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1、大学英语第二册大学英语第二册3New Words and Expressions location n. a place or position 场所;位置 e.g. Witnesses showed the police the exact location of the accident.be on location 在拍外景locate v.位于 be located in fast-food a. 供应快餐的 e.g. James works as an assistant chef at a fast-food restaurant.breakfast n.早餐fast vi. n.

2、 斋戒,禁食 break ones fast 开斋,吃早餐 fast day 斋戒日,禁食日dining room 餐厅 dine vi. (fml) eat dinner 进餐 dine in/out 在家(在外)吃饭 dine on/upon/off fish and eggs 吃鱼和蛋 dine and wine 款待dinner n.正餐,宴会diner n.食客, (火车的)餐车embarrass vt. make (sb.) feel awkward or ashamed 使窘迫;使不好意思 disconcert, distress, shamee.g. I chose my wo

3、rds carefully in order to avoid embarrassing anyone.embarrassment n.bar=bar 横木bar n.吧barrel n.木桶barricade n.阻碍barrier n.障碍barrister(在法庭上设置阻碍)n.律师embarrass(将梆子放在其中)v. 妨碍debar v.禁止embargo v.禁运形似字:embassy n. ambassador n. 大使 ambassadress n.女大使,大使夫人guitar n.吉他 e.g. My brother plays the guitar in a rock

4、band.guitarfish n.【动】犁头鳐dumb a. foolish; unable to speak 愚蠢的;哑的 deaf 失聪的blind 失明的 lame 瘸腿的 disable 残疾的e.g. He was so dumb that he left his keys at home again.the deaf and dumb 聋哑人 as dumb as an oyster(动)牡蛎/an ox/a fish 哑口无言dumbbell 哑铃 dumb show 哑剧 strike sb. dumb 使某人愣住remain/be dumb 保持沉默dummy adj.哑巴

5、的unison n. 一致;齐唱;齐奏;和谐in unison :acting in the same way at the same time 一致地;一起 e.g. The children find it difficult to play their instruments in unison. solo 独唱;独奏 duet 二重奏 trio 三重奏 concerto 协奏曲waltz 圆舞曲,华尔兹 the blues 布鲁斯音乐son=sound 声音Sony 索尼(日本)consonant adj.和谐的,一致的dissonant adj.不和谐的,不一致的resonant(有

6、回声)adj.产生共鸣的,响亮的supersonic adj.超音速的subsonic adj.低音速的ultrasonic(ultra-=beyond) adj.超音速的consist vi. 组成,构成 consist of :be made up of 由组成 comprise, include e.g. The book consists of essays written over the last twenty years.Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.consist in 存在,存在于 Happiness consists in st

7、ruggle.幸福来源于奋斗。consist with Theory should consist with practice.理论应于实践相一致。squat (squatted,squatting)vi. 蹲 e.g. We squatted beside the pool and watched the diver sink slowly down. palm n. 1)棕榈(树)2)手掌 e.g. He knew the route of the journey like the palm of his hand.bear/carry off the palm 得胜,获奖know sth

8、. Like the palm of ones hand 对某事了如指掌olive n.橄榄 olive green 橄榄绿 olive branch 橄榄枝(和平的象征)olive oil 橄榄油yeah ad. (infml) yes fade vi. lose color or brightness; disappear slowly 褪色;变黯淡;消失 disappear, vanishe.g. The sunlight gradually faded.fade-proof a.不退色的 fade in/out 淡入(出)fake n.假货awhile ad. for a short

9、time 片刻 overall ad. in general 大体上 e.g. The college has few ways to assess the quality of education overall.a. including everything; total 包括一切的;总计的 overall utilization 综合利用overall consideration 全盘考虑 overall settlement 全面解决 a person in overall charge 总负责人 n.(套头)工作服,罩衫trade (sth.) for (sth. else) 用(一

10、物)交换(另一物) e.g. The farmers traded farm produce for manufactured goods and money.trade n.1)贸易 foreign(international) trade 对外(国际)贸易 domestic/home trade 国内贸易 free trade 自由贸易 the balance of trade 贸易平衡 develop trade relations 发展贸易 2)职业 He is a carpenter by trade. 他是做木工的 learn a trade 学一门手艺 v.交易【谚】Two of

11、 a trade never agree.同行是冤家。trademark n.商标 trade price 批发价 tradesman n.店主,零售商suspense n. 悬念 keep (sb.) in suspense :delay telling (sb.) what they are eager to know 使产生悬念,故意迟迟不告诉 e.g. The audience is kept in suspense to the very end of the play. suspend(sus-=sub pend=to hang 垂吊而下)v. 悬挂,暂停营业 suspend li

12、cense 吊销执照形似字:suspicion n.怀疑,疑心interrupt vt. stop (sb.) from continuing what they are saying or doing 打断的讲话,中断的行动 break, stop e.g. My daughter kept interrupting me whenever I spoke.rupt=to break 打破bankrupt v.破产corruption(完全受损)n.腐败interruption n.中断eruption n.爆发disruption n.分裂abruption (ab-=off)n.突然裂开

13、irruption n.闯入rupture n. v.破裂route(树林的缺口)n.道路,路线routine(事情的脉络)n.惯例,例行公事bet vt. be sure 敢说,确信 gamble e.g. I bet she was late for the meeting on purpose.bet ones bottom dollar on 对.孤注一掷bet in sth. 对某事打赌you bet 的确,当然,一定bat n.蝙蝠 pet n.宠物distract vt. take (sb.s attention) away from sth. esp. for a short

14、time 转移(注意力) ;使分心 e.g. Tom admits that playing computer games sometimes distracts him form his homework.tract, treat=to draw 拉曳 tractor trace 追踪 track 轨道 trail 追踪 train(使人延展)训练;(拉成一条线)火车 trait (拉线)特性 portrait 肖像abstract (abs-=from 从拉走) n.v.摘要;抽象attract(吸引)v.吸引contract(彼此吸引)n. v.缔结,合同,婚约distract v.分心

15、detract v.减损;降低extract(抽出来)n. v.摘取,抽取;吸取retract v.收回,缩回subtract(往下拉)v.减去,扣除形似字:district n.地区,行政区simultaneously ad. at exactly the same time 同时地 e.g. The two guns fired almost simultaneously.simultaneous a. simultaneity n. simultaneousness n.simultaneous=simul-(like 类似 same 相同)+taneous(字尾)simile n. 明

16、喻 similar adj.类似的,同样的instantaneous adj.即时的,即时发生的prom n. (AmE)(高中、或大学等的)班级舞会 =promenade (正式舞会开始前全体参加者的)列队绕场(礼)promenade =pro+men(to drive on)+ade (往前进)menace n.威胁,恐吓oops int. (infml) 哎哟 clench vt. hold (ones teeth, hands, etc.) together tightly 咬紧;握紧 e.g. clench ones teeth/fistmonotone n. (语调、色彩等的)单调 e.g. The evidence was read out to the court in a dull monotone.mono-=single, sole, alonemonologue (logue-=to speak)n.独白monocracy (cracy -=rule) n. 独裁政治 democracy n.民主mo


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