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1、河北师范大学硕士学位论文我国地方职业教育立法比较研究姓名:翟焰魂申请学位级别:硕士专业:职业技术教育学指导教师:孙志河20100609III摘 要 地方职业教育立法是国家职业教育立法体系的一个重要组成部分,对于国家职业教育立法和职业教育法制建设有着至关重要的作用。特别是我国是一个幅员辽阔的国家,由于各种原因,各地经济、教育、文化发展很不平衡,因而职业教育地方立法更是在某种程度上成为我国职业教育法治建设进程的一支重要推动力量。笔者用比较的视角关注地方职业教育立法,比较中见异同、比较中见优劣、比较中显规律、比较中显创新,通过我国职业教育地方立法比较研究,对修订和完善职业教育地方立法和职业教育法 ,

2、推动地方职业教育健康有序发展具有重要的现实意义。 论文选取了不同的角度对我国地方职业教育立法,重点对河北省、上海市、安徽省、重庆市等省市进行了比较研究。一是对地方职业教育立法时的社会经济发展状况进行了比较,得出了地方社会经济发展状况决定了地方职业教育立法基础的结论;二是对地方职业教育立法的立法机构、立法名称、立法结构进行了比较,了解了地方职业教育立法的层次和主要立法技术;三是对地方职业教育立法的内容,从总则、职业教育体系和职业教育办学主体、职业教育经费保障、教育与教学到职业教育的法律责任等方面进行了比较,突出总结了各省市在地方职业教育法规中根据不同省情、市情制定的指导本地职业教育发展的有针对性

3、和可操作性的具体条款和立法初衷,即各地的职业教育立法“亮点” 。 通过地方职业教育立法不同角度的比较,文章归纳了职业教育地方立法的基本依据、基本原则和基本经验,并指出了地方职业教育立法的主要问题,提出了修订和完善职业教育地方立法的对策建议。 一是地方职业教育立法依据是宪法 ,以及教育法 、 劳动法 、 职业教育法等职业教育法律和国家制定的一系列职业教育行政法规。 二是地方职业教育立法应当坚持“三个必须”的基本原则,即必须与地方经济发展相结合;必须遵循职业教育发展的基本规律;必须贯彻落实职业教育法等法律法规的有关要求。 三是地方职业教育立法基本经验,即地方职业教育立法与地方职业教育发展互相促进;

4、要根据地方社会经济发展要求不断完善地方职业教育立法;要将地方职业教育的成IV功经验、职业教育政策固定为地方职业教育法规的内容;要将职业教育研究的成果转化为地方职业教育法规的内容;要针对地方职业教育出现的问题提出解决办法;借鉴外省市职业教育立法的成功经验。 四是地方职业教育的主要问题是提倡性、号召性条款较多,实质性、具体性条款较少;照抄职业教育法和及其他上位法、照搬外省条款的较多,自主创新、有特色的较少;没有突出体现地方社会经济发展的特点;体力上追求“大而全” 、 “小而全”的多,需要几条就制定几条的少;地方职业教育的发展普遍依靠职业教育政策来推动,地方政府颁布的职业教育规章较少。 五是完善地方

5、职业教育立法的对策首先阐述了完善修订的途径和方法,其次提出了要明确职业教育体制和运行机制、充实职业教育体系有关内容、实现地方职业教育资源共享、强化“双师型”职业教育师资队伍建设、调整专业整体布局、规范职业准入、加大中等职业教育免费力度,增加职业教育的违法处罚条款等方面重点修改和完善地方职业教育立法。 关键词:职业教育 地方 立法 比较 VAbstract Local vocational education legislation is an important part of the national vocational education legislative system, it h

6、as a vital role for the national vocational education legislation and the vocational education legal system. In particular, China is a vast country, the economy, education and cultural development are very uneven due to various reasons, so to some extent, the local vocational education legislation b

7、ecomes an important promotion strength for building the vocational education rule of law. I concerned about the local vocational education legislation, saw the similarities and differences, the pros and cons, the explicit rules and the remarkable innovation from the comparative perspective. It has i

8、mportant practical significance for revising and improving the vocational education in local legislation and “Vocational Education Law“, and for promoting the healthy and orderly development of local vocational education. The Paper compared local vocational education legislation, with emphasis on He

9、bei, Shanghai, Anhui, Chongqing and other cities from different perspective. First, the social and economic development while the local vocational education legislated were compared to arrive at the decision that the local socio- economic development was the basis of the local vocational education e

10、gislative; second, the legislative bodies, legislative title and legislative structure of the local vocational education legislation were compared to understand the level and major legislative technologies of local vocational education legislation; third, the contents of vocational education legisla

11、tion were compared from the general principles, the system, school principal and funding, education and teaching to the legal responsibilities of vocational education, highlighted summarized the operability targeted specific provisions and legislative mind, which were established according to differ

12、ent situation in the province, city to guid the development of local vocational education, viz. the “bright spot“ of the throughout vocational education legislation. Through the comparison from different aspects, the article summarized the fundamental basis, basic principles and basic experience, po

13、inted out the main issue of local vocational education legislation, raised suggestions about how to revise and improve the local vocational education legislation. First, the legislative bases of local vocational education are “the Constitution“ and “Education Law“, “Labor Law“, “Vocational Education

14、 Law“ and other vocational education VIlaw, and a series of national vocational education laws and regulations. Second, the local vocational education legislation should adhere to the fundamental principle of “three must be“, namely, must be combined with local economic development; must follow the

15、basic rules of the development of vocational education; must implement the relevant requirements of the “Vocational Education Law“ and other laws and regulations. Third, the basic experiences of the local vocational education legislation are that the local vocational education legislation and local

16、vocational education development should promote each other; should continuously improve local vocational education legislation according to the demands of local socio- economic development; should fix the successful experiences of local vocational education and vocational education policy as the content of local vocational education laws and regulations; should transform the results of vocational education research into the content of local vocational education laws and regula



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