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1、一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。 )V 1. The forest fire caused by the volcano is difficult to be_. A. put off B. put away C. put out D. put up满分:4 分 2. It _ him 24 hours to travel from the U.S.A. to China by air. A. cost B. used C. spent D. took满分:4 分 3. John is very capable. You see, although the problem was

2、 very difficult, he_to solve it at last. A. tried B. decided C. promised D. managed满分:4 分 4. There is no _ to the house from the main road. A. access B. avenue C. exposure D. edge满分:4 分 5. Tompson was once summoned to the court of law and accused_.being involved in a murder case. A. with B. on C. of

3、 D. about满分:4 分 6. Mr. Yang, you have _ two lines in the second paragraph while reading. A. rewritten B. missed C. forgot D. left满分:4 分 7. Nobody dared to use this money in other ways, for it is_in “the Hope Project“ by our government. A. committed B. directed C. givenD. pointed满分:4 分 8. What are yo

4、u _ if she asks you to stay? A. doing B. to do C. to be done D. to be doing满分:4 分 9. How we _ a chance to visit your great country! A. looked for B. longed for C. waited for D. went for满分:4 分 10. John is not hard working at all. He has _in all the examinations. A. succeeded B. failed C. falled D. fa

5、inted满分:4 分 11. He _ to his customer and halved the price. A. leaked B. drew C. quoted D. yielded满分:4 分 12. Who is the first man to make a _ across the Atlantic Ocean alone? A. tour B. trip C. voyage D. route满分:4 分 13. The flyover at the crossing on the 4th Ring Road is now _ construction. A. under

6、B. at C. in D. with满分:4 分 14. _ you are blind, you will not miss the astonishing changes taking place in Shanghai. A. Although B. If C. Since D. Unless满分:4 分15. It was in Britain _ he got his Ph.D. A. where B. in which C. that D. there满分:4 分 16. It is not that I do not like plays. The reason why I d

7、id not go to the theater last night was that I could not_the time. A. offer B. leave C. afford D. manage满分:4 分 17. Before 1920s,American women were deprived _ the right to vote to a large extent. A. of B. to C. form D. with满分:4 分 18. The nurse took a(n)_ of my blood for tests. A. sort B. type C. exa

8、mple D. sample满分:4 分 19. Its _ time of year of the corn harvest. That is to say, its _ time for us to get in corn. A. the, the B. the, / C. /, the D. /, /满分:4 分 20. He always _his arms when he is thinking. A. funds B. finds C. fonds D. folds满分:4 分 21. The wind is blowing so hard at present. Thus I _

9、to stay indoors. A. choose B. would rather C. had better D. had满分:4 分 22. If you want to keep your room tidy, you should keep everything _.A. in place B. in the place of C. in their places D. out of place满分:4 分 23. Will all those _.the proposal raise your hands? A. in relation to B. in favor of C. in contrast toD. in excess of (超过)满分:4 分 24. You _ here at 9, but now it is already 10. A. ought to be B. need to be C. ought to have been D. need have been满分:4 分 25. In order to make his speech vivid and powerful, he_a lot of facts. A. prepare B. plan C. organized D. collect满分:4 分


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