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1、一般原产地证书一般原产地证书/加工装配证明书加工装配证明书 申请书申请书申请单位注册号: 证书号: 申请人郑重声明: 本人被正式授权代表本企业办理和签署本申请书。 本申请书及一般原产地证明书所列内容正确无误,如发现弄虚作假,冒充证书所列 货物,擅改证书,自愿接受签发机构的处罚并承担法律责任,现将有关情况申报如下:企 业 名 称发 票 号商 品 名 称H. S. 编码(六位数)商品 FOB 总值(以美元计)最终目的地国家/地区拟出运日期 转口国(地区)贸易方式和企业性质(请在适用处画“” )一般贸易 三来一补 其他贸易方式国有企业 三资企业 国有企业 三资企业 国有企业 三资企业包装数量或毛重或

2、其他数量证书种类(画“” ) 一般原产地证书 加工装配证明书现提交中国出口货物商业发票副本一份, 一般原产地证明书/加工装配证明书一正三副, 以及其他附件 份, 请予审核签证。申请单位盖章 申请人(签名)电话:日期: 年 月 日商 检 局 联 系 记 录原产地证书原产地证书1. Exporter (full name and address)2. Consignee (full name, address, country)CERTIFICATE No.CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINOFTHE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA3. Means of transpo

3、rt and route1.Country/Region of destination5. For certifying authority use only6. Marks and num-bers of packages 7. Description of goods; numberand kind of packages8. H.S. Code9. Quantityor weight10. Number and date of invoices11. Declaration by the exporterThe undersigned hereby declares that the a

4、bove details and statements are correct; that all the goods were produced in China and that they comply with the Rules of Origin of the Peoples Republic of China.Place and date, signature and stamp of authority signatory12. CertificationIt is hereby certified that the declaration by the exporter is correct.Place and date, signature and stamp of certifying authority


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