地震资料多参数进行储层预测的方法, 并大量用于实际生产。 目前,储层预测技术在国内外各大油田均得到广泛的应用, 预测方法趋于成熟并向多样

2、化和综合性方向发展,应用成果显著,已成为提高钻井成功率和勘探效益的重要手段。储层预测技术就是综合运用地震、测井、地质等资料来揭示目标层(油层、气层等)的空间几何形态(包括储层厚度、储层顶底构造形态、延伸方向、延伸范围、尖灭位置等)和储层微观储集性能参数(包括孔隙度、渗透率、含油气饱和度、泥质含量等)的展布特征,它是将大面积的连续分布的地震资料与具有高分辨率的井点测井资料进行匹配、转换和结合的过程,而地质知识及指导思想则贯穿于这个过程的始终,储层预测技术是一项综合性应用技术。 川东南赤水地区嘉陵江组钻井多,地震资料品质高,因此储层预测工作可以较深入的展开。但是由于储层的复杂性和技术手段的制约,具

3、有针对性的储层评价及预测技术尚不成熟,并且没有形成统一的地质认识,所以至今还未真正形成一套有效的储层预测及识别评价方法。基于上述原因,本次储层预测采用了多种方法技术。 本文首先介绍了工区概况,进行了沉积相与速度波阻抗关系的研究,选用地震方法进行储层预测,提出了五种储层预测方法。第一,属性参数预测方法。地震属性解释技术是储层描述的重要手段,能较好地反映储层的发育情况。第二,裂缝预测方法。运用相干体方法和差分体方法进行裂缝检测,研究表明相干和差分法可以有效地检测裂缝,并且可以较为准确地预测储层的发育情况。第三,吸收系数相预测方法。吸收系数对含气岩性变化敏感,可用于储层各向异性研究及油气预测。第四,

4、子波相关相预测方法。在井旁地震记录中,可以提取出优势相对应地震子波,研究发现沉积相的变化与子波有一定关联,因此用该优势相的子波在全剖面进行相关分析,可以借预测优势相来研究有利储层的分布。第五,波形相关相预测方法, 是一种利用统计的优势沉积相的地震波形和剖面地震波形进行相关分析的方法,由于沉积相的变化可以引起波形特征的变化,当沉积相与速度等地层参数有一定关系时,波形和沉积微相就有很好的对应关系,因此,应用成都理工大学硕士学位论文 II 波形可以近似预测沉积相进而预测有利储层分布。最后,综合各种预测方法的结果对全区进行了综合评价,划分了两类储层有利区块,研究分析表明,一类区块与其它方法预测结果一致

5、。 关键词:地震属性 储层预测 沉积相 吸收系数 地震子波 Abstract III STUDY on reservoir prediction in the southeast magin of Sichuan Basinthe Reservoir Integrated Prediction Biography: He Miao, Male, born in Oct., 1985, whose supervisor is Professor Zhao Xiansheng since 2007, graduates from Chengdu University of Technology i

6、n Jun. 2010 and is awarded M. Sc of Earth exploration and information techniques. Abstract In recent years, the methodology of reservoir prediction by making use of seismic data has taken on the shape gradually and also has been put into industrial production, with the improvement of seismic explora

7、tion data acquisition methods and equipment, and enhancement of data-processing technology as well as the explanation methodology. Up to present, reservoir prediction technology has been extensively used in some large oil fields both at home and abroad. Being perfected and developing toward the dire

8、ction of diversification and comprehensiveness, the prediction methodology has made remarkable application result, and has become an important means of improving the drilling success rate and the exploration benefits. Reservoir prediction technology is an technology to reveal the geometry (including

9、 the reservoir thickness, the reservoir top and bottom formation, the extending direction, the extending scope, the pinch-out position, etc.) of the target layer (reservoir, oil and gas layer, etc.) and the distribution characteristics of the micro gathering performance parameters of the reservoir (

10、including porosity, permeability, hydrocarbon saturation, clay and sand content, etc.) by comprehensively making use of seismic, logging, geological and other information. Its a process of matching, converting and combining large-area and continuously distributed seismic date with high-resolution lo

11、gging date of the wells. The geological knowledge and guiding ideology is applied in the whole process. Reservoir prediction technology is a comprehensive application technology. Jialing River Group has many drilling wells with high quality seismic data around the Chishui area in the southeast of Si

12、chuan Province, so the reservoir prediction work can be carried out in an in-depth way. However, the targeted reservoir evaluation and predication 成都理工大学硕士学位论文 IV technology is not yet mature and unified geological recognition has not reached because of restriction by reservoir complexities and tech

13、nical means, so a set of targeted and effective technical method of reservoir prediction, identification and evaluation has not really taken shape. For these characteristics mentioned above, this reservoir predication will use a variety of methods and techniques. In this paper, we make use of seismi

14、c data to carry out reservoir predication and put forward 5 reservoir predication methods. Firstly, attribution parameters prediction method. As an important technical means of reservoir description, the seismic attribution explanation technology can well reflect the development situation of reservo

15、ir. Secondly, crack prediction method. Crack detection is carried out by making use of the coherent body method and differential body method, and research shows that we can get effective results of crack detections and accurate prediction information about development of the reservoir with the two m

16、ethods. Thirdly, absorption coefficient prediction method. As absorption coefficient is sensitive to gas lithology, it can be used for anisotropy researches and oil and gas prediction in reservoir and it can also be used for reservoir prediction and anisotropy research. Fourthly, wavelet related prediction method. In the well side seismic records, we can extract the dominance phase corresponding seismic wavelet. Research shows that changes in sedimentary facies are somewhat



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