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1、小作文及口试(BEC 高级).txt54 就让昨日成流水,就让往事随风飞,今日的杯中别再盛着昨 日的残痕;唯有珍惜现在,才能收获明天。小作文常用表达收集 A 上升趋势To increase/an increase to go up to grow/a growth to jump/a jump To leap/a leap 急速上升to reach a peak/a peak to soar/a soar to rise/a rise to upsurge/an upsurge 上升ascend summit surge surpass 超过recover/make a recovery pi

2、ck up show a upward trend/movement reach a high of peak(作动词)B 下降趋势To collapse/a collapse To decline/a decline To fall/a fall To go down To reach a low point/a low point To reduce/a reduction Decline On the decrease descend drop reduce plummet v. 直线下降 plunge 下降C 波动趋势Steep Volatile Fluctuate/fluctuati

3、onD 停留Hover reach a plateau 上升后达到稳定 flatten out 上升后打平remain steadyE 程度With a ratio/percent of Rise by x%a. 程度较大a great deal/big/a lot apparent/apparently 明显的clear/clearly considerable/considerably important/importantly 明显的 dramatic/dramatically 剧烈的great/greatly drastic/drastically 强烈的 marked/markedl

4、y 显著的obvious/obviously rapid/rapidly remarkable/remarkably sharp/sharply significant/significantly strong/strongly sudden/suddenly pronounced 显著的 evident 明显的 considerable 相当大的 steep 险峻的,陡峭的 noteworthy 值得注意的 staggering 惊人的 prominent 突出的b. 程度较小Fractional/fractionally Gentle/gently Gradual/gradually Ha

5、rdly Slight/slightly Gradual 逐渐的 Moderately 适度地,略微地c. 平稳状态To be hardly changedTo have little change To keep steady To level off/out/with/on a level with To remain constant To remain unchangedF 比较 a.相同点Both Neither Like X, Y just as as As well as The same is true Similarly Likewise b.不同点Whereas While

6、 Compared to Unlike X, Y Far more dramatically Compare favourably with Although Despite In spite of However Conversely Respectively 分别地,各自地_ _整理一些北大培训班的内部资料供大家参考,人工录入的哦。 。 。 。口试应试技巧:第一部分 Interview (一)放松心态,轻松应战,给考官留下良好的第一印象,同时适应考官和搭档的语音和语 速。 (二)放松的同时仍然应当集中注意力,听清楚考官的提问,避免答非所问。万一没有听清, 应当像平常一样,请求考官重复问题。

7、(三)回答应该用完整的句子,同时附加一些简单的补充和扩展。此外还要注意掌握节奏, 目光与考官保持自然接触,中间可以有意加入一些拖延时间的语气词。如“Um“, “Well“, “in fact“, “actually“, “Let mesee“等等,既表达自己在进行紧张的思考,又是一种合理 的衔接。第二部分 Mini-Presentation 据统计,一个人在正常语速下,一般一分钟可以说 100-120 个单词,相当于 10 个中等长度 的句子。 (一)演讲 1、建议采用”1-3-3-3-1“模式组织演讲既靠头一个总起句,结尾一个小结句(这个可有可 无) ,中间三个分论点。通过这种结构组织起来的

8、演讲,思路清晰、就诶够完整,比重均衡, 重点突出,与商务环境相近,可以给考官留下非常好的印象。发言时间可以灵活掌握,考官 不会太为难考生。同样论点也可灵活运用。能说的则多说。 2、充分合理利用一分钟的准备时间。首先立刻以最快的速度阅读完三个备选话题,尽快选 定一个自己最熟悉、最有把握的问题作为眼睛爱你个主题,开始准备,这个过程不超过 10 秒钟。余下的 50 秒时间内,考生应当集中精力构化演讲的提纲,快速记录下想到的关键单 词和词组。注意用英语思考和记录,这样不仅节省时间,还相当于打了一遍腹稿。 (二)提问 1、细节扩展法:考生听到演讲中的某个句子或关键词组可以详细展开,可以使用 what,h

9、ow 等词构造特殊疑问句,向对方提问。 2、个人意见法:借助一般疑问句,通过”Do you think/suppose/etc. that.?“ 来询问 对方,简介表达自己的意见。这种方法提问内容只要和搭档的演讲主题相关即可,可以弥补 信息不足的遗憾。 (三)回答:简明扼要,二至四句中等长度的句子就够了,以防言多必失。第三部分 Collaborative Task (一)看清问题,紧扣主题,合理分配时间。注意提示中的问题,不要偏题。 (二)和搭档注意配合,切忌“一边倒” 。搭档如果口若悬河,果断地打断他。相反,搭档 很少接口时,不能故意竭力表现自己,而应当运用一些疑问句来启发、引导他参与到讨论

10、中 来。 (三)合理利用准备时间。 (四)常用句型 1、开始话题Lets start with. Shall we begin with. So, the first item on the agenda is. Linda, would you like to kick off?2、结束某个话题Right, I think that covers the first item. Shall we leave that item? If you dont have anything else to add.3、转移话题Lets move on to the next tiem. The nex

11、t question on the agenda is. Now lets come to the question of .4、打断对方Excuse me, mmay I interrupt? Just a moment, but . Can I say something here? Mark,sorry,.(用姓名开头,是提起对方注意的一种很好的方式。 )Sorry to interrupt, but.5、评价 同意Thats a good point. I agree with you. I cant agree with you more. I see what you mean.

12、Yes,. Thats quite a good idea. Thats absolutely true. 反对I totally dsagree with you. I couldnt agree less. You must be joking!6、询问对方意见What do you think about this? Whats your opinion on this? Have you considered. I havent heard your opinion about.7、表达自己的观点I think/feel/believe that. You mentioned that

13、 .,but from my point of view. In my opinion, we should . Id like to point out. Let me emphasize. My view is that . Just let me finish.8、评论Thats a good idea/an excellent idea. Thats very interesting. Im sure wed all agree with that. Thats a very good point / an important point.9、要求对方澄清观点I dont see wh

14、at yourre getting at. Im not sure what your mean. Im not sure what you are saying. Its not clear what your mean.10、避免跑题We are missing the point. Were getting off the point. Lets get back/bounce back to the main point. Its not on the agenda, but.11、回应Thats marvelous. Thats great. Thats fine. OK. All right. I see you point. I understand your concern.


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