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1、江西省英语专升本历年作文真题及参考范文_(2001-2009)六、历年专升本作文真题及参考范文 (2001-2009) 2009 年 Directions: For this part, you are required to write an enquiry (询价) letter. You should write the letter on the basis of the following instructions given in Chinese. Remember to write the letter in the space given on the Composition

2、Sheet.说明:以 HCM 公司销售经理王丽娜的名义写一封询价函。 内容如下: 在法国服装展上见到贵公司展出的时装,这些时装适合中国市场的需求; 请寄来产品目录和最新价目表; 如价格合理,将大量订货。 注意信函格式!May 15th, 2010 Dear Sir or Madam,Im writing to you to show our great interest in your companys clothes which are exhibited on the French Fashion Fair. There is a great of demand in Chinese ma

3、rket. It would be appreciated if you can send us a copy of your catalogue, together with your latest price list. If the prices are competitive and reasonable, we will place a large order(大量订购). Looking forward to hearing from you very soon. Yours sincerely, Wang Lina Sales Manager of HCM Company敬希即复

4、为盼。 (We are) Looking forward to hearing from you very soon. (We are) Looking forward to your prompt reply. Your early reply would be appreciated. It would be appreciated that you pay prompt attention to this matter. We appreciate your early/prompt reply. We look forward to your kind attention and fa

5、vorable reply.2008 年 Directions: For this part you are required to write a poster. You should write the poster on the basis of the following instructions given in Chinese. Remember to write the poster in the space given on the Composition Sheet.说明:为了迎接 2008 年奥运会,你校准备在 7 月 30 日举行大型晚会。各年级 将演出节目。请为你自己班

6、级写一个通告,邀请同学们参加表演。表演的节目 可以是舞蹈、唱歌、短剧、相声。Words of reference: 奥运会 Olympic Games 相声 quick talksPosterIn order to celebrate/greet the 2008 Olympic Games, a great/grand Evening Party will be held on July 30th in our university. Each grade is requested to perform at the party. So wed like to invite everyone

7、 in our class to take part in the performance. Various forms of performance are welcome, including dancing, singing, short drama and quick talks. 2007 年 Directions:For this part you are required to write a letter to a customer. You should write the poster on the basis of the following instructions g

8、iven in Chinese. Remember to write the poster in the space given on the Composition Sheet.假设你的名字是王平,某公司的一名职员;张静是你公司的顾客。用英语写一 篇关于推迟你与张先生约会的短信。 时间:2005 年 6 月 4 日,星期一 内容:1. 你原来与他约好明天上午见面;2. 表示抱歉,你不能同他见面;3. 原因:公司派你去机场接一位来自澳大利亚的客人;4. 你下星期二到星期四有空; 5. 希望他再另约时间。June 4th, 2005 Dear Mr. Zhang, I am terribly s

9、orry to tell you that I cannot meet you tomorrow morning as we arranged before because my company has appointed me to meet a customer from Australia. Shall we fix/make it another time? Im free/ available from Tuesday to Thursday next week. Please forgive me for any inconvenience I have caused.Yours

10、sincerely,Wang Ping 2006 年 Directions: For this part you are required to write a letter to the dean of your English Department. You should write the letter according to the instructions given in Chinese below. Remember to writer the letter on the Composition Sheet.说明:现在的社会对英语的要求很高,可是你们学校的英语教学设施还很不完

11、备,请给你们学校英语系的主任写一封信,要求提供一些课外学习英语的便利 条件。比如:定期播放经典的英语影片,开放语音室等等,以提高大家的学习 兴趣和便于大家的交流。 注意:必须包括对收信人的称谓、写信日期、发信人的签名等基本格式。Words for reference:经典的 classical 语音室 language labJune 3rd, 2006 Dear Mr. Dean,Im writing to you to make some suggestions on English learning in our department. As we all know, the stand

12、ards of good English are becoming higher and higher nowadays, however, English teaching facilities in our department are not satisfying. I was wondering if you could provide us some beneficial after-class/ extra-curricular activities to learn English, such as playing classical English movies regular

13、ly, opening language labs, which will greatly improve our interest of language lab English learning and communication. Thanks for your consideration!Yours sincerely,Li Yong2005 年 Directions: For this part you are required to write a poster entitled Contribution Wanted. You should write the poster on

14、 the basis of the following instructions given in Chinese. Remember to write the poster in the space given on the Composition sheet.征稿启示为了丰富大学生的课余活动,反映校园生活,学生会最近创办了杂志“我们的 校园” 。现特向全校同学征稿。征稿内容为大学生活的方方面面,稿件形式不限, 字数不超过 2000 字。本期特别开辟一个专栏,刊登帮组新同学熟悉学校生活的 文章。稿件截止时间为 2005 年 9 月 20 日,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。 稿件请寄:创新大学学生会“我们

15、的校园”编辑部收Words of reference: 稿件 manuscript; 期 issue;专栏 special column Contribution WantedIn order to enrich extra-curriculum/ after-class activities and reflect our college life, a magazine entitled (named) Our Campus is recently opened by the Students Union. It wants your contribution now. A special

16、 column, which focuses on helping the freshmen get familiar with college life/freshmen orientation, will be opened. Any form of manuscripts with no more than 2,000 words is welcome as long as it reflects college life. Pay attention to the deadline: September 20th, 2005. Please address to: Edition Department of Our Campus, the Students Union, Chuangxin University. 2004 年 Directions: In this


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