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1、现代大学英语精读现代大学英语精读 3 3 第第 1010 课答案及翻译课答案及翻译Pre-class Work1 ) Give the nouns of the following.(1) conquest (5) block/blockage (9) conversion(2) guffaw (6) restraint (10) inhabitation(3) satire (7) flattery (11) complexity(4) emulation (8) procurement (12) generosity2) Give the verbs of the following.(1

2、) to inquire (4) to store (7) to acclaim(2) to squat (5) to perish (8) to elaborate(3) to sweat (6) to fortifyMore Work on the Text II Vocabulary1.7)From Chinese into English (1)to scratch each otherS backs (9)to inhabit that island(2)to do business with that country (10)tO admire thei_r courage(3)P

3、ublish or perish (11)to neglect oneS duty(4)to found a new religion (12)to escape the consequences(5)to convert RMB into foreign currency (13)to erase it from oneS memory(6)to seek the truth (14)tO take command(7)to discard the old traditions (15)to block oneS way(8)to satirize human vanity(16)to ru

4、in oneS reputation2)From English into Chinese(1)年久失修的防御工事 (8当前的风云人物(2)(美国历史上的)擅自占用土地的人 (9)英雄人物所搭的 I 艋时简陋房子, (10)一种带有历史使命感的神态(3)储物缸 。 (11)看人时如火一般的眼光(4)容易变质的商品 (12)战争引起的恐慌(5)社会习俗 (13)如雨点一般的石头(6)摇摇晃晃,头重脚轻的酒鬼 (14)-b 撮捣乱分子(7)隐士住的山洞2.1)Give synonyms(1)mad (9)to obtain,to get,to acquireI to buy,(2)hardly e

5、nough;little to purchase(4)to live (11)to wipe off (6)to change (13)to keep under control,tO restrict(7)(religious)belief,doctrine,dogma (14)to laugh nervously,to laugh softly,(8)mainly to giggle,to chuckle2) Give antonyms(1)quality (3)true (5)simplicity (7)simply(2)drunk (4)discontented (6)covered

6、(8)cheaply(9) real; natural (10) passing, transitory, short-lived (11) unconventional(12) economy, miserliness, stinginess 3. 1) How do you account for his strange behavior?2) Lets form a circle so that we can see each other when we talk,3) He appointed five people to handle the case,4) She claims t

7、o possess an unusual ability - the ability to cure diseases simply by hermagic hand.5) In the story, this evil spirit often appeared in the form of a pretty lady.6) Where can I get a roll of film?7) He rolled up the painting and said that he wouldnt part with it for anything less thanhalf a million.

8、8) A woman lawyer has been recently appointed to the Supreme Court.9) Poverty alone cannot account for the increase of the crime rate.10) A big stone suddenly rolled down the hill.11) He just rolled his eyes philosophically and smiled.12) Lets roll up our sleeves and start working.13) He hoped that

9、he would be appointed (as) the deputy general manager.14) Just give us a brief account of what actually happened.15) The police found a lot of valuables in his possession which he could not account for.16) Our two countries should never fight again on any account.4.1) returned/escaped.2) has express

10、ed the wish to be a teacher.3) like Geneva best, except of course, Beijing.4) finally decided to be a cook5) join the revolutionary army6) feed our people7) be brought under control8) provide better opportunities for our young people9) make a fool of himself10) make it impossible for me to say no 11

11、) inspire people12) he literally had nothing except the shirt on his back13) she just had to buy it/she finished it that very night14) what15) what5.1) off 4) in 7) over 10) in2) up 5) for, away 8) into 11) out of, into3) round 6) on 9) by 12) On, on, at1) (1) matter (2) affairs (3) matters (4) matt

12、er (5) affairs (6) affairs2) (1) empty (2) bare (3) hollow (4) empty (5) vacant3) (1) convert (2) change/convert(3) convertible (4) converted (5) changed4) (1) laughing (2) smiled (3) grinning (4) tittered/chuckled,guffawed 7.1)这事和我们没有关系,他弄错了抱怨的对象。(to bark 狗叫)2)我们都知道摆脱旧传统很难。(convention 传统习惯)3)这树的皮里含

13、有某种对癌症有疗效的物质。(bark of a tree 树皮)4)共和党大会将在芝加哥召开。(convention 年会)5)他们计划在那里地下深处钻一个洞来埋藏核废料。但是那可能是十分危险的。(to drilla hole 钻个洞)6)语言训练需要大量的练习。但远不止这一方面。(drill 操练)7)他们为他准备了一顿极其丰盛的酒席,希望它能有助于他们弄到那个合同。(anelaborate meal 一顿丰盛的饭)8)我们对这个计划只有一个大致的了解。你能否详细讲讲。(to elaborate on sth 对某问题作进一步的发挥或提供更多的细节)9)在昏暗的房间里,瞳孑 L 就放大,好让

14、更多的光线进入。(pupil瞳孔)10)那男子又高又瘦,两眼目光锐利,鼻子又高又尖。(sharp eyes锐利的眼睛;a sharp nose又高又尖的鼻子)11)她机智敏锐,伶牙利齿。(a sharp wit 十分机智;a sharp tongue 说话尖刻利害)12)那骑车人急转弯,失去了平衡。(a sharp turn 突然的大转弯)13)这些学生当然很年轻,但是他们都很聪明,你别小看他们。(pupils 学生;sharp 聪敏,精明)14)“别再胡说八道了,“她厉声说道。(to say sharply 厉声说,毫不客气地说)15)根据证词,这男孩十点整买的这把锋利的刀。(sha 印 knife 锋利的刀;at 10 sharp 十点整)16)你今天看上去很帅,你哪儿买的这件新夹克?(to look sharp 看上去动人的、时髦的)8.(1) study (3) adjusted (5) uncomfortable (7) overcame (9) so(2) as (4) Due (6) rat


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