视听说 culture 单词

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《视听说 culture 单词》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《视听说 culture 单词(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Words:Unit 7 lesson A1.anthropologist n. a social scientist who specializes in the study of humankind. 人类学者2. sloping adj. 斜的3. scar n. a mark left on the skin where a wound or burn has not healed quite completely. 伤疤4. tattoo v. mark with an indelible design by inserting pigment into punctures in t

2、he skin. 文身5. rouge n. a red powder or cream used as a cosmetic for colouring the cheeks or lips. 口红6. dispose of sth. v. get rid of sth. 除掉7. clay n. 粘土 陶土8. expose v. uncover, make sth visible.9. the Flathead Indian 扁头印第安人10. the Parsee 帕西人Lesson B1. assumption n. thing accepted as true ,but not p

3、roved 假定2. competent adj. capable, having sufficient skill, knowledge,etc 有能力的3. symptom n. sign of the existence of sth. bad 症状 ,征兆4. fatigue n.great tiredness,usually from hard work or exercise. 5. irritability n. a disposition to exhibit unconfolled anger. 易怒,烦躁6. deliberately adv. on purpose7. d

4、eceive v. to cause someone to believe an untruth. 欺骗8. perceive v. to become aware of sth. through the senses ,esp. the sight9. flexibility n. the property of being flexible; easily bent or shaped 柔韧10. impair v. to reduce or weaken in strength, quality ,etc 削弱 减少lesson c1. chant n. a repeated rhyth

5、mic phrase, typically one shouted or sung in chorus by a crowd 歌 ,单调的歌2. bellicose adj. warlike ; aggressive; ready to fight 好战的,好斗的3. the Maritime Museum 海事领事馆4. originals n. 原物5. replica n. a copy that is not the original 复制品6. profound adj. having or showing great knowledge or insight7. authentic

6、 adj. based on facts ;accurate or reliable 可信的8. HANGI 毛利人的典型食品9. conviviality n. a merry festivity 欢宴unit 8 culture1. admiral n. 海军上将 2. Thames n. 泰晤士河3. controversial adj. arousing a debate ,discussion of opposing opinions 争论的4. imprison vt. To put in prison5. waxwork n. an object reproduced in wa

7、x 蜡制品6. entertainer n. someone who puts on a show for the entertainment or enjoyment of others 职业歌手,专业演员7. criminal n. a person who is guilty of breaking the law8. royalty n. the rank, status .power or authority of a monarch 王的特权,王权lesson B1. available adj. obtainable accessible ; capable of being m

8、ade use of 2. pint 品脱3. alcohol n. 酒精 ,酒4. lemonade n. a drink made from lemon juice,sugar, ahd water 柠檬汽水5. round n. 喝酒的一巡6. whiskey n. a spirit made by distilling fermented cereals, which is matured and often blended 7. gin n. an alcoholic drink 杜松子酒8. vodka n. an alcohonic drink originating in Ru

9、ssia 伏特加酒lesson C1. expedition n. an organized journey or voyage for a specific purpose, esp. for exploration or a scientific or military purpose2. frustrated adj. having feelings of dissatisfaction or lack of fufilment 3. rebel vi. To resist or rise up against a government or other authority, esp. by force of arms 4. identity n. the individual characteristics by which a person or thing is recognized5. accomplish vt. To manage to do ; achieve; complete6. spice n. 香料,调味品7. pivotal adj. being of crucial importance ;central


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