湖南省2018年中考英语总复习人教新目标版同步:第1篇 教材过关 八上 第6课时 Units1-3 课时训练

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湖南省2018年中考英语总复习人教新目标版同步:第1篇 教材过关 八上 第6课时 Units1-3 课时训练_第1页
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湖南省2018年中考英语总复习人教新目标版同步:第1篇 教材过关 八上 第6课时 Units1-3 课时训练_第2页
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湖南省2018年中考英语总复习人教新目标版同步:第1篇 教材过关 八上 第6课时 Units1-3 课时训练_第3页
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湖南省2018年中考英语总复习人教新目标版同步:第1篇 教材过关 八上 第6课时 Units1-3 课时训练_第4页
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湖南省2018年中考英语总复习人教新目标版同步:第1篇 教材过关 八上 第6课时 Units1-3 课时训练_第5页
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《湖南省2018年中考英语总复习人教新目标版同步:第1篇 教材过关 八上 第6课时 Units1-3 课时训练》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《湖南省2018年中考英语总复习人教新目标版同步:第1篇 教材过关 八上 第6课时 Units1-3 课时训练(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、WtuWgifWtuWgif1课时训练课时训练(6)(6)限时:30 分钟.单项选择( )1 1.2017渝北改编 Although they feel tired, _ they still go on working.Aand Bbut C/( )2 2.2017广安改编_ nice weather! Lets go swimming in our swimming pool.Good idea!AWhat a BHow CWhat( )3 3.2017云南改编Jack, how was your summer vacation?Just soso, I decided to go _ f

2、or my next vacation.Asomething wonderfulBwonderful somewhereCsomewhere wonderful( )4 4.2017上海改编 Alex believes he will soon be able to play chess as _ as the computer.Awell Bbetter Cthe best( )5 5.2017德阳改编 I didnt read _ interesting in todays newspaper.Asomething Bnothing Canything( )6 6.2017德阳改编 My

3、mother is hardworking. _ she does for my family, _ she feels.AMore; happier BThe much; the happyCThe more; the happierWtuWgifWtuWgif2( )7 7.2017丹东改编The weather is too bad!So it is. Its reported that it will be even _ later on.Abad Bworst Cworse( )8 8.2017沈阳 We had fun and learnt _ new as well. We ha

4、d a good time.Asomething Banything Cnothing( )9 9.2017长春改编 Nothing is _ than keeping trying if you want to achieve your dream.Avery important Bmore importantCthe most important( )1010.2018原创How was the football game last week?Bad luck! We _ them in the last game and _ the second prize.Abeat; won Bwe

5、re beaten by; wonCwon; beat.完形填空2017淮安改编 “Today I will give you a special test, ” said the English teacher with a smile on his face.All the students sat up straight and _11_ for the test to begin. The teacher began to _12_ the test papers to all the students. _13_ he finished handing out the test pa

6、pers, he asked them to begin.The students were very _14_ to see that there was not a question but a black dot(圆点) in the center of the paper. The teacher _15_ the students surprise and said, “I want you to _16_ about what you see there.”At the end of the class, the teacher took all the students answ

7、er sheets(答题纸) and read the answers. All of them described the black dot. After reading all the answers, the teacher said, “Here everyone only paid attention to the black dot, but no one wrote about the white paper.” The whole class listened _17_, because they were afraid to fail in the exam.Then th

8、e teacher said, “Dont worry about your _18_ for this test. I WtuWgifWtuWgif3just want you to think about our life. The white paper is like our whole life and the black dot in the center of the paper stands for problems in our daily life.”Our life is a _19_ given to us by God(上帝), with love and care.

9、 Still, we just pay attention to the problems like illnesses and poverty(贫穷), and never see that these problems are very _20_ compared to everything else we have in our life.So we should try to take our eye off our problems and enjoy each moment life gives us.( )1111.A.searched Blooked Cwaited( )121

10、2.A.email Bsell Cgive( )1313.A.After BBefore CUntil( )1414.A.happy Bsurprised Cexcited( )1515.A.forgot Bremembered Cnoticed( )1616.A.talk Bwrite Chear( )1717.A.silently Bangrily Chappily( )1818.A.presents Bmarks Csuggestions( )1919.A.problem Bgift Cmoment( )2020.A.serious Bbig Csmall.阅读图表2017湘潭WtuWg

11、ifWtuWgif4注:venue 集合地点 registration 注册( )2121.When will the walk begin?AAt 10:00 am. BAt 10:30 am.CAt 11:00 am.( )2222.From this text, we know that _Athe walk is 5 kilometers Bthe walk lasts for a monthCchildren dont need to pay.阅读回答问题A A Smile,Smile, byby Choice!Choice!“I want this report before Su

12、nday! Your deadline!” Robin, my boss, shouted at me as usual. On a Friday evening, that meant my weekend plan would be destroyed. “Sir, I may need some more time. I will try my best for earlier, but Tuesday for sure, sir.” Though it was useless, I tried to express my unwillingness to work on the wee

13、kend.I was disappointed and upset. I came to my desk, but I couldnt go on with my work. I decided to leave for the day and come early to work on Saturday WtuWgifWtuWgif5morning. What was worse, I couldnt get my car going. So I decided to take a taxi. As I got close to the road, I became more disappo

14、inted. It was raining heavily. I ran to take cover under a tree. Getting wet was adding to my unhappiness big time. Why always me? I could not stop pitying myself. I had no reason to smile or be happy.While I was waiting, I saw a little girl in a dirty and dusty shirt under a tiny roof(屋檐) nearby. H

15、er hair looked untidy. She was playing with a puppy on her lap. Puppy was a street dog just like the girl. Both of them appeared happy with each other. The girl took out a piece of bread from her bag. She held the breads corner in her mouth inviting the dog to catch the bread. When the dog managed to get the bread, the girl laughed and hugged the puppy tight. Her laughter was carefree. I had not realized; my eyes were moist(湿润的) with tears.I had not thought about my office, my disappointm


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