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1、成都理工大学硕士学位论文多参数流体识别方法及应用研究姓名:江伟申请学位级别:硕士专业:固体地球物理指导教师:李录明20100501摘 要 I 多参数流体识别方法及应用研究多参数流体识别方法及应用研究多参数流体识别方法及应用研究多参数流体识别方法及应用研究 作者简介: 江伟, 男, 1983 年 7 月生, 师从成都理工大学李录明教授, 2010年 6 月毕业于成都理工大学固体地球物理专业,获得理学硕士学位。 摘摘摘摘 要要要要 目前,随着 AVO 理论的不断完善和发展,特别是叠前同步三参数(纵波速度、横波速度、密度)反演技术的成熟,可以由三参数剖面通过岩石物理关系式直接获得其它的流体属性参数,

2、流体参数集种类繁多,对流体的可识别性也不一样,因此很难根据实际情况选择合适的流体属性参数。因此很有必要开展基于多参数流体识别技术的系统研究。 本文主要在岩石物理理论分析的基础上,研究了岩石在含有不同流体时属性集参数的变化特征。针对众多参数在不同介质中表现出的特点,参照定量交会法选择对目的层较高敏感参数,再利用交会图法验证、分析参数敏感性。最后研究了基于 BP 神经网络流体识别方法,利用 Castagna 和 Smith 模型比较、分析敏感性参数识别效果。 岩石物理理论是联系油藏特性参数与地震数据的桥梁,也是地球物理资料的正反演计算和流体识别综合解释所必须的。本文介绍了岩石物理理论的基础知识以及

3、弹性参数的影响因素,分别介绍了两种常用的双相介质与岩石物理有关的基础理论公式,研究了密度、纵横波速度随流体饱和度的变化,并且比较了不同公式在不同流体、饱和度和孔隙度中流体性质的差异。 针对目前地震资料处理中提取的参数较多,参数的权重和作用变化较大等问题,参照一种定量交会技术选择敏感性参数,再利用交会图法比较、验证参数敏感度,避免低敏感性参数参与预测而引起多解性和不确定性,完善多参数分析及应用技术。 研究基于 BP 神经网络模式识别技术,利用文章前期选择好的敏感性参数,作为网络输入,比较、分析敏感性参数作为输入集优越性。建立敏感参数与各储层信息之间的联系,从而进行储层的横向预测。 成都理工大学硕

4、士学位论文 II 最后,在理论研究和分析的基础上,紧密联系油田生产实践,以国内某地区实际井资料为研究实例,利用交会图法验证、识别储层流体类型,并用神经网络技术对未知储层流体进行识别及预测。 关键词:双相介质 交会图法 神经网络 流体识别 Abstract III Multi-parameter fluid identification and applied resarch Introduction of the author: JiangWei, male, was born in July, 1983 whose tutor was Professor LiLuming . He grad

5、uated from Chengdu University of Technology in Solid Geo-physics major and was granted the Master Degree in June, 2010 Abstract Now, with the AVO theory continuously improvementd and developmentd, particularly pre-stack synchronical three-parameter (velocity, shear velocity, density) inversion is ma

6、tured. So we can access to other set of members directly through the three-parameter cut plane and physical relationship of rock fluid properties , because of a wide range of fluid parameters set, the fluid is indfferent, as it was difficult to choose the right according to the actual fluid property

7、 set members. Therefore it is necessary to carry out multi-parameter fluid identification reserch. The article have studied the variation of rock in different fluid properties which based on the analysis of physical rock theory.For a number of parameters shown in the different characteristics of flu

8、id,we select the target layer parameters of high sensitivity followed the method of quantitative intersection , and take advantage of cross plots to analysis the sensitivity of parameter. Finally, research on fluid identifition based on BP neural network method, we use Castagna and Smith model compa

9、rison model to analysis the sensitivity of parameter. Using the actual logging data to verify multi-parameter identification results in the fluid ,then we can obtin the superiority of multi-parameter fluid identification. Petrophysical is a bridge which is linked between parameters of reservoir perf

10、ormance and seismic data, and geophysical data is necessary for inversion calculated and integrated interpretation of fluid identification. It will not only provide the knowledge based for the inversion and the necessary data, but also can reduce the uncertainty of seismic interpretation. The articl

11、e describes the basics of rock physics and the theory of elastic parameters of impact factors, futher more introduced the two-phase medium theory and study the density and the shear wave velocity changed with the fluid saturation, and we predicted the fluid properties of difference in the different

12、theories in different fluid saturation and porosity. For the various parameters in Seismic data processing and the parameters weight changing currently, we reference to a kind of quantitative technical to Select the 成都理工大学硕士学位论文 IV sensitive parameters. Then we use the corss-plot to compare and veri

13、fy the sensitivity of parameters. What we do is to avoid multi parameters forecasting involved in ambiguity and uncertainty that improve the multi-parameter analysis and application of technology. Research is based on BP neural network pattern recognition technology, we take advantage of sensitive p

14、arameters which we chose before, as net input, comparison,analysis of sensitivity parameters as input set of advantages. Then we establish the link between the reservoir of information to sensitive patameters, and predict the reservoir of the horizontal. At last, after the theoretical researching an

15、d analysising, we contact with oil field production and practices closely. We take use of a certain area of domestic well data for the case studying, using cross plots to verify and identify the reservoir fluid type ,and then we use neural network to identify and predict the unknown reservoir fluid.

16、 Keywords: two-phase media coross plot fluid identification neural network 独创性声明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。据我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果, 也不包含为获得 成都理工大学 或其他教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。 与我一同工作的人员对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示谢意。 学位论文作者签名: 年 月 日 学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解 成都理工大学 有关保留、 使用学位论文的规定,有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和磁盘, 允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权 成都理工大学 可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、汇编学位论文。 (保密的学位论文在解密后适用本授权书) 学位论文作者签名: 学位论文作者导师签



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