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1、成都理工大学硕士学位论文人地和谐观视阈中的土地资源可持续利用研究姓名:邓蕾申请学位级别:硕士专业:科学技术哲学指导教师:龚世达20090501摘 要 I人地和谐观视阈中的土地资源可持续利用研究 人地和谐观视阈中的土地资源可持续利用研究 作者简介:邓蕾,女,1982 年 3 月生,师从成都理工大学龚世达教授,2009年 6 月毕业于成都理工大学科学技术哲学专业,获得哲学硕士学位。 摘 要 摘 要 随着人类生产、生活的发展,对各种自然资源的需求也日益增大,同时由于人口不断的膨胀以及人类不合理的生产方式、生活方式,造成了资源的短缺、生态环境的恶化。在经历了原始文明、农业文明、和工业文明,人地关系从原

2、始的融洽关系阶段、矛盾初期阶段和矛盾激化阶段后,人类逐渐认识到:人类必须与自然协调发展,尊重自然、遵循自然之道,实现人地关系的和谐。人地和谐观倡导的是人类与自然之间相互适应、协调共处、共同发展的观念,它融合了多学科的理念, 涉及经济学、 社会学、 地理学等广泛领域, 它是可持续发展的基本思想。可持续发展强调的是发展与可持续并举,因此只有在人地关系和谐的条件下,才能实现资源可持续开发利用、生态环境的持续平衡。人类、经济、社会的发展离不开自然资源和生态环境,人类的生活、生产资料都来自于自然资源,而土地资源是众多自然资源中最重要的资源之一, 土地资源无疑是人类社会一切财富的物质基础。没有土地的可持续

3、利用,就不可能有农业的可持续发展和城镇建设、工业化的健康发展。只有对土地资源可持续的利用,人类社会的可持续发展才有保障,人与自然的关系才能达到真正的和谐。本论文旨在通过对可持续发展思想的研究,以人地和谐观为指导,运用可持续的发展观深入研究与剖析我国土地资源在实现可持续利用过程中存在的问题以及相关不和谐因素, 为我国土地资源的可持续利用研究提供理论的借鉴。 本论文的研究方法是:以科学发展观为研究的指导思想和理论原则,运用文献查阅法、数字分析法、统计学原理、比较分析法、实证分析法、理论联系实际法以及其他的方法和手段,收集与论文主题相关的理论资料和数据资料。联系我国土地资源的实际情况与国家相关政策,

4、以人地和谐观为指导,将可持续发展观贯穿在对土地资源利用的研究中, 并借鉴国内外土地资源可持续利用的先进理论思想,研究和探讨土地资源可持续利用管理体系的建设问题,包括:土地资源开发利用“前”的合理规划与整理、土地资源开发利用“中”的管理监督以及土地资源开发后对其可持续性的反馈机制。 本论文从土地资源“量”的可持续利用与土地资源“质的可持续利用两方面入手, 探讨土地资源的可持续理论方法, 其中土地资源 “量” 的可持续又分为:成都理工大学硕士学位论文 II土地资源“相对”数量的的可持续和土地资源“绝对”数量的可持续,从而建立土地资源可持续利用管理体系,从土地资源开发利用“前的规划,到土地资源开发利

5、用“中”的监督管理,再到土地资源可持续利用反馈机制的建立。 关键字关键字:土地资源 人地关系 人地和谐观 可持续发展Abstract IIIThe Research for Sustainable Use of Land Resource in Yuzhong by theory of man-land harmony Lei DengLei Deng, BCom (CDTU), MA (CDTU) (graduated in June, 2009), was born in March, 1982 and tutored by Professor Shida Gong of Chengdu

6、Technology University. Abstract With the development of human economy and increasing population, the demand for natural resources become more and more excessive, which cause shortage in supply of source. Furthermore, the unreasonable operating activities and life-styles from people result in serious

7、 environment pollution, which in turn, make the issue of resource scarcity worse. From primitive civilization to industrial civilization, the relationship between human and land experienced three periods: aboriginal rapport stage, early contradiction stage, conflict stage. After these three stages,

8、people gradually realized that, human beings have to develop in the ways of following natural synchronization and obey rules of natural world, so that can have a harmonious relationship with nature. The theory of man-land harmony proposes that man kinds should adjust themselves to adapt the nature a

9、nd develop or expand by each other. It is the core idea of sustainable development, which combines many academic areas, such as economics, sociology and geography. Sustainable development emphases both on sustain and expansion. However, only if under the condition of harmony between man and land, it

10、 is possible to make the sustainable use of resource come true and keep the balance of natural environment. As all the means of production and subsistence come from natural resource, the development of society and economy cannot progress without reserve from nature. Undoubtedly, land is the most imp

11、ortant resource of all and it provides material basis for all the fortune in society. Without the sustainable use of land, it is impossible for sustainable development of agriculture and the health development of industries. Only if ensure the sustainable use of land, it assures the sustainable deve

12、lopment of society and the really harmonious relationship between human and land. The aim of this essay is to deeply analysis the issues of relevant unharmonious factors raised from the process of performing the sustainable development of land in China according to the research of 成都理工大学硕士学位论文 IVsus

13、tainable thoughts, which is based on the theory of man-land harmony and sustainable development, so that can be referred by our countrys the sustainable development of land from the theory standpoint. The research methods in the essay are as follow: based on scientific concept of development, author

14、 collected relevant theory source materials and data by literature searching, data and comparative analysis, essentials of statistics analysis, empirical analysis and so on. Pursuant to our countrys fact of land resource, the author worked the concept of sustainable development through the whole res

15、earch of land resource use, guided by theory of man-land harmony. Additionally, by drawing on the experience of overseas advanced theories in sustainable use of land, the essay successfully concludes the theory of land sustainable use from two aspects: the quantity and quality of sustain in use of l

16、and. For realizing the sustainable use of land, it constructs an analysis system. Key words: Land Resources man-land relationship theory for man-land harmony Sustainable development 独创性声明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。据我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果, 也不包含为获得 成都理工大学 或其他教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。 与我一同工作的人员对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示谢意。 学位论文作者签名: 年 月 日 学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解 成都理工大学 有关保留、 使用学位论文的规定,有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和磁盘, 允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人


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