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1、“窈窕淑女窈窕淑女”减肥咖啡简介减肥咖啡简介香浓美味,又能减肥瘦身在时尚高雅的享受中让你的身材变得窈窕动人,你可曾想过有这等好事?有的,现在已经有了,这就是“窈窕淑女”减肥咖啡对美人的承诺。近年来,欧美一带盛行喝咖啡减肥瘦身,一种名为“窈窕淑女“的减肥瘦身咖啡最受欢迎;它透过“双向双效减肥(拒绝多余脂肪进入细胞,消除细胞内的脂肪)原理来燃烧体内多余的脂肪,同时自然调节人体对食欲的要求,既安全又不会令体重反弹。如果你已经试过无数减肥方法仍未能减至理想效果,我们推荐你不妨尝试喝“窈窕淑女“减肥瘦身咖啡,让自己在时尚美好的生活中“饮”出一副窈窕的好身材。 能饮出好身材的咖啡,并非一般咖啡那么简单,咖

2、啡只是一种载体,它配合了多种特别成分经科学调配炼制成适当的比率,从而达到减肥瘦身效果。 “窈窕淑女”减肥瘦身咖啡就属于这类咖啡。“窈窕淑女窈窕淑女”减肥咖啡特点减肥咖啡特点 :一、 既有强效的减肥效果,又完全保持了咖啡的原汁原味;二、 健康、安全。无“药”理副作用;三、双向性减肥(拒绝多余脂肪进入细胞,消除细胞内的脂肪) 。四、生物技术;生物技术使原本的产品物质在人体内转变成活性物质,其减肥功效大大加强。五、本品全部采用绿色植物作原料;其中HCA就是一种从俗称“瘦身果”的水果中提取的具有消脂效果的的原料。“窈窕淑女”减肥咖啡瘦身原理 :“窈窕淑女”减肥瘦身咖啡的功效在于阻止体内脂肪生成,促进体

3、内脂肪燃烧,降低血脂,增加能量水平,有效调节食量,促进体重的减少。 通常在我们进食时,碳水化合物从食物中被转化成葡萄糖,进而转化成血糖来维持我们日常的能量。然而当我们摄入的能量超过体内所需时,人体吸收的碳水化合物会被分解为柠檬酸盐的混合物,该混合物接着被柠檬酸裂解酶(citrate lyase)催化生成乙酰辅酶A (acetyl CoA) (脂肪合成的关键中间体) ; “窈窕淑女”减肥咖啡通过抑制细胞中柠檬酸裂解酶(citrate lyase)的活性和阻断乙酰辅酶A(acetyl-CoA)形成,脂肪的合成就得到抑制并促进脂肪酸的燃烧。另外,多余的碳水化合物在“窈窕淑女”减肥咖啡的作用下无法转变

4、为脂肪,它们将以糖元的形式贮存在肝脏中,通过人体的运动被燃烧掉(氧化) 。“窈窕淑女”减肥咖啡在人体内部减肥瘦身的整个生理化学过程,就这样呈现在消费者的面前了,我们向消费者解释这个原理,目的是让消费者在应用我们产品的同时,树立一个健康、科学的理性减肥瘦身观,从而达到正确、健康减肥瘦身的目的。“窈窕淑女窈窕淑女”减肥咖啡饮法减肥咖啡饮法【分量】:每盒14包、每包13G、【饮量】:每天饮用 2-3 小包,分 2-3 次饮用,每包冲水 100-150ML,最恰当是餐前半时前饮用,更有助加速新陈代谢,减低食欲及诱发“生热”作用。 取热饮、冻饮均可、也建议下午茶及其它时间冲饮。Brief Introdu

5、ction to Fair Lady Slimming CoffeeEnjoy the flavorsome taste, and achieve the slimming effect at the same time you can shape a good figure and become attractive while enjoying fashion and elegant. Have you ever thought of such a good deal? Yes, it is possible, and it is the commitment of Fair Lady s

6、limming coffee to beautiful ladies.In recent years, the practice of slimming by drink coffee is popular in the European and American area. Amongst, one kind of slimming coffee called Fair Lady are the most populated. It can burn the excessive internal fat through the induced heat production theory a

7、nd can naturally regulate the human appetite, which is safe and will not cause weight rebound. If you have tried countless slimming method and have not achieve the ideal slimming effect, we recommend you to have the Fair Lady slimming coffee, in this case, you can gain a good figure while enjoying t

8、he fashionable and beautiful life.Coffee that can result in good figure is not simply a common coffee. The coffee is only a carrier, it combines various special ingredients, which is formulated scientifically in appropriate ratio, and can product the induced heat production effect, and achieve the s

9、limming result. The Fair Lady slimming coffee is such kind of coffee.Feature of Fair Lady Slimming Coffee.This product has five features:I.Provide slimming effect, as well as maintain the original coffee taste;II.Healthy and safe. No pharmacological side effect;III. Two-way slimming (inhibit excessi

10、ve fat entering the cells, as well as eliminate intracellular fat). Biological technology: The biological technology enables the original product substance to transform into active substance in human body, and greatly enhance the slimming efficacy.V.This product completely adopts green plants as its

11、 raw material, in which, HCA is a kind of fat-diminishing raw material extracted from the so-called Slimming FruitSlimming Theory of the Fair Lady Slimming CoffeeThe efficacy of the Fair Lady slimming coffee is: to inhibit the internal fat generation, promote internal fat burning, reduce the blood f

12、at, increase the energy level, effectively regulate the appetite and promote the body weight reducing.Normally when we take meals, the carbohydrates in the food are transformed into glucose, and then to blood sugar, which maintains our daily energy. When our energy intake exceed the body require, th

13、e carbohydrates absorbed by the body would decompose into citrate mixture, and the mixture will be catalyzed by the citrate lyase and form into acetyl- CoA (the key intermediate for fat synthesis). Fair Lady slimming coffee inhibit the activity of the citrate lyase in the cells, interdict the format

14、ion of acetyl-CoA, and thus inhibit the fat synthesis and promote the burning of fat acid. Moreover, under the effect of the Fair Lady slimming coffee, the excessive carbohydrates cannot transform into fat, instead, they would store in the liver in the form of glycogen, and would be burnt (oxidized)

15、 through human movement.Now, the complete slimming physiological process of the Fair Lady slimming coffee in the human body has been fully demonstrated to all customer. The purpose that we explain this theory to the customer is to ensure that the consumer can establish a healthy, scientific and rati

16、onal slimming concept when using our product, and thus achieve the slimming goal in a correct and healthy way.Administration of the Fair Lady slimming coffee【Quantity】: 14bags each box, 13G each bag【Dosage】: Drink 2 to 3 small bags daily, and take in 2 or 3 separate time. Infuse 100-150 ml water into one bag. Preferably drink half an hour before each meal, which can help accelerating metabolism, reducing appetite and inducing t


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